Terminology Flashcards
VB terminology
a served ball which leads directly to a point being scored (usually when the serve hits the floor untouched).
returning the ball into the opponent’s court by jumping into the air and hitting the ball from a height above the level of the net.
a type of set in which the ball is set to a position behind the setter.
Ball Handling
the performance of any of the passing or setting fundamentais.
an attempt by one or more players to intercept the ball as it approaches or passes over the net.
strategy and tactic used by a team when the opponents control the action of the ball.
the technique used to pass the ball after an opponent’s attack.
Dink or Tip
a soft, easy attack used to place the ball in an open area of the opponent’s court, i.e. Behind or to the side of the block.
a technique used on defense to recover a ball by extending one’s body in a prone position to the floor playing the ball with one or both forearms or fists.
a surprise tip over the net by the setter on the second contact.
Federation Internationale de Volleyball
a served ball that has little or no spin and follows an erratic path as it crosses the net.
Forearm Pass
a method of passing the ball in which the ball is played off the forearms in an underhand manner.
a ball which has been hit over the net with an upward flight allowing the opponent an easy play of the ball.
Jump Set
a technique in which the setter jumps into the air to set the ball to save a misplaced pass or to confuse the block.
Libero Player
a specialized defensive player who can only play the back row. This player doesn’t serve and doesn’t count in the number of substitutions allowed per game.
the winning of three out of five games (or two out of three games in certain situations, tournaments).
Middle Blocker
the designation given to a specialist player who switches to the middle front position to block all plays at the net.
strategy and tactics used by the team controlling the ball, including serving, serve reception, setting, and attacking.
One-set or Quickset
an extremely low set, straight up above the net, which is quickly hit by the spiker as it leaves the setter’s hand.
Out of Position
an illegal play in which a player is not in the correct rotation order on the court at the time of the serve.
Overhead pass
a method of passing the ball in which the fingertips of both hands are used to contact the ball in front of the face to pass the ball in the direction the player is facing.
the controlled movement of the ball between teammates.
play of the ball between the service and awarding of point or side-out. Also, the new method of scoring.
the movement of player’s one position clockwise when a side-out is called on the opponent to prepare for the serve.
an illegal play in which one or more players on the serving team block the view of the server from the players of the opposing team.
a pass made either overhand or underhand to place the ball in position for a teammate to spike.
the designation given to a specialist who has been selected as the primary person to set the ball to the spikers.
an attack in which the ball is hit sharply and forcibly downward with one hand.
the planned offensive and defensive techniques used by a team to take advantage of the talents of individual players and thereby defeat the opponent.
Tip or Dink
a soft, easy attack used to place the ball in an open area of the opponent’s court, Behind or to the side of the block.
a planned interchange of positions on the court for offensive or defensive purposes. Movement of the players to another position must occur after the ball is contacted by the server.
a technique in which over spin or forward spin is placed on the ball usually during a serve or spike.
Underhand Serve
a serve in which the ball is given a slight under-hand toss from about waist high and then struck with the opposite closed fist in an “underhand pitching” motion.
Yellow Card
a warning from an official indicated by the display of a yellow card.
- two yellow cards in a match is disqualified
- single yellow card does not result in loss of point or serve