Terminology Flashcards
Activities and procedures that can be performed legally buy members of a licensed profession
Scope of Practice
Operating principles, and behavioral guidelines that members of a profession are expected to uphold.
Code of ethics
A legal responsibility to put the need of the client first
Fiduciary Responsibility
Act of safeguarding, entrusted information
Sharing information such as thoughts , feelings and personal history
Guidelines, rules, and limits that we create in relationships
Relating to the main internal organs, especially near the core of the body
Bodywork in which the intention is to work with our balance energy
Energy work
Manipulating soft tissues of one area of the body to reflect changes in another area of the body
Reflexology with regards to your Scope of Practice
cancer treatment perform using radioactive material
Radiation therapy
An imbalance of power in a professional relationship, with clients and vulnerable position
Power differential
Client transfer of past feelings, conflict, and attitude into present relationships, situation, and circumstances
Therapist transfer a pass feelings, conflicts an attitudes onto the client
The overlapping of two or more responsibility/rolls in a relationship with another
Dual roles
Appearing in a way that would be viewed as possessing professional qualities and behaviors such as reliable, competent, trustworthy and polish
Professional Demeanor
Standard by which behaviors and character traits are judge is right or wrong
Respect in the relationship, sadness of someone as a whole person, acceptance is not necessarily mean agreement. It means value in all thoughts, feelings, and beliefs without judgment.
the desire to understand what another person is experiencing without mistaking it for your own experience?
Value in all thoughts, feelings, and police without judgement
Focused attention, give us a present moments
Being client centered and focusEd
Cognitive and social understanding of the basic purpose process in value of research
Research literacy
A problem-solving approach to massage practice day, integrates 1. a systemic search for, critical appraisal of, and synthesis of relevant and best research 2. one’s own clinical expertise and 3. patient preferences and values in order to achieve desire. Patient goals.
Evidence informed massage practice
A single case in includes discussions of the participants health, history, the intervention used an outcome
Case study/ report
Summary of the study
The process of analyzing the data,
Aligning it with the research question and then draw conclusions
Data analysis
Exaggerative stress
Massage would be beneficial for the client
A group of disorders that involve negative changes in emotional state
Nociceptive pain stimuli travel on smaller slower nerves. Non-nociceptive sensory stimuli travel faster to the cord and basically close the information gate
Gate theory
Self perpetrating cycle of muscle spasms, increased, neural input, and pain
Pain cycle
The resulting consequence on the way, something works in the body. It happens as a result of the mechanical effects. The resulting consequence on the mental and or emotional state of someone.
Physiological effect
Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual potential tissue damage
A division of the autonomic nervous system that controls energy conservation .
Parasympathetic nervous system
An additional result of an action, that is not the main intended effect
Secondary effect
Mind and experience, if it’s the way to body feels physically
Somatic effect
Response of body to any Daman place on it, stress can be emotional, mental, physical, or chemical, all of which require a response from body
A reflective muscle contraction in response to muscle strength, stimuli
Stretch reflex
A referral response to stimulus of a tendon
Tendon reflex
Sheets of fibrous tissue envelope in the body beneath the skin, and a closing in compartmentalizing muscle, tissue layers and muscle groups
Pertains to the system of vessels and file with drainage of body fluids
Relating to a body system that is involved in digestion( mouth to rectum)
Relating to bones
The bodies, master communication and regulation system, the nervous system detects stimuli inside and outside the body interpreted, determines a response, and then executes a response by initiating changes and muscles and glands
The system includes the skin , and it’s appendages such as hair, Nails, and glands. It is the largest and heaviest organ system. Making up 7% of the body’s weight
A body system who’s important functions are hormone production and secretion, regulation of metabolism, stress adaption, chemical composition, and fluid, volume regulation, and reproductive process regulation.
The range usually expressed in degrees, through which a joint can move or be moved
Range of motion
The quality of resistance felt by the evaluator at the end of passive range of motion
End feel
A situation that requires a Therapist to modify techniques are refrain from using them to avoid possible harm
An area in which massage must be avoided because it is injured or inflamed, is part of a disease process, or has a medical device.
Local contraindication
Situation in which massage should be postponed
Absolute contraindication
Inflammation, contain to a specific area and characterized by swelling, heat, a loss of function, redness, and pain
Acute inflammation
A condition that results from continuous body movements that happen over an extended period of time, and may lead to degeneration diseases
Chronic/repetitive motion syndrome
Drugs that change tissue response
Anti-inflammatory medication
Just at work to prevent the formation of new clients by acting on clotting factors. There is a risk for bruising with anticoagulant use.
Anticoagulant medicationS
Drugs that hinder or kill susceptible bacteria. Nausea is a possible side effect to watch for with antibiotic use.
Antibiotic medication
Drugs that prolong the availability of various types of neurotransmitters in synapses in the brain
Antidepressant medicationS
Muscle relaxant medication’s are drugs they can add on the brain, the spinal cord, or in a muscle tissue. The drugs interfere with muscle protection reflexes. There is a significant risk of over treatment with deep tissue, work, ROM exercises, or stretching.
The amount of pressure it started by blood on vessel walls as the left ventricle of the heart contracts and relaxes
Blood pressure
Areas of bone that Petru visibly ordering palpation of the area of the body
Bony prominences
A group of disease is characterized by chronic elevated blood glucose levels and disturbances in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism
A local or generalized condition in which body tissues contain excessive amount of fluid
People who are vulnerable with physical or emotional limits
Special populations
Altered immunological response otherwise harmless substances
It is generally recommended and important to have a warm environment to better facilitate relaxation for the client
Arising from and directed against the individual tissues
A stage of injury or infection that is short term and severe
Having low intensity, lasting a long time refers to a disease or disorder
A cleansing agent that helps prevent the growth of disease causing agents when you use
Minimum infection control measures used in healthcare settings, regardless of suspected or confirmed Infection status of client.
Standard precautions
The transference of a micro organisms, such as bacteria from one source to another
Cross contamination
Biologic agents capable of causing infectious disease
Showing growth of abnormal cells that have uncontrolled cell division, lack, programmed cell, death, and can accumulate into masses, are tumors
Cancerous, harmful
Simplest form of animal life and causes protozoal diseases
A short, acute infection, and it usually causes no long lasting damage. One exposure creates lifelong immunity.
Hepatitis A
A viral attack that is spread through contact with intimate fluids and causes long-term infections with subtle symptoms.
Hepatitis B
A viral attack that damages the liver so slowly that symptoms may not be available until the decades after exposure
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis A, B, and C are all viral attacks against liver cells
Evaluation of a individuals, health status, stress, or pain levels, levels of function, pre-and post treatment and presence of possible massage contraindications.
An essential component of health assessment, and is used to establish or maintain rapport.
Client interview
A health questionnaire which encompasses a variety of information such as the clients personal and contact information, health and medical information and massage information as past experiences and preferences
Intake forms
Disease transmission through a vector to spread infectious agents between two or more host; most vector borne disease are transmission can be classified as food borne, waterborne, or airborne
Vector transmission
Disease transmission through a common vehicle or source , such as food, water , air and in some cases, blood distributed by transfusion service
Vehicle transmission
The relationship between the bones and joints the internal and external forces that act upon them to either make us move or stabilize static postures. How the muscles behave
Muscles causing specific or desired movement
Muscles that lengthen while prime movers and their synergistic contract and shorten to produce the desired action
A muscle that supports the prime mover
A muscle that shortens while generating force
Muscle that lengthens while generating force
Eccentric contraction
Tendency of bodies internal environment to remain relatively constant with narrow range of change
1.pain, 2.tense, spasm, or contracted muscle, 3.decrease in blood flow, 4. buildup of metabolic waste
Pain cycle
The application of gliding movements that follow the contours of the body.
Effleurage can provide overall continuity to the session, lower heart rate and systolic blood pressure, reduce stress levels, improve health related quality of life immediately after massage, increase skin and intramuscular temperature.
Involves compression, lifting, or decompression, and then release in soft tissues, searches skin and muscle. Also called kneading.
Petrissage may reduce muscle stiffness, decreased lower, limb, for tea, improve, pilling performance, reduce stress levels short term
Involves rubbing one body surface against another, while, maintaining a constant and equal pressure in all directions.
Friction. Friction can be effective in reducing tenderness of myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle, generate heat to the area.
Friction technique in which the therapist would place the thumb or fingertips on treatment area and compress, then move the clients skin back-and-forth over to treated fibers at right angles are perpendicular to the tissue fibers
Cross-fiber friction
A non-gliding technique of pressure application.
A repetitive striking motion variations, are tapping, pants meant, hacking, cooking, pounding and clapping.
Tapotement. activates muscle spindle fibers and loosens up phlegm and mucus.
A shaking or trembling motion.
Vibration. Can use during an event massage for helping, stimulating the soft tissues, or near the beginning of a session to help bring more circulation into an area that appears ischemic.
A massage stroke/technique that uses light pressure applied with the weight of the fingers or hands as they glide down the body.
Nerve stroke
Type of local contraindications that contain tissues, such as nerves, blood vessels, and glands are vulnerable to harm from pressure
Cautionary sites/ Endangerment sites
The range usually expressed in degrees, through which a joint can move or be moved.
The movement of articulating surfaces, with the intention to improve flexibility to the muscles and improve range of motion of the joint.
Joint mobilization and therapeutic face and uses .
A form of joint mobilization
PNF stretching, which is a set of stretching with active and passive ROM to be performed.
Movement produced by external forces with no voluntary muscle contraction on the clients in.
Passive movementS
Movement produced by voluntary muscle contraction on the clients end.
Active movements
Client actively performs joint mobilization or stretch while therapist provides resistance to clients movement.
Active Resisted movements
A manual method that uses skin stretching techniques to release, restricted fascia.
Myofascial release
Therapy Focused on treating/preventing soft tissue pain and limited joint movement.
A noninvasive form of bodywork that uses gentle movements and body positions to help change stress and pain patterns
Related to musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic massage focuses on rehab of orthopedic condition, such as sports injury by using manipulation and movement of soft tissue with the goal of reducing pain and dysfunction.
A low impact, body, maintenance and rehab program designed to help strengthen muscles, open joints and release tension and result in improve posture, and he’s a movement during daily activities, recreation and sports.
Therapy is centered on the human energy field and uses touch, verbal interaction, nutrition, and exercise to seek to balance, and restore, the natural flow of energy from the universe and into the body through the chakras
A series of 10 treatments over 10 weeks that includes soft tissue manipulation and movement education. Focusing on alignment of the body.
A group of technique developed by physical therapist Kabat and Knott in the late 1940s to increase motor function in activities of daily living among individuals who have mobility impairment. Helps client reset this functional muscles. Alternate periods of contraction and relaxation with the goal of resetting the nervous system
PNF: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
A method of natural healing in which the therapist issues, high frequency, energy out through the hands into another person to correct any imbalance in the receive. A type of “EnergyWork”
Gentle, hands on form of working with chronically tight muscles with the aim to bring the clients with a better understanding of their physical and emotional state.
Rosen Method
A form of healing therapy that includes massage and talk therapy.
A Japanese ABT method that uses apply pressure along energy channels to restore, maintain or balance, the flow of ki. Means “finger(shi)pressure
Of or relating to the body
A system of hands on connective, tissue manipulation and movement education Aim at releasing stress patterns and helping a client move and function with greater freedom and effortlessly maintaining a more upright posture
Structural integration
And ABT method consisting of stretching and compression a long energy pathways and on points to balance, energy and restore health.
Thai massage
The use of sea water specifically
And energy exchange therapy in which a therapist uses the hands as a focus the hill with the healing process and put clients a deep relaxation.
Therapeutic touch
A system of kinesiology that uses muscle testing to identify energy and balances, and a holistic approach to rebalance the bodies energies and activate the bodies interesting healing process to help the body better heal itself.
Touch for health
A modality that uses holding and rocking to encourage the body and to give up held patterns of tension, two-part therapy in which first is passive table, work, and second is active exercise as a form of aftercare.
Bodywork/massage in which the therapist located in deactivate triggerpoints
Trigger point therapy
A gentle, hands on, osteopathic technique that works on the fascia of the abdominal organs to alleviate points of tension throughout the body
Visceral manipulation
A modality that is performed in water with the assistance of a massage therapist. Beneficial for pregnancy, trauma, neuromuscular, injuries, stress, chronic pain.
A hands on body and mind system developed by Dr. phriz Smith in which the aim is to a Line body energy with the bodies physical structure
Zero balancing
Application of pressure to specific points on the feet or hands, these points are believed to correspond with certain areas of the body
Justified and not wanting to receive our continue in activity or service
Right of refusal
Receiving back from an action giving
Sharing information, such as thoughts, feelings, and personal history.
The unfair treatment of a person or group of people, because of one or more particular characteristics.
The Main consequence of an action
Primary effect
An action to one area reflects a reaction from another area.
Reflex effect
A result, that last for a brief amount of time
Short term effect
Relating to our body system that is involved with circulation of blood, and what blood carries in the body.
Pertains to the system of vessels involved with drainage of bodily fluids.
Related to respiration
Respiratory system
Related to mental or emotional state
Massage would be beneficial for the client
Changes to normal setup
Adaptive measures
Using a pillow or a cushion for support in a client in various positions
The resulting consequence on the mental and or emotional state of someone.
Psychological effect
A type of protein fiber found that is tough and durable, and makes up approximately 25% of all proteins in the body. It makes fascia highly resistant to over stretching, and Tearing. He plays a key role in the development of adhesions and it’s main component of scars.
Collagen fiber
A type of protein fiber that is flexible and elastic. Makes fascia flexible and stretchy, allowing it to reshape as the body moves in every direction possible.
A muscle that carried out an action.
Prime mover
Muscles whose length remains the same and it generated force ; movement does not occur.
Isometric contraction
Muscle generating force, which cause muscle length to change
Isotonic contraction
Movement produced by voluntary muscular contraction.
Active ROM
Movement produced by external forces without voluntary muscle contraction
Passive ROM
Movement of a joint against opposing resistance
Resisted ROM
A reversible transformation in which a substance can move from a dense (soul) state to a liquid state(gel), or sol-gel conversion
The gel-like substance that surrounds connective tissues
Ground Substance
Solids suspended in liquid
Sol State
She’s a fibrous tissue, enveloping the body beneath the skin, and in closing in compartmentalizing muscle, tissue layers and muscle groups.
Sheets of connective tissue that provides support and shot absorption for the structures of the body
Fascial Bands
Tracks within the fascia matrix that supports common lines of muscle actions, along which strain and tension are transmitted through the body to move the skeleton, linking the structure in all directions
Fascial lines
Fascia that forms the sacs that hold our organs within their cavities and are named according to the Organ they support
Visceral fascia
Recent harm to the body
Acute injury
The joining or uniting of two surfaces. Layers of connective tissue may adhere which limits movement, and increases the risk of injury.
Greater than normal tone
Less than normal tone
Area of increased tension
Formation of tough fibrous tissue
A local our generalize condition in which body tissue containing excessive amount of fluid .
Protective response to tissue damage, resulting from a variety of causes, including infection and trauma.
A type of mechanical receptor that is a stretch, sensitive receptor, wrapped around intrafusal muscle fibers, and that monitor changes in muscle length, and the rate of change; Muscle spindles are activated and calls reflective contraction when muscles are stretch rapidly or overstretched.
Muscle spindles
A spot in a skeletal muscle, that shows evidence of an excessive prolong response to stimuli ; the spot is palpated as a nodule within a taut band of muscle fibers
Myofascial trigger point
Have the same characteristics as active trigger points but cause no pain until they are compress and the person does not recognize pain as familiar.
Latent Trigger point
Pain fill in an area of the body, other than it’s source or site of origin.
Referred pain
When blood pressure persistently is elevated above 140mm Hg systolic and 90mm Hg diastolic.
High blood pressure/Hypertension
Areas of bone, that protrude visibly or doing palpation of an area of the body.
Bony prominences
Bundles of nerve fibers in the PNS
Uncontrollable growth of abnormal and purposeless cells that can accumulate into a mass called a malignant tumor or neoplasm may metastasize to other parts of the body.
A group of diseases characterized by chronic elevated blood glucose levels and disturbances in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism
Type of local contraindications that contain tissues, such as nerves, love vessels, and glands that are vulnerable to harm from pressure
Endangerment sites / cautionary sites
The process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion
Critical thinking
An abnormally high body temperature
Bean shaped structures located at intervals along lymphatic chain
Lymph nodes
People who are vulnerable with physical or emotional limits
Special populations : older adults(elderly 70and older) children(3-18yrs) pregnancy
Loss of normal bone density
A result that is not the intention of the therapy
Side effect
An abnormal state of a session or all of the skin
Skin conditions
Hey, documented statement from clients doctor saying that it is OK for client to receive massage
Physicians released to massage
Surgeries: Blood clot risk is something to be aware of, especially for major surgeries. It’s a good idea and may even be required to have a physicians released to massage both pre-and post surgery.
Vessels that return blood to the heart
Altered immunologic response to otherwise harmless substance is
Cleanliness of self
Personal hygiene
Smells in the environment
A substance which carries our whole something to be applied.
A substance that provides less resistance to movement between two or more things can include creams, lotions, butters, oils, and gels.
Top selling massage lubricant that is moisturizing and hydrating,
Vessels that hold something
A substance that is sourced from nuts, seeds, or vegetables, and tend to be thick
A top selling massage lubricant that is moisturizing hydrating.
Cloth or fabric massage linens are used to drake the client, massage equipment, and related accessories
Pieces of equipment used to position clients in a variety of ways they help the client receive massage and bodywork, comfortably and safe.
Massage table and equipment
The atmosphere created by the therapists/surrounding influences. (such as weather, other people). It is generally recommended to have a warm environment to better facilitate relaxation.
Arising from and direct against the individual tissues
Stage of injury or infection that is short term in severe.
Having low intensity, last thing, a long time, and refers to a disease or disorder
A cleansing agent that helps prevent the growth of disease causing agents we useD
Minimum infection control measures used in health care settings regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of client
Standard precautions
The transference of a micro organisms, such as bacteria from one source to another
Single cell organisms, can be spiral or rod shaped, yeah, I don’t know probably just put it in there throw it in there. make a piercingly are in chains.
Disease transmission that occurs from physical contact between an infected person in a non-infected person, this includes touching, kissing, or sexual acts
Direct contact
Disease transmission from contaminating for mites or objects and Infected droplets
Indirect contact
Biologic agents capable of causing infectious disease
A condition of abnormal function involving anatomic structures are body systems
The control/reduction of the spread of pathogens
Infection control
Caused by pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and pathogenic animals
Infectious disease
Disease transmission through a common vehicle, our source, such as food, water, air, and in some cases, blood distributed by transfusion service; vehicle transmission can be classified as foodborne, waterborne, come, or airborne.
Vehicle transmission
Disease transmission through a vector, (usually an animal or insect) to spread infectious agents between two or more host; most vector born diseases are transmitted by bites, stings, or infestation of tissues.
Vector transmissions
A substance that sanitize is what it is applied to
Showing growth of abnormal cells that have uncontrolled cell division, lack programmed cell death, and can accumulate in to masses are tumors
Cancerous, harmful
Denoting the mild character of a illness or nonmalignant character of a neoplasm.
Nonliving entities that depend on a wholesale for growth and replication
Single, celled, micro organisms that can survive outside of a host.
Proteinaceous infectious particles involved in central nervous diseases and are rare
Simplest form of animal life and causes protozoan diseases
Natural volcanic material/stone
Legal responsibility
External use of water for therapeutic, palliative, recreational, or hygienic purposes
No heat on open wound or area at risk for hemorrhaging, burns, bruising, or open skin, or any acute injuries
Hydrotherapy and Hot Stone contraindications
Learned, proactive, delivery, purposefully, and continuous activities to reduce stress, avoid burn out, prevent illness and injury, and live a more balanced life.
Self care
What are five options you will implement to care for your body as a massage therapist?
Self-care, physical activity, nutrition, sleep, water
Massage given it before, during, or after an event
Event massage
Massage offered at an employees place of work. For example, as a staff appreciation event, or during lunch break.
Corporate chair massage
One of the abdominal muscles, is contraction flexes until the pelvis posteriorly.
Rectus abdominis
A large, triangular bone at the inferior end of the vertebral column
If I were a structure that runs parallel with the rectus abdominis at the interior abdomen.
Linea Alba
An increase in muscle tension, with or without changing overall length.
The process of giving birth. Three stages. Includes dilation of the service, expulsion of the fetus, and expulsion of the placenta.
Getting into a particular position for a specific task
Labor that occurs between 37 weeks of pregnancy
Preterm labor
A reduction in frequency of bodily movement from the fetus.
Decreased fetal movement
A pregnancy and we should babies develop me normally and Mother is progressing normally through pregnancy with no abnormalities
Healthy pregnancy
An object that elicits a reaction. Can have a temperature that is perceived as hot or cold.
Stimulus Hot-cold
The mechanism in the body in which the body reacts to something that is not normal in order to elicit a change to help bring the body into balance.
Negative feedback mechanism
When fluid moved into an area of the body, it is decreasing in another area of the body .
Hydrostatic effect
Enlargement of widening of a lumen , usually a blood vessel
Blood flow moved and increases volume in treated area , is drawn out of another area
Increased local blood flow
Increased sweating in an area to help with over heating
Pain relief as a result
Analgesic effect
The state in which the body is producing heat that the body cannot get rid of fast enough to keep it in a homeostatic state
A state of the body that is caused by lack of enough fluid and displays symptoms of headache , nausea, hair erection on the upper arms and chest, chills, profuse sweating , rapid but weak pulse and could result in shock
Heat exhaustion
An emergency resulting from the body’s heat control system failing
Heat stroke
Tissue dies due to lack of circulation and oxygen
Tissue death
Narrowing of a lumen, usually a blood vessel
Decreased blood flow in an area( blood is driven into deeper or more distant tissues)
Decreased local blood flow ( cold muscle, whiting of the skin)
The nerve endings are numbed as a effect
Anesthetic effect
The state in which the body cannot produce enough heat to keep up with the heat loss of the body
Death of tissue from extreme cold and decreased circulation
A fine physician, founder of a medical school, author of numerous books , advocated for the use of massage or “rubbing “
A man who wrote an article that said it was better to use water to bring down patients fever than to bleed them
Dr. Sydenham
Temporary loss of consciousness, resulting from a drop in blood pressure
Client that is at high risk for syncope including uncontrolled blood pressure. Chair massage contraindications
Client position when he or she is lying on his or her side, usually with the hips and knees slightly flexed
The order in which techniques are arranged during the session
Being aware of one’s body in relation to its environment and factors that are affecting the body
Body Awareness
The use of one’s body that is safe, is energy-conserving, reduces physical stress and strain , and is anatomically and physiologically efficient.
Body mechanics
Positions of the therapist feet used to provide the therapist base of support during massage
Foot positions
The proliferation of pathogens inside the host
Controlling speed
Having client take deep and slow inhalation and exhalation to assist the body to relax and release tension
Use of Breath( client)
The level in which you use your palpating tools to access the body
Quality of touch
Use and organized plan on which to provide bodywork
Pushback of tissue against force of pressure
Tissue resistance
Addressing the body from the perspective that is based in clinical education and the desired effect of treatments on the body is for therapeutic purposes
Clinical approaches
Addressing the body from a perspective that is based on Eastern principles
Eastern approaches
Addressing the body from a perspective that is based in energetic principles
Energetic approaches
Working to support healing and maintenance of the body through encouraging one or more forms of movement of the body.
Movement approach
Addressing the body from a perspective based in focusing on the fascia of the muscles
Myofascial approach
Addressing the body from a perspective based in addressing and supporting the relationship of the nervous and neuromuscular systems
Neuromuscular approach
A tool used to measure/record pain before and after a massage . Some examples include : visual analog scale, numeric rating scale, verbal descriptor sale
Pain scale
A superficial petrissage technique that compresses and lifts the skin, then moves or rolls the lifted skin across adjacent areas
Skin rolling
An injury to the body resulting from repeated use of certain parts of the body
Repetitive stress injury
Abnormalities of the skin in which an area or areas would become irritated / have an adverse reaction due to one or more particular stimuli
Skin sensitivites
The effect of fake treatment , the participants are given a “treatment” that is not really a treatment at all, but may believe it is and therefore think they are gaining a benefit from it.
Placebo effect
Precise steps to conduct experiment
Treatments that are placebo or alternative treatments