Eastern Philosophy Terminology Flashcards
Pathways in the body through which energy circulates. They distribute, balance, and connect the qi of the interior organs with the surface body.
Energy , or life force, is called qi, chi, or ch’l in Chineses; ki in Japanese
Chi, Ki, Qi
Per salvo- created and connects all things and all phenomena existing in the universe
Life Force
Literally mean “the dark or shadow Side of the hill” and the light or sunny side of the hill”.
Ying and Yang
Energy sourced from biological source/s
A Chinese concept of five elements that are used to describe nature and individuals
Wu hsing
Used to describe nature and individuals
Five Phases or Five Element Theory
Organ systems: Liver, Gallbladder. Spring, Green, Eyes. Green color associated with
Wood Phase/ Element
Organ System: Heart, Small intestine. Summer. Red. Tongue. Main functions 1. Heart -emotional stability, 2. Small intestine -assimilation, 3. Heart Protector-circulation, 4) Triple Heater -protection
Fire Phase/Element theory
Organ Systems: Spleen-pancreas, Stomach. Late summer. Yellow. Mouth. Digestion, Nourishment, Support
Earth Phase/Element
Organ systems: Lung, Large intestine, Autumn. White. Nose. Respiration, Intake of ki, Letting go.
Organ System: Kidneys , bladder, Winter, Black/dark blue . Ears
Water element
The main assessment methods used to evaluate energetic imbalances are looking , listening , smelling, palpating and asking
Assessing Energetic imbalances
Chi Nei Tsang
A process of transforming negative energies to positive energies through massage by release of knots in abdomen where emotions and stress hide
Acupoints. Points alone channels where energy concentrates and surfaces
A system of mediation directed at releasing a form of female energy believes to be located at base of spine
Breath of vital energy
Energy centers in that are believed to give energy access to practitioners to balance the body; based in ancient Indian practice
Means a “fault” or “defect”. The three active doshas , or tri-doshas, are vata( wind), pitta(bile) and kapha(phlegm).
Means “Wind” and is composed of the elements of earth and water.
Made up of the elements of Fire and Water or, according to some references , just fire.
Means “Phlegm” and is composed of the elements of earth and water.
In Ayurveda medicine -tissues of the body
Strings of beads used to help the mind focus on meditation or mantras
In Ayurveda-Yuckiness that builds up in the body when foods or emotions/memories don’t completely digest or we don’t cleanse routinely; clogs up channels in the body
A persons unique natural constitution and is determined at the moment of conception and remains until death
The Sanskrit work for channels that supply body tissues
Channels in the body where prana energy flows
A body measurement used to find tsubos
The body’s center of focused power and energy
A Japanese term describing quality and qualities of energy or the activity in tisubo . “Empty, yin, depleted, or not enough ki”
A burining of an herb called moxa to help move chi
A term from Chinese philosophy that refers to the source of all actions and existence
An important concept In Taoism and Chinese medicine related to particular areas of the body and spiritual energy
Dan tien
Seven energy centers in the body located alone the central channel.
Chakras; Root, Sacral, Solar plexus, Heart, Throat and Crown
Mapped areas of the body in which energy can flow
Energy pathways
A channel in which energy flows , according to traditional Chinese medicine ; 12
Primary meridians
Pathways of energy that are believed by some to run deep within our bodies and suppress the 12 primary meridians with energy and blood
Extraordinary meridian
A channel whose location is midline along the front of the body ; works together with the governing vessel and become distributed when they experience shock , or process severely disturbing events.
Central vessel
The practice of stimulating acupoints on the body in order to help move energy
A part of traditional Chinese massage and bodywork that is generally used as a treatment to bring balance
A Chinese martial art used for health benefits and meditation; purpose of the movement is to move energy
Qi Gong
Related to pure Whole Foods
A school of thought emphasizing mediation and calmness
The practitioners body is connected to the earth and he or she works from a grounded sense of self
Move from your hara