Project Charter
Gives Authority to PM
Benefits Management Plan
When will benefits exist. When will there be a return on our investment
Phase Gate
Also known as phase reviews. What we see at the end of a phase. Helps determine if the project is meeting its goals and if it should continue.
Work Performance Data
Raw data and facts about a project
Work Performance Info
Analyzed Data.. Allows you to act on it
Work Performance Reports
Allows stakeholders to make decisions
No releases until the Project is complete
Periodic releases.
Increments of work are done.
EX: Release website with limited functionality
and use more releases to add it it.
Organic “Simple” Structure
Work well with others
PM has little to no authority
Resources are low
Owner of Org is in charge of Budget
Unlikely there is admin staff
Functional “Centralized” Structure
Clear division of business units
PM’s Has no “F”un…..(Fun for functional)
-Little Authority
-Report to functional manager
-Project coordinators or team leader
-Part time role
-Little or no admin staff
-Functional manager manages budget
Multidivisional Structures
-Similar to functional org
-Replication of functions for each division
-PM has little authority
-project coordinator
-Resources will be part time
-Possible part time admin staff
-Functional manager manages budget
Weak Matrix
Blend of departmental and project duties
-Limited Authority
-Management of a part-time project team
-Part Time
-Project coordinator or team leader
-Part-Time admin
-Functional manager manages the project budget
Balanced Matrix
-Similar to weak but they have a little bit more of authority
-Low to moderate amount of authority
-Management of Part time project team
-Part time role as a PM
-May have part -time admin staff
-PM and functional manager share management of budget
Strong Matrix
-Moderate to high level of power
-Management of a PT or full-time project team
-Full time role as a PM
-Full time admin staff
-PM manages project budget
Project Oriented
Groups employees, collocated or not by activities on a project
-Complete or close to complete power
-High level of autonomy over projects
-Work full-time on the project with their team
-Full-time admin staff
-Manages the budget
-Network Structure
-Point of contact rep, different departments
-Challenging communication
-PM has low authority over the team
-PM and functional manager share control of budget
-PM full time or PT
-Project Team Member are part time
-Admin Staff- Full time or PT
Composite Structure
Blend of other org Types
Special Projects
PM power unique to the structure
TEMPORARY endeavor to create a unique product, service, or result
Operations are ongoing. There is no start or end date. They are not unique.
Predictive Project ( Traditional/Waterfall)
-Planning is done upfront and beginning of project
Agile Project
-Adaptive or change drive,
-Project built in small increments
-Allows customers to add requirements without having to go through a change management process
Combination of predictive and agile
Things needed to start the process
EX: Ivanti Tickets
Onboarding confirmations
Tools and Techniques
Things needed to help you execute a process
EX: Smartsheets and ivanti
What you get out of the process
Input, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs
Division within a project where extra control is needed.. Generally closed with a deliverable being ACCEPTED.
Phases are used to complete deliverables
Each phase has all 5 process groups
Part of the product or project that is presented to the customer or stakeholders for acceptance
5 Process Groups
- Initiating
4.Monitoring +Controlling
10 Knowledge Areas
Project Life Cycle
Series of phases a project will go through from start to finish.
Can be predictive or adaptive.
Predictive Life Cycle
Scope, time, and cost are known early in the project.
Iterative, Incremental, or Adaptive life cycle
Scope is known early but the time and cost will be refined as the project is progressing.
A collection of of projects containing a common goal managed by a program Manager
Collection of Projects AND Programs that are implemented to achieve a strategic business goal.
Managed by portfolio Managers
Original plan plus any approved changes
Three baselines on all projects are scope, time, and cost.
You measure the performance of the project against the three baselines as the project is being executed.
Is is impossible to measure performance without baselines
What you hope will happen is the baseline
Original plan plus any approved changes
Three baselines on all projects are scope, time, and cost.
You measure the performance of the project against the three baselines as the project is being executed.
Is is impossible to measure performance without baselines
What you hope will happen is the baseline
Historical Info
Records learned from previous projects
Lessons Learned
Recorded at the end of every project or phase
Project Governance
Frameworks, Functions, and processes a company will follow in order to complete a project
EX: Some companies have specific processes to initiate projects. Some just initiate verbally
Supportive PMO
Support project by providing templates and training
Has low authority
Controlling PMO
Support PM by providing a particualr framework they NEED to follow and templates they HAVE to use.
PM has moderate authoirty
Directive PMO
Direct PM on what they should be doing
PM reports to PMO
PMO has high authority
Any individual or business that may be positively or negatively affected by the project
PM and project team identifies stakeholders
Pays for the project
Authorizes changes and approves project deliverables