Terminologies in Introduction to Pharmacology Flashcards
Study of medicines.
Clinical Pharmacology
A medical specialty concerned with the safe and effective use of medications.
The application of drugs for prevention or treatment of suffering
Focuses on what the body does to drugs after they are administered. Pharmaco means “medicines”, Kinetics means “movement”. This includes 4 processes; Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion.
Process of moving a drug from the site of administration to the bloodstream.
Describes how drugs are transported throughout the body.
Process that changes the activity of a drug and makes it more likely to be excreted.
It remove drugs from the body or a irreversible loss of chemically unchanged drug by various routes.
Any substance that is taken to prevent, cure, and reduce.
It is how a drug changes the body and it involves drug mechanism of action. “Pharmaco” = medicines, “Dynamics” = change.
The rate and extent to which the active ingredients are absorbed from a drug product and then available at the site of action.
Side effects
It is the minor drug effects or the effects that are predictable.
Adverse effects
It is the undesirable effects or effects that are potentially harmful.
Therapeutic effect
The desired and expected effect for which the medication is given.
Generic name
Not proprietary or universally accepted.
Brand name
Proprietary or the name given by the pharmaceutical company marketing the drug.
Chemical names
Clear, consice meaning of the nature of the drug.
“pro re nata” or as needed.
Over the Counter Drugs. Drugs that have been proven to be safe and appropriate for use without direct supervision
Therapeutic Index
It describes a drug’s margin of safety.