Terminologies in Introduction to Pharmacology Flashcards
Is the study of drugs and their interaction with living things which encompasses the physical, and chemical properties, biochemical and physiologic change.
Is the study of drugs in human for patients and healthy volunteers.
Clinical Pharmacology
Is the use of drugs to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease.
Is any chemical that can affect living processes.
Is a property of an ideal drug that elicits the responses for which it is given.
Is a property of an ideal drug that subside within an appropriate time.
Reversible Action
Is a property of an ideal drug that cannot produce harmful effects even if administered in very high doses and for a very long time.
Is an ethical considerations that is treated as independent persons capable of making decisions in their own best interests, right to self determination.
Respect for person/Autonomy
A drug’s name that is official, nonproprietary name, not owned by any company and universally accepted.
Generic Name
A drug’s name that is proprietary name, chosen by the drug company and registered as trademark.
Trade or Brand Name
These are drugs that are found to be safe and appropriate for use without direct supervision of the health care provider.
OTC or Over The Counter drugs
Is the transmission of medications from the location of administration to the bloodstream.
This is the preferred and expected effect for which the medication is administered to a specific client.
Therapeutic Effect
These are undesired, inadvertent, and unexpected dangerous effects of the medication.
Adverse Effects
Is the study of the effects of the drugs on the body.