Term 2/3 End of Topic- Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Flashcards
What are the 3 subatomic particles which make up atoms?
Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Protons are…
Equal to electrons and the atomic number; located in the nucleus of the atom
Neutrons are…
Atomic Mass- Protons (or atomic number or protons) the only exception being hydrogen with no neutrons and 1 proton; found in the nucleus of the atom
Electrons are…
Equal to protons and the atomic number; found in a shell like configuration orbiting the atom
Electron Config
The first shell can only hold 2, then the rest can hold 8 each, try to start from the right if you have a remainder of electrons.
E.g. If an atom has an atomic number of 9, it has an electronic configuration of 2,7
Atomic number and mass:
Atomic mass is the higher number in position as well as always the higher value in number (except for Hydrogen)
THE COLUMNS (of periodic table)
THE ROWS (of the periodic table)
The nucleus is…
Quite small compared to the whole atom
A substance which can not be broken down into anything simpler; made of only one type of atom. Can exist as single atoms e.g. Na, or bonded with other atoms to form molecules e.g. Na2
Contains 2 or more elements which have been chemically bonded. Elements in a compound are in a fixed ratio which is shown by the formula e.g. water(H20) there are 2 Hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom. Are difficult to separate and must undergo chemical change for the preceding to happen
2 or more elements or compounds in a variable ratio that are not chemically bonded. Easier to separate than Compounds
Example of word equation
Iron + Sulfur (an arrow pointing right would be here) Iron Sulfide
Group 2 metals: Acid + Metal
Salt + Hydrogen
Group 2 metals: Acid+ Metal Carbonate
Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide
Group 2 metals: Metal + Water
Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen
Separation Techniques:
Filtration/Decanting, Evaporation, Simple Distillation, Fractional Distillation, Chromatography
Separates Insoluble solid + Liquid e.g. Sand and water
Pour mixture down a filter funnel with filtration paper around the inside
Simple Distillation
Separates Solution, obtains solvent e.g. Water from a salt solution
Evaporation, but there is a condenser thing on the end
Separation Solution, obtains solute e.g. Salt from a salt solution
Heat up solution until it is at the boiling point of the liquid. Liquid evaporates, solid remains
Fractional Distillation
Separates 2 Miscible Liquids e.g. Ethanol and Water
Heats the mixture to a heat between their boiling points (although not too close to the higher boiling point if possible) and evaporates, then condenses the evaporated liquid with the lower boiling point.
Separating Funnel
Separates 2 immiscible liquids e.g. Oil and Water
Separates multiple soluble solids e.g. Mixture of food dyes