Term 1 week 1 Flashcards
what would R^2 mean for notion?
All the conceivable consumption sets within the two good space.
What is capital X?
X = the set of consumption bundles
When using bundles and good what is the notation with sub and super scripts?
Super script is bundle, Sub script is good.
If n=2 what can be a possible X = ?
X = {2 oranges and 1 apple}, {1 orange and 2 apples}.
What is preference relation and what is important about it?
-Preference relation is the attitude to alternatives.
-MUST USE CURVED greater than or less than
-Curved greater than or equaled to is is at least as good.
Squiggly line means indifferent.
What axiom of completeness?
(Can rank)
-Completeness: if two bundles x^1 and x^2 either x^1 is at least as good as x^2 or vice versa.
-You will have to be able to reflect preferences and cant shrug shoulders.
What is the axiom of Transitivity?
If you prefer x^1 to x^2 and you prefer x^3 to x^2 then you must also perfer x^3 to x^1.
What is the axiom of strict montonicity?
- More is better
if X^2 has at least as much of every commodity as X^1 then X^2 is at least as good as X^1.
-It is strictly preferred if it has more of every good.
- What is the axiom of continuity?
- How would you explain it graphically?
3.What does this mean and imply?
- If there is a sequence of bundles {xn) that tends to infinity and converges to bundle y.
If {xn is at least as good as z}
Then the bundle it converges to y is at least as good as z.
- if you draw three bundles x1, x0 and xm. If x0 is preferred to x1 and xm is preferred to x0 and x1 and xm are connected then there will be a bundle on that connection that will be indifferent to x0.
- This means that indifference curves can be drawn and there are no sudden jumps in perferences.
1.What is the axiom for strict convexity?
- What is the opposite of strict convexity?
1.- if you take a convex set of two bundles it is strictly better than the two bundles. (it lies on higher indifference curve)
- if preferences are non - convex a convex set of two bundles lies on a lower indifference curve than the two bundles.
What are the 5 axioms required to present something as a real valued utility function?
- Completeness
- Transitivity
-Strict monotonicity
-Strict convexity
What are the features of a U(.) utility function?
- Continuous
- Strictly increasing
- Strictly quasiconcave
-Any monotonic transformation will preserve utility ranking
What is the difference between strict convexity and convexity?
- Strict convexity, we see the downward sloping IC = substitute goods
-Just Convexity we see linear like perfect substitutes, perfect complements.
What is the relationship between quasi-concavity and indifference curves?
- Strict convexity makes strict quasiconcavity
-Convexity makes quasi- concave.
What is quasi-concavity?
-If the better set is concave
-Goes for increasing and decreasing functions.