human nature
trad cons
- sceptical. warn against grand utopian schemes. French and Russian revs arose from overestimation of human potential.
new right
- emphasise possibilities of individuals with initiative and liberty
- especially economically, key to unlocking human potential is unleashing individual energies in a capitalist society
trad cons
- little platoons, overseen by paternalistic hierarchical structure.
- organic and place great importance on tradition and continuity
new right
- ambivalent about societies very existence
- just a collection of atomised individuals seeking self determination
- sceptical about paternalism, prefer a meritocratic society
the state
trad cons
- power wielded by those born to rule
- natural ruling class who have been instilled with a sense of responsibility
- pragmatic about the size of the state to preserve social stability
new right
- roll back frontiers of state (except in defense)
- advance individual freedom and reverse dependency culture
- hostile to aristocracy as they have too much stake in the status quo and therefore will not change
trad cons
- based on private ownership BUT sceptical about free market as creates inequality potentially leading to rev and soc
- fears globalisation as market forces erode national identity and culture
- SO state intervention via Keynesian economics
new right
- free market
- state functions privatised and deregulated
- low taxes and state spending