Tendering Flashcards
What is tendering?
Bidding process for construction work / services. Part of procurement
What are the types of tendering?
Single stage
Two stage
What guidance is available for tendering?
JCT Tendering Practice Note 2017
RICS Tendering Strategies Black Book 2015
E-tendering RICS
What is covered in the JCT Tendering Practice Note?
- General commentary on tendering practices and procedures
- Model forms compiled by the JCT
- Predominantly focused on the private sector
- Refers to the EU Public Contracts Directive Contracts Regulations 2015 ( PC Regulations) for public contracts above EU threshold
When do Public Contracts Regulations (PC Regulations) apply?
When they meet the scope of the regulations and exceed thresholds of £5,336,937 for works contracts (Jan 2022)
How would you go about tendering a public sector project?
If above the threshold, and subject to the Public Contracts Regulations, a notice would need to be issued on Contracts Finder Service (CFS) instead of OJEU
Under PC Regulations, when would a tenderer be excluded?
’- Mandatory exclusion for offences such as bribery and money laundering
- Discretionary exclusion on other types of serious professional misconduct
Can public procurement work with 2-stage tendering?
Only in exceptional circumstances as the final CSA is still to be agreed
How are PC regulated tenders assessed?
’- On best value using criteria for quality, price, technical merit, aesthetic, functional and environmental, running costs, cost effectiveness, lifecycle costs
What does the JCT Tendering practice Note 2017 advise as tendering periods?
- Single stage > 28 days
- PC regulations single stage ~35 days
- D&B where design is not developed a period of 3 - 4 months may be allowed, longer may be required. Period may be shortened with developed ER’s
What would be included in a letter of invitation to tender?
- Project details
- Instructions to tendering contractors
- The latest time and date for tender returns
- Client’s stance relating to compliance, alternative bids
- Key contact details
- Protocol for raising tender queries
- Details of submission that contractors are required to make
- How the tenders will be evaluated i.e. lowest price or most economically advantageous
- Which procedure is to be used for dealing with errors i.e. alternative 1 or 2 of JCT Tendering Practice Note 2017
- Means of feedback that will be given to unsuccessful contractors
What is included in Project Information Schedule ?
- Allows to decide if they are going to tender or not
- Project & estimated value
- Employer, professional team & contact point
- Tendering procedure used
- Programme, including dates for pre-selection interview, issue of tender docs and tender submission
- Contractor design requirements
- Applicable BIM requirements
- Contract to be used
- Contract Particulars; CW, Third Party Rights, Bonds, Insurances
- Requirements for PCG / performance bonds, bonds not covered in CP’s
- amendments or modifications of contract
- Mode of execution
- Basic and criteria of pre-selection
- Basis of contract award (price / quality)
- Whether Alternative 1 or 2 will apply in the case of error
What is included in pre-construction information?
- Project overview
- Any site constraints and restrictions on vehicle movement, noise and the like
- Emergency procedures and means of escape
- Existing site risks and restrictions i.e. use of adjacent property
- Significant design and construction hazards
- Environmental restrictions i.e. waste management
- Format of health and safety file required
What is the process of a PQQ?
’- Scoring and modeling arrangements must be established in advance of Preliminary Enquiries
- Where possible, model weightings should be tested
- Interview, can form part of evaluation process, but not a discrete selection criterion
- Process must be transparent and equal treatment to each tenderer
- 3-6 tenderers receive Preliminary Enquiries (4 on D&B) / Public 3 for negotiation, 5 for restricted procedures
- Responses in 14 - 21 days (Public 30 days)
- Those not successful to be promptly informed and debriefed on request
According to JCT tendering practice note
What is the purpose of a PQQ?
PQQs enable employers to assess the Contractor’s commercial, technical and financial competencies and determine whether they meet the minimum criteria of the contract.
A typical pre-qualification questionnaire will request full company contact details, evidence of previous work and require information on:
- Finance
- Status & legitimacy
- Quality
- Environment
- Equal Opportunities
- Health and Safety
What information would you request in a PQQ?
- Corporate Details - Contract details for enquired, Registered office, PCG if required
- Financial Standing - Report & audit accounts for 2/3 years, Contacts of bank references
- Technical Capability & record - Comparable experience on similar projects, Referees on similar projects, current workload & capacity
-Management & Personnel - Proposed management team for project, policies for training and development, EDI - Insurances - existing public and employers liability cover, works insurances, PII including renewal dates, contract details of insurance brokers used
- Sub-Contractors & Supply Chain -preliminary plans for sub-contracting, selection & quality assurance procedures, SCM procedures
- Good standing & material litigation - Confirmation company or directors have not been convicted with offences relating to theft, corruption, money laundering etc; Confirmation in last 3 years no breaches of H&S / CDM / environmental regulations
Who assess the PQQ?
It will be assessed by the entire design team and the client/ client representative at a post PQQ meeting and each member will review the submitted documents and discuss the scoring they feel is appropriate. This will then be put into a PQQ matrix which will be scored based on the pre-agreed weighting.
Do you think as a QS you are appropriately qualified to assess a company’s accounts?
No, the companies’ accounts should be checked by an accountant.
Once you have assessed the PQQ and selected the suitable tenderers what would you do next?
Contact selected contractors to inform them that they have been selected to tender for the works and work with the design team to produce & collate tender documentation.
Notify unsuccessful contractors and debrief
Why are PQQs important in the public sector?
Pre-qualification questionnaires are used to help public sector client’s shortlist suppliers to invite to tender where a certain level of technical ability is required, and form part of the restricted tendering procedure.
What are the minimum periods for responses for PQQ’s?
- Public procurement - 30 days from the date of dispatch from OJEU. Can be 15 in exceptional circumstances
- Private - approximately 14 or 21 days (longer when design is required)
When is single and two stage tendering appropriate?
Single stage - when ER’s are sufficiently defined
Two stage - when ER’s are not crystallised and specialist input is required from the contractor. In public works the second stage must not include negotiation (JCT PN 2017 pg 2)
What is involved in the first stage of a two stage process?
Competitive tenders generally restricted to preliminaries, OH&P and elements of the design that are sufficiently developed to price. The successful tenderer is the preferred bidder and negotiates the final terms of the contract
How long is the response threshold for PQQ’s in public procurement?
30 days from date of dispatch of the OJEU notice
Reduces to 15 days in urgent cases
Advantages of two-stage tendering?
- Quick start on site as the contractor develops the design and the design, tendering and construction periods can overlap
- contractor expertise in respect of buildability is harnessed
- Lessens likelihood of disputes through early contractor involvement
- can be more attractive to contractors as the tendering process is much quicker and cheaper for them
- Increases scope for VE
Disadvantages of two-stage tendering?
- Lack of competition in second stage could see price escalation
- Neither party are usually obliged to enter into contract
- First stage is often restricted to preliminaries, OH&P’s and areas of design sufficiently developed alread
- Risk of contractor colluding with suppliers
- Programme could be affected if second stage negotiations are protracted