Welding - Base metal temp where welding is not recommended
< 0 F
Welding - Base metal temp, pre-heat to 60 oF is recommended
0 - 32 F
Corrosion - CUI affects Carbon Steel & low alloy (temp range)
10 - 350 F
UT Calibration - Calibration Block must be within what temperature of the part to be examined
25 F
NDE - Standard temperature range for a PT exam
40 - 125 F
Corrosion - Temperature where Cooling Water corrosion starts to significantly increase
140 F
Corrosion - Temperature where chloride stress corrosion cracking becomes a concern
> 140 F
Corrosion - CUI affects Austenitic SS (temp range)
140 - 350 F
NDE - Special procedures are needed for UT thickness rdgs
> or = to 150 F
Corrosion - Temperature when high strength caustic causes serious corrosion in CS
> 170 F
Corrosion - CUI affects Duplex SS (temp range)
280–350 F
Welding - Minimum pre-heat temperature, when pre-heat is substituted for PWHT
300 F
Welding - Minimum pre-heat temperature, when a local PWHT is used in lieu of a full encirclement PWHT
300 F
Corrosion - Temp when Sulfidation becomes a concern on CS
500 F
Corrosion - Temper embrittlement for low chromes (range)
650–1070 F
Corrosion – If operating temp is above this, check for Creep in Cat Reformer equipment
> 900 F
NDE - Maximum temperature for UT readings
1000 F
Materials - Carbon Steel normal PWHT temperature
1100 F
Mtls – Carbon Steel temp of base metal to create HAZ
> 1350 F
Testing – Min. base metal temp during hydro vessels < 2” thick
MDMT + 10 F
Testing - Min base metal temp during hydro vessels > 2” thick
MDMT + 30 F
NDE - Maximum temperature for magnetic particles
Manufacturer Recommendations