Maximum allowed corrosion rate when using an On-stream inspection in lieu of an Internal (in ipy)
0.005 ipy
Ratio of Endurance Limit Stress to Ultimate Tensile Stress for Carbon Steel
0.4 – 0.5
Static Head Factor (psig per height of water in feet)
0.433 psig/ft
Design - Joint efficiency when using Full RT on a Type 1 joint
FFS – Joint efficiency when evaluating corroded area away from a weld by greater of: 1” or 2t
NDE - The # of additional RTs required when a Spot RT has a defect
Weld Qualification - Number of tension tests to qualify a WPS
Weld Qualification - Number of bend tests to qualify a welder or welding operator in welding positions 1G-4G
NDE - Minimum # of exposures to RT 360o of a weld using a double-wall technique, double-wall view (elliptical shot)
NDE - RT film Density Range - allowed for the weld & IQI when using a gamma ray source
2.0 – 4.0
NDE - Minimum # of exposures to RT 360o of a weld using a double-wall technique, single-wall view
Impact Test - Number of test bars required in each set of impact test specimens
NDE - When using a shim under a hole-type IQI, the number of sides of the IQI that must be seen in the RT image
Design - Current Safety Factor of ASME Section VIII
Design - Pre-2000 Safety Factor of ASME Section VIII
Weld Qualification - Number of bend tests to qualify a WPS
Weld Qualification - Number of bend tests to qualify a welder or welding operator in welding positions 5G & 6G
Design - Recommended resistance of grounding systems
5 ohms
Maximum area of pits allowed in an 8” circle
NDE - Weight used to check magnetic strength of an AC yoke
10 lb
Design - Maximum resistance allowed of grounding systems
25 ohms
NDE – Min angle of eye-to-part to count as a Visual Exam
30 degrees
NDE - Weight used to check magnetic strength of a DC yoke or permanent magnet yoke
40 lb.
Testing - Maximum chloride content in hydrotest water when testing 300 series SS (ppm)
50 ppm
NDE - Minimum light intensity when performing non-fluorescent MT or PT exams
100 ft-candles
NDE - Minimum light intensity when performing VT
100 ft-candles
NDE - Minimum black light intensity when performing MT or PT fluorescent exams
1000 μW/cm SQUARED