teleological argument Flashcards
what inspired aquinas’ fifth way
Aristotle: everything in the universe has a purpose
who talks about qua regularity and who talks about qua purpose
how does Paley compare the universe to a watch
the watch and the universe are both too complex to have happened by chance
what does Paley argue about the order of the world
the extent of this regularity surely points to design and hence, a designer
Hume opposing the teleological argument (5)
- why does there have to be a beginning
- brute fact
- imperfections in the world suggest a lesser god
- limited experience to apply knowledge to creation
- why one designer and not multiple
Humes example of a vegetable
a vegetable such as a cabbage grows on its own accord and is complicated and has elements for design
- but we still do not think there is a cabbage maker
Hume’s epicurean hypothesis
in the infinite amount of time the universe exists, things fall together by chance
- ‘blind unguided force’
- making an inductive leap of logic to see a designer who we know nothing about
JSM on evil and the teleological argument
- world is not set up for the good of humans we have made it so it is
- nature is cruel and destructive
- so why would there be an all powerful creator ?
evaluation for JSM on the world not being fit for humans
perhaps it is not designed for humans
a volcano has a separate purpose
Tennants Anthropic principle
universe exists for the sake of humankind and is adapted to that purpose
- if conditions had been diff we would not exist
- must be a designer - cannot just be a coincidence
Tennants A… Principle
Swinburne and simplicity
- most simple answer so must be best explanation
- Ockhams razor - least jumps so most likely to be correct
who evaluates the aesthetic principle and what does he say
Dawkins : we have been socially conditioned to appreciate the ‘beauty’ of the world
what is Aquinas’ fifth way
objects and natural things all move towards a certain goal and purpose
flowers move in alignment with the sun to get more sunlight
these things cannot direct themselves as they are non-intelligent or insufficiently intelligent
has to be directed by something with intelligence
an arrow needs an archer to hit the target
must be an intelligent designer - God
Brief outline of Paley’s argument
he combination of complexity and purpose, which we observe in natural objects/beings, is best explained by a designer.
how does Hume reject analogies used in teleological arguments - what is his example
similarity of two effects does not mean similarity of two causes
- smoke produced by fire and dry ice is beer similar but their cause is not
so the effect of the universe and the effect of a man made thing (watch) and the universe are similar (complex) doesn’t mean they have the same cause