Telenovela "Teresa" Part 2 Flashcards
this is the last straw!I can’t stand it any longer!
esto es el colmo, ya no lo aguanto mas!
to be embarrassed to do something
avergonzarse de hacer algo
you’d better
Más te vale
to spoil, to ruin
don’t let it bother you
no te amargues por eso
to make somebody’s life hell
amargar la vida a alguien
to lean on
apoyarse en
to be based on
apoyarse en
frightening, awful, hideous
it’s worthwhile
vale la pena
to pay attention to something
fijarse en algo
just imagine!
to deceive, to cheat
silly, foolish
to put something up for auction
sacar algo a subasta
in charge of
encargado de
costume designer
Encargado de vestuario
watch out
ten cuidado
to steal, to rob
we were robbed
nos robaron el partido
needy, hard up, broke
pampered girl
nina mimada
he’s useless or hopeless
es un inútil
to please
to take pleasure in doing something
complacer en hacer algo
how vain
Que vanidoso
to take revenge on
Vengar de
to stop, to end up
shall we stop and o to have something to eat?
¿paramos a o para comer algo?
to stop doing something
parar de hacer algo
stop it!
¡para ya!
I’m not at home much
paro poco en o por casa
to stop to do something
pararse a hacer algo
to pretend
stop pretending!
¡no finjas más!
adventage, lead
it is a plan that has many advantages
Es un plan que tiene muchas ventajas
to witness something
ser testigo de algo
to touch, to move (emotion)
to throw, to throw away, to give off
to throw something in the bin
echar algo a la basura
put the pants into the washing machine
echa esos pantalones a la lavadora
to mail something
echar algo al correo
to throw somebody out of
echar a alguien (de)
put on the breaks
echar el freno
what’s on telly tonight?
¿qué echan esta noche en la tele?
to pull down, to demolish;
echar abajo
-> to burst into tears
echar a llorar
-> to burst out laughing
echar a reír
> I’m going to have a nap
me voy a echar un rato
-> to go to bed
echarse a dormir
-> to begin to do something, to start doing something
echarse a hacer algo
-> to get oneself a boyfriend
echarse (un) novio
above, on top of
Encima de
to go on a trip
ir de gira
pass me the top one
pásame el de encima
> the upstairs neighbor
el vecino de encima
-> superficially
por encima
-> he lives beyond his means
vive por encima de sus posibilidades
on top of being stupid, he’s also ugly
encima de ser tonto, es feo
put something on, you’ll be cold
ponte algo encima, vas a tener frío
quickly, promptly
still satnds/ continues/is happening
Sigue en pie
to scare to frighten
you scared me
¡me has asustado!
the scary thing is she may be right
me asusta pensar que pueda tener razón
don’t get worried, I’m sure nothing bad has happened to him
no te asustes, seguro que no le ha pasado nada grave
unfriendly, unsociable, rude
you disgust me
me das asco
to depress
vulgar person, in poor taste
Una naca