Teeth 2 Flashcards
Teeth in cat
-typical carnivore teeth
-incisors are small
-canine more exaggerated
-less cheek teeth
Dental formula of cat
-deciduous: i3-c1-p3/i3-c1-p2 =TOTAL 26
-permanent: I3-C1-P3-M1/I3-C1-P2-M1 = TOTAL 30
What teeth are the cat missing?
Upper jaw: missing P1, M2, M3
Lower jaw: missing P1, P2, M2, M3
Cat teeth roots
-incisors and canines have 1 root
-all cheek teeth have 2 roots except upper P2 has 1 root and upper P4 has 3 roots
-low crowed with well developed roots
-broad tooth
-enamel covers crown, cement covers root
Brachydont examples
- includes all teeth in human, dog, cat,
- all except canine in pig
-incisors and canine of ox
-canine in horse
-high-crowned with short roots
-long tooth
-adapted for abrasive diet
-crown very long and reserve crown present (so continued crown eruption)
-enamel covers crown and most of root
-cement is porous and tooth stains easily; also follows and covers enamel in root and crown
Hypsodont examples
- All teeth except canine in horse
- Cheek teeth in ox
- Canine tusk in pig
-boar tusks and rodent incisors
-rootless so never stop growing
Hypsodont wear pattern
- Enamel casing is a continuous ribbon upon eruption BUT begins wear soon after erupting
- 5” horse incisor is worn ~1/8 per year
- Cusps and dentin visible
Complicated patterns of enamel folding
-increases durability
-Form a rasp-like mastication surface due to differential rate of wear
Dental formula of horse
-permanent female w/o wolf: I3-C0-P3-M3/I3-C0-P3-M3 = TOTAL 36
-permanent male w/o wolf: I3-C1-P3-M3/I3-C1-P3-M3 = TOTAL 40
Dentition of horse
-horse teeth adapted for grinding
-all hypsodont except canine
-have extensive reserve crown
-can have up to 11 teeth per quadrant
-canine missing in more than 70% of mares
-upper arcade wider
Wolf tooth
- P1; present in ~50% of horses
- Vestigial and usually only upper jaw
- Usually extracted upon eruption because interferes with bit
Horse cheek teeth
-from P2-M3
- only first and last cheek teeth are somewhat triangular, rest are rectangular
- upper cheek teeth much wider and have 2 infundibula (cups)
- enamel of lower cheek teeth more folded but has no infundibula
Horse teeth extraction
-teeth are not easily extractable without trephination/surgery
Diastema in horse
Gap between incisors and first premolar
- Can include canine
Floating teeth in horse
Needed to file down sharp edges
- Sharp edges occur because the upper arcade is wider and occlusal plane slopes so buccal edge of upper cheek teeth and lingual edge of lower teeth remain unworn and become sharp
Dentition in ox
-cheek teeth are hypsodont
- missing upper incisors and canines
-lower canine assimilated to incisors creating I4
-large diastema
-missing P1
- 6 cheek teeth increase in size
-upper cheek teeth and arcade wider
Infundibula in ox
- upper and lower molars have 2 infundibula
-upper premolars have 1 infundibulum, lower ones have none
Dental formula of ox
-permanent: I0-C0-P3-M3/I3-C1-P3-M3 = TOTAL 32
Dentition in pig
-omnivorous set of teeth
-full complement of teeth (11 per quadrant)
-abrasion of upper and lower canine together keeps them sharp
-tusks in boars continuously grow (hypselodont)
-cheek teeth increase in length and width to back and are adapted for crushing
Dental formula of pig
-permanent: I3-C1-P4-M3/I3-C1-P4-M3 = TOTAL 44
Dentition in llama
- Camelids have a dental pad, similar in ruminants
- Have a single upper incisor that is shaped like a canine
- Fighting teeth= upper and lower canines and upper incisors
Radiographs of teeth in dog
- Show damage to gingiva
- 85% of dogs and cats have periodontal disease by age of 3 yrs
»Disease causes gum recession and bone loss
Transitory tubercles
Eruption bumps in horses around 2-4 yrs old under lower jaw
Mandible molds around growing permanent tooth root, prevented from rising due to a retained cap that resists shedding
-cap= deciduous p4 wedged between permanent P3 and M1 which impeded eruption of P4 and P3
- once the cap is removed, P4 moves in and swellings gradually disappear