TECTONIC CS Flashcards
What is my case study for EARTHQUAKES?
San Andreas fault; Nepal
EARTHQUAKES: What plate boundaries was the San Andreas fault & Nepal between?
SAF = Conservative plates boundaries N = Convergent plate boundaries (eurasion/indian)
EARTHQUAKES: When was the San Andreas fault and what was it on the Richter scale?
1906 at 8.6 scale. shallow as friction build up
EARTHQUAKES: When was the Nepal earthquake and what was it on the Richter scale?
2015 at 7.8 scale; x2 continental plates
What is my case studies for TECTONIC EVENTS?
Eyjafjalljokull & Tohoko tsunami
TECTONIC EVENTS: When did eyjafjallajokull erupt?
March 2010 for the first time in 190 years
TECTONIC EVENTS: When did the ash plume of eyjafjallajokull effect europe and how many flights were cancelled?
By 15th April and more than 100,000 flights were cancelled for several days
TECTONIC EVENTS: When was the Tohoko tsunami?
March 2011 a magnitude 9 earthquake which produced a wave along Eastern Japan, caused impact in Fukushima pp
TECTONIC EVENTS: How many people dies and went missing in the Tohoko tsunami?
15,749 dead ad 3962 missing
TECTONIC EVENTS: What % of people dead in the tsunami were over 60?
What is my Case Study for VULNERABILITY?
VULNERABILITY: Where was the Indian ocean tsunami and what caused it?
Earthquake off Sumatra was 9 - 9.3 magnitude
VULNERABILITY: How high were the waves and how far was the ocean floor thrust?
waves were 17m high and thrust 15m
VULNERABILITY: How many died/effected/made homeless in the tsunami?
300,000 died; 5 million affected; 1.7 million homeless
VULNERABILITY: What are factors that affected vulnerability in the tsunami?
Poor infrastructure; efficiency of services; environmental accessibility of an area
VULNERABILITY:(INFRASTRUCTURE POOR) Why does poor infrastructure make the areas more vulnerable?
coastal settlements destroyed; susceptible to damage; increases fatalities
VULNERABILITY:(INFRASTRUCTURE POOR): In Sumatra how many villages were destroyed and what % of villages died?
1500 villages destroyed; 70%
VULNERABILITY: What impacts did efficiency of services have in the tsunami?
no warning system; no resources to spare; can’t cope with demands; not enough care; inaccessibility put at risk
VULNERABILITY: What impacts did environemntal - accessibility of an area have in the tsunami?
mangroves were destroyed; overpopulated due to allowing tourists; less protection of vegetation
VULNERABILITY: (ACCESS): How many m of land were removed for tourists?
VULNERABILITY: (ACCESS): What was the economic cost of the tsunami?
US $10 Billion
What is my case study for MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES?
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: Why is the Philippines vulnerable?
sits across major convergent plate boundaries. Northern/eastern coasts face Pacific ocean (tsunami prone)
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: How many typhoons is it affected by and how many volcanoes are ther?
15 typhoons a year and 47 volcanoes with 22 active
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: What % in the Phillipines live within 30km of a volcano?
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: Why is the Philippines vulnerable?
Location (pltes); growing pop (high pop density, most live on coasts - floods, surges ect); rapid urbanisation (bad infra); poverty (25% inn poverty)
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: Why are there challenges in Philippines?
One hazard causes another
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: In the Earthquake in 2006 how many died, inhured and damged builidngs?
15 died; 100 injured; 800 building destroyed
MULTIPLE HAZARD ZONES: What did the earthquake cause?
Tsunami 3 m high; triggered landslides, fell into lake, creating floods
JAPAN 2011; HAITI 2010; SICHUAN 2008
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): When was the earthquake and what was the magnitude?
Fri 11th March and was a 7.2 magnitude followed by another on Sunday 13th March which was a 9.1 mag. After there was a series of seven 6.0 mag aftershocks
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): What happened in response to the events?
100,000 troops sent to Tomodachi to help; emperor gave a call to the nation
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): What increased vulnerability to this event?
vast majority on coastlines; upper 10m of soft soil- amplifies liquefaction
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): SOCIAL: How many died in the tsunami and how many were injured?
15,853 died and 6023 were injured
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): SOCIAL What % of victims were over 60?
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): SOCIAL How many children were separated from their parents?
100,000 due to in school time
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): SOCIAL How many buildings were destroyed?
300,000 buildings
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): ECONOMIC: What was the cost of the event?
£181 billion
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): ECONOMIC: How many households lost electricity?
4.4 million
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): what happened in the response and recovery?
quick due to monitors; coastline protected with 10m high sea wall; within 24hours 110,000 troops
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): When did this event happen?
October 2010 as well as a cholera outbreak, still ongoing in 2016
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): How many people died and how many were injured?
316,000 died and 300,000 injured
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): How many were made homeless?
1.3 million homeless
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): What increased vulnerability to this event?
poor income; cholera outbreak; poor infrastructure
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): SOCIAL: What were social impacts of the event?
lack of medical supplies; spread disease; over 1/2 of resident housing in PortALPrince was damaged; 400 inmates escaped
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): ECONOMIC: What were economic costs of the event?
over a 1/4 of buildings were damaged; poor infra destroyed; supplies coulnt reach high risk areas
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): ECONOMIC: How many people fled to the countryside ?
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): ECONOMIC? \How much did buildings cost in damage?
$2-3 billion
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2008)? What happened and what magnitude hit?
12th May 2008 a 7.9 mag earthquake hit as collision of eurasion/indian, austrailian plates. aftershock of 5mag, 2 years later
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2008): What was effected and how many people were made homeless?
10 provinces effected and 5 million homeless
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2008): What increased vulnerability to this event?
corrupt officials ignoring poorly constructed buildings; damage in rural areas
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2008): SOCIAL: How many relief workers died in mudslides?
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2008): ECONOMIC: How many industrial companies were damaged?
14,000 and brought down tourism as full of debris
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2008): ECONOMIC: \what was the direct economic loss
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): What factors made the event better/worse before?
+strict building regs; +well developed plans; +mitigation plans, +education in school/ - power plant not built to withstand - lak of basic saftey at pp
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (JAPAN 2011): What factors made the event better/worse after?
20km exclusion zone around power plant
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): What factors made the event better/worse before?
-poor infra -25 nurses to 100,000 people -corruption
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (HAITI 2010): What factors made the event better/worse after?
-cholera affecting 720,000 - 5years later 80,000 still in temp housing
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2011): What factors made the event better/worse before?
-corruption +wealthy + disaster plan
HAZARDS IN CONTRASTING LOCATIONS (SICHUAN 2011): What factors made the event better/worse after?
+ government pledged $10bill for recovery; +2 years after 97% of reconstruction was complete +216 transport projects - trade loss caused $29 bill