En caso de encontrar discrepancia entre el QRH y el FM cual prevalece?
Prevalece siempre el FM aprobado.
Que ventaja brinda el flight guidance control system y el FMS a los pilotos.
Aumenta la precisión en vuelo y reduce la carga de trabajo para la tripulación
Mientras uno de los pilotos está programado, ¿que es responsabilidad del otro piloto?
Siempre que la aeronave este en movimiento debe percatarse de que este libre de cualquier riesgo o peligro a su alrededor
Cuales son los niveles de automatización?
Lvl 1: hand flown/ raw data.
Lvl 2: hand flown-autothrotle/ flight guidance.
Lvl 3: autopilot-autothrotle/ flight guidance.
Lvl 4: LNAV-VNAV/flight guidance.
GP/MCDU IMPUTS. Como se administran los cambios en el guidance panel/ MCDU y quien se encarga de realizarlos.
El piloto que realiza los cambios debe en todo momento verbalizar que acción realizó.
Autopilot ON: all GP and MCDU operations that afect aircraft’s flight path should be done by the PF.
Autopilot OFF: all GP and MCDU operations that afect aircraft’s flight path should be done by the PM.
Below 10000ft Who is responsable for all the changes done in the MCDU.
PM made changes and those are executed only after PF Confirmation.
If the flight director is not agrede with aircraft actual maneuver, which actions must be executed?
It must be updated or turned off.
What happens if FD is turn off with the AP disengaged ON the source side?
FD modes are disengaged and autothrotle reverts to SPDt.
Which are the functions of green dot?
For flaps zero, GD will indicated drift down speed.
For the remaining flaps, GD will indicated the respective flap maneuvering speed.
Note: GD speed indication does not account ice accretion. Embraer recommends GD+10 kts
Standard call outs must be done by…
Altitude callouts abv 100ft AGL are made with baroaltimetric reference.
Altitude callouts Blw 100ft AGL are made with radio altimeter reference.
What is the callout for 1000 Ft above or below of assigned altitude?
State actual altitude for assigned altitude.
i.e. “Four thousand for five thousand”
On ground Who is responsable for GND and ATS communications
LSP have GND communications and RSP have ATC communications
If the airplane is powered-up, You must not…
Before cockpit safety inspection which ítems must be checked?
Maintenance status (ACFT LOGBOOK) and cockpit emergency equipment.
If the airplane is already power which test must be performed?
Fire extinguishing test, electronics CB and DVDR control panel test.
In case of abnormal or Emergency situations the PF call check lists only if:
The flight path is under control
Critical phases of flight (Takeoff and landing ) have ended and,
All recall items have been accomplished
Como se realiza el cálculo de combustible de sostenimiento
Min divertion( aprox a mayor fuel) - remaining fuel / 70lbs/min
Which is the Range for battery voltage ?
Normal: 24 VDC
At least: 22.5 VDC
Recharge: 21-22.5 VDC
No dispatch: 21