Technology & e-HRM Flashcards
What is the knowledge economy?
The knowledge economy is focused on knowledge and skills of employees that have a major impact on organizational success (similar to Resource Based View). There is high emphasis on employee retention.
What is the gig economy?
The gig economy is comprised of networks of people who make a living working without any formal employment agreement
What is the difference between standard, nonstandard employment and contingent work?
➔ Permanent or standard employment: full-time basis, employment continues indefinite and under supervision at employers’ location (low worker contingency)
➔ Nonstandard work: everything outside of full-time permanent work
➔ Contingent work: any work arrangement that does not contain an explicit or implicit commitment between employee and employer for long-term employment (often high worker contingency, except for independent contractors)
Name the causes for the rise in nonstandard work arrangements
➔ Cost/flexibility: a) helps firms stay flexible in uncertain labour and product markets (e.g. seasonal workers in hotels) and b) it enables the reduction of costs related to recruitment, training and dismissal
➔ Feasibility: a) due to the rise in number of firms that act as employment intermediaries (e.g. Randstand) and b) technology allows for most of the work to be done from almost anywhere
➔ Nature of work: there is a focus on knowledge as the key factor of production and value creation (the knowledge economy)
➔ Workers’ preferences: workers may prefer nonstandard work due to its flexibility, variety, freedom from organizational policies and sometimes higher pay
How well do HPWS work within blended workforces?
HPWS become negative for blended workforces as the systems are incompatible with agency workers
On which criteria should you base your decisions when selecting which type of employees you need?
Looking at the uniqueness and strategic value based on Lepak & Snell’s employment modes (1999)
Name the three types of flexibilities related to alternative work arrangements
➔ Flexibility in the employment relationship: permanent employment but part-time, on-call or seasonal
➔ Flexibility in the scheduling of work
➔ Flexibility where work is accomplished: virtual, telecommuting, remote work
What are the effects of a blended workforce?
Blended workforces combine individuals in standard and nonstandard work, and are likely to negatively affect standard workers attitude towards management, organizations, co-workers and extra-role behaviour due to:
➔ Questioning their job security
➔ Working overtime to compensate
➔ Reduces advancement opportunities for lower level workers
➔ Low perceptions of fairness (exploiting nonstandard workers)
Which type of worker experiences lower job satisfaction?
Contingent workers experience lower job satisfaction compared to standard workers
➔ However, contingent workers are not a homogeneous group and the exception is with contractors who experience similar levels of satisfaction to standard workers
What are labour market intermediaries (LMI)?
LMI are entities that stand between the individual worker and the client that needs work done. They mediate between the two parties to facilitate, inform, or regulate how workers are matched, how work is accomplished and how conflicts are resolved. There is a third person in the game that helps you figure out how to go forward (similar to a divorce process)
What kind of labour market intermediary roles are there?
➔ Information providers: LinkedIn
➔ Matchmaker roles: placement agencies
➔ Administrative role: Randstad who are the legal employers of the workers
What are the features of gig workers?
1) Sourcing and performance of fixed term tasks (or gigs)
2) Absence of employment relationship
3) Intermediation by a separate firm
Explain how online labour platforms work (Meijerink & Keegan, 2018)
They are firms that use technology to facilitate immediate short-term labour needs with workers who are officially independent contractors and
1) Charge fees for connecting business with consumers
2) Target business clients rather than consumers (For example, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk)
3) Rely on electronic reputation mechanisms (negative performance ratings automatically lead to dismissal without the intermediary doing so themselves)
4) Accept no official responsibility for workers protection
What is the difference between e-lancing and crowdsourcing?
➔ E-lancing: similar to free lancing only in an online market place where freelancers promote their portfolio
➔ Crowdsourcing: open call platform for businesses to outsource tasks in return for financial compensation. Cognitive piece-works are a set of tasks with set expectations for completion that requires high cognitive skills
Benefits for org: reduced labour costs, enhanced flexibility, quick access to labour
Benefits for worker: increased work flexibility, low barriers to entry, access to previously unavailable work opportunities.
How can organization’s ensure quality while crowdsourcing?
➔ Framing the recruitment text to feel meaningful
➔ Training: offering challenging tasks that will further development and be good for portfolios
➔ Giving feedback and opportunities for interaction
➔ Retention: offer structured opportunities or bonusses for high quality work
What are the issues faced when working from anywhere (remote work)?
➔ Asynchronous communication: create a platform where other’s can continue working when they are available
➔ Knowledge sharing: create transparent and easily accessible documentation
➔ Socialization and mentoring: facilitate virtual hangouts in order to create a sense of belonging
➔ PM and comp: evaluate according to quality of work, virtual interactions and feedback from clients and colleagues; decide on the same wage or wage per location
What are the potential reasons for introducing e-HRM?
1) Efficiency: reduced headcount, cost effectiveness, less paper
2) Service delivery: improving talent management
3) Management empowerment: management capacity to conduct HR activities
4) Strategic orientation: step away from the administrative expert role
5) Standardization of HR practices
6) Organizational image
Name the three types of e-HRM
➔ Operational: concerned with administrative tasks such as payroll
➔ Relational: supporting business processes such as training and recruitment
➔ Transformational: focus on strategic HR activities such as knowledge management and strategic orientation
According to Bondarouk & Ruel (2012), does e-HRM save time in practice?
They found that e-HRM saved time for HR but took time from line managers. On top of that, HR didn’t feel like they had less administrative tasks.
They found that e-HRM needs to be fully integrated with different IT modules, users need to be willing and trained. By doing so it results in improved image of the HR department, greater transparency and info sharing, simpler employment management and a more efficient HRM function (reduced headcount)
What are the three meta-theoretical e-HRM perspectives?
➔ Technological determinism (e-HRM ➔ strategic outcome):
The tech predicts the consequence, weak evidence as it does not include context
➔ Organizational imperative (sHRM ➔ e-HRM):
Management decisions inform e-HRM. supported as e-HRM is not implemented to serve strategic org. outcomes but improve employee welfare (sHRM)
➔ Technology as a process (Context, sHRM and e-HRM):
e-HRM emerges from operating in a specific environment (context)
What is HRM strength (Bondarouk, Harms & Lepak, 2017).
The concept of HRM strength addresses how the HRM system is designed and administered to send signals to employees that enable them to create a shared meaning of company values. It means ensuring a strong HRM message is conveyed to and from e-HRM users.
Does e-HRM lead to better HRM services (Bondarouk, Harms & Lepak, 2017)?
Only if there is sufficient HRM strength, as it is a key antecedent of HRM service quality. If an organization does not have a strong HRM system to begin with they should not implement e-HRM or else it will fail.
If done correctly, e-HRM has a positive impact through:
➔ Simplification of processes
➔ Providing accurate data
➔ Enhancing employee perceptions of HRM services
According to Parry (2011), does e-HRM reduce HR’s headcount?
According to Parry, while e-HRM does allow for the HR function to increase its value through differential labour in the form of strategic orientation, it does not allow for HR to reduce headcount and costs in generic labour. He suggests that this could be because of HR staff re-deployment.