Technology and Lifelong Learning Flashcards
The use of technology has always been associated with the ______ of instruction
The new information and communication technologies (ICTs) are especially useful for education in general and for _______ in particular.
lifelong learning
new ICTs, which include the Internet, the World Wide Web, electronic communication, and other computer-based applications, are making learning __________ possible for individuals and communities.
anywhere, anytime
Thorpe (2005, p. 24) lists 7 advantages for education and learning arising from the application of the ‘‘new media’, includes CD-ROM and DVD-ROM technology, Web applications such as streaming audio and video, and mobile devices:
○ A sense of presence, possibly even community, in online interaction
○ Improved learner support
○ Unlimited practice of difficult concepts and skills
○ Unlimited access to resources via the Internet
○ Improved delivery of learner preferences, notably those required by students with disabilities
○ Global access to resources and teaching
○ Learning anywhere, any time
Digital technologies and new media for learning are not by themselves ________ of the learning process.
With regard to program or course design as a factor in the successful use of technology in and for learning, Mayes (2000, pp. 3-4) reminds educators of four fundamental points about learning:
- Learning is best viewed as a by-product of understanding, understanding must be built by the individual learner in the performance of tasks.
- Development of understanding depends on frequent feedback, particularly from teachers and peers.
- Learning is a progression through stages.
- All learning is situated in a personal, social, and organizational context, which determines motivation.
The framework proposed by Mayes (2000, p. 5) identifies three stages in the learning cycle and the kinds of technology that are useful for each stage:
Conceptualization - Primary courseware intended to present the subject matter to the learner
Construction - secondary courseware which are the environment and tools used to perform learning tasks
Dialogue - tertiary courseware, which is material produced by previous learners in their interactions with peers or tutors in the course of doing the learning tasks.
A theory of learning that is particularly useful for designing technology-supported lifelong learning is _______
Kolb’s theory of experiential learning
Learning is a process of creating knowledge from experience, or transforming experience into knowledge and has the following 4 cyclical stages:
- concrete experience;
- reflective observation;
- abstract conceptualization; and
- active experimentation
4 learning styles corresponding to the 4 stages of learning.
- assimilators: who learn better when presented with sound logical theories to consider
- convergers: who learn better when provided with practical applications of concepts and theories
- accommodators: who learn better when provided with “hands-on” experiences
- divergers: who learn better when allowed to observe and collect a wide range of information
learning styles ________ as individuals mature through the development stages
change or improve