Techniques 1-20 Flashcards
Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria are used to define the requirements, outcomes, or conditions that must be met in order for a solution to be considered acceptable.
They may be used to determine if a solution can meet a requirement.
AC are typically used when only one possible solution is being evaluated, and are generally expressed as a pass or fail.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation criteria are the measures used to assess a set of requirements in order to choose between multiple solutions.
Each evaluation criteria represents a continuous or discrete scale for measuring a specific solution attribute such as cost, performance, usability, and how well the functionality represents the stakeholders’ needs. Attributes that cannot be measured directly are evaluated using expert judgment or various scoring
Which technique is used to ensure that requirements are stated clearly enough to devise a set of tests that can prove that the requirements have been met?
non-functional tests
acceptance and evaluation criteria
lessons learned
acceptance and evaluation criteria
Backlog Management
The backlog is used to record, track, and prioritize remaining work items.
Backlog management determines:
• what work items should be formally included in the backlog,
• how to describe the work items,
• how the work items should be tracked,
• how the work items should be periodically reviewed and prioritized in relation to all other items in the backlog,
• how the work items are eventually selected to be worked on,
• how the work items are eventually removed from the backlog.
Which technique is used to record, track, and prioritize remaining work items?
functional decomposition
risk analysis and management
backlog management
state modelling
backlog management
Balanced Scorecard
The balanced scorecard is used to manage performance in any business model, organizational structure, or business process.
The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool used to measure organizational performance beyond the traditional financial measures. It is outcome focused and provides a balanced view of an enterprise by implementing the strategic plan as an active framework of objectives and performance measures.
The balanced scorecard is composed of four dimensions:
• Learning and Growth,
• Business Process,
• Customer, and
• Financial.
Benchmark studies are conducted to compare organizational practices against the best-in-class practices. Best practices may be found in competitor enterprises, in government, or from industry associations.
Benchmarking includes:
• identifying the areas to be studied,
• identifying enterprises that are leaders in the sector (including competitors),
• conducting a survey of selected enterprises to understand their practices,
• using a Request for Information (RFI) to gather information about capabilities,
• arranging visits to best-in-class organizations,
• determining gaps between current and best practices, and
• developing a project proposal to implement best practices.
Market Analysis
Market analysis involves researching customers in order to determine the
products and services that they need or want, the factors that influence their
decisions to purchase, and the competitors that exist in the market.
Market Analysis requires that business analysts:
• identify customers and understand their preferences,
• identify opportunities that may increase value to stakeholders,
• identify competitors and investigate their operations,
• look for trends in the market, anticipate growth rate, and estimate potential profitability,
• define appropriate business strategies,
• gather market data,
• use existing resources such as company records, research studies, and books and apply that information to the questions at hand, and
• review data to determine trends and draw conclusions.
Brainstorming is an excellent way to foster creative thinking about a problem. The
aim of brainstorming is to produce numerous new ideas, and to derive from them
themes for further analysis.
Elements: Preparation -> Session -> Wrap-up
Which technique is used to foster creative thinking about a problem?
concept modelling
Business Capability Analysis
Business capability analysis provides a framework for scoping and planning by
generating a shared understanding of outcomes, identifying alignment with
strategy, and providing a scope and prioritization filter.
Business capability analysis describes what an enterprise, or part of an enterprise,
is able to do.
Business Cases
A business case provides a justification for a course of action based on the
benefits to be realized by using the proposed solution, as compared to the cost,
effort, and other considerations to acquire and live with that solution.
Which technique does provide a justification for a course of action based on benefits and costs, among other factors?
business rules analysis
focus groups
business case
organizational modelling
Business case
If you wish to check if the solution is feasible, you can use:
business case
decision analysis
Business case
Business Model Canvas
A business model canvas describes how an enterprise creates, delivers, and
captures value for and from its customers.
A business model canvas is comprised of nine building blocks that describe how
an organization intends to deliver value: Key Partnerships, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Proposition, Customer Relationships, Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure, Revenue Streams.
These building blocks are arranged on a business canvas that shows the
relationship between the organization’s operations, finance, customers, and
Which technique helps to understand the cost structure and revenue streams?
business model canvas
balanced scorecard
decision modeling
organizational modelling
business model canvas
Business Rules Analysis
Business rules analysis is used to identify, express, validate, refine, and organize
the rules that shape day-to-day business behavior and guide operational business decision making.
Which technique to use to identify the rules that govern decisions in an organization?
interface analysis
data mining
business rules analysis
Business rules analysis
Collaborative Games
Collaborative games encourage participants in an elicitation activity to collaborate
in building a joint understanding of a problem or a solution.
The games are used to help the participants share their knowledge and experience on a given topic, identify hidden assumptions, and explore that knowledge in ways that may not occur during the course of normal interactions.
Activities such as moving sticky notes, scribbling on whiteboards, or drawing pictures help people to overcome inhibitions, foster creative thinking, and think laterally.
Which technique will help you to check what’s the seasonal fluctuation in sales of your company products?
backlog management
business cases
data mining
lessons learned
Data mining
Concept Modelling
A concept model is used to organize the business vocabulary needed to
consistently and thoroughly communicate the knowledge of a domain.
A concept model starts with a glossary, which typically focuses on the core noun
concepts of a domain.
A concept model differs from a data model. The goal of a concept model is to
support the expression of natural language statements, and supply their
Data Dictionary
A data dictionary is used to standardize a definition of a data element and enable
a common interpretation of data elements.
Data Flow Diagrams
Data flow diagrams show where data comes from, which activities process the
data, and if the output results are stored or utilized by another activity or external
A data flow diagram illustrates the movement and transformation of data
between externals (entities) and processes.
The process of margin calculation requires exchange rates from external source. What model can depict that?
data dictionary
business rules analysis
data flow diagram
functional decomposition
Data flow diagram
Data Mining
Data mining is used to improve decision making by finding useful patterns and
insights from data.
Data mining is an analytic process that examines large amounts of data from
different perspectives and summarizes the data in such a way that useful patterns
and relationships are discovered.
Data mining is one approach to document analysis that is used to analyze data in order to determine patterns, group the data into categories, and determine opportunities for change.
Data Modelling
A data model describes the entities, classes or data objects relevant to a domain,
the attributes that are used to describe them, and the relationships among them
to provide a common set of semantics for analysis and implementation.
A data model usually takes the form of a diagram that is supported by textual
descriptions. It visually represents the elements that are important to the business, the attributes associated with those elements, and the significant relationships among them.
Several variations of data models (Data Modelling)
• Conceptual data model: is independent of any solution or technology
and can be used to represent how the business perceives its information. It
can be used to help establish a consistent vocabulary describing business information and the relationships within that information.
• Logical data model: is an abstraction of the conceptual data model that
incorporates rules of normalization to formally manage the integrity of the
data and relationships. It is associated with the design of a solution.
• Physical data model: is used by implementation subject matter experts to
describe how a database is physically organized. It addresses concerns like
performance, concurrency, and security.
Which technique helps to describe the entities, classes or data objects relevant to a domain, their attributes and relationships?
data modelling
data mining
data dictionary
data flow diagram
Data modelling
What kind of model is independent of any solution or technology and can be used to represent how the business perceives its information?
conceptual data model
logical data model
physical data model
concept model
Conceptual data model
Decision Analysis
Decision analysis formally assesses a problem and possible decisions in order to
determine the value of alternate outcomes under conditions of uncertainty.
Decision analysis examines and models the possible consequences of different
decisions about a given problem. A decision is the act of choosing a single course
of action from several uncertain outcomes with different values.
Decision Modelling
Decision modelling shows how repeatable business decisions are made.
Decision models can be used for both straightforward and complex
Straightforward decision models use a single decision table or decision tree to show how a set of business rules that operate on a common set of data elements combine to create a decision.
Complex decision models break down decisions into their individual components so that each piece of the decision can be separately described and the model can show how those pieces combine to make an overall decision.
There are several different approaches to decision modelling.
Decision tables represent all the rules required to make an atomic decision. Decision trees are common in some industries, but are generally used much less often than decision tables.
Complex decisions require the combination of multiple simple decisions
into a network. This is shown using dependency or requirements notations.
Document Analysis
Document analysis is used to elicit business analysis information, including
contextual understanding and requirements, by examining available materials
that describe either the business environment or existing organizational assets.
Estimation is used by business analysts and other stakeholders to forecast the cost and effort involved in pursuing a course of action.
Estimation is used to support decision making by predicting attributes such as:
• cost and effort to pursue a course of action,
• expected solution benefits,
• project cost,
• business performance,
• potential value anticipated from a solution, and
• costs of creating a solution,
• costs of operating a solution,
• potential risk impact.
Financial Analysis
Financial analysis is used to understand the financial aspects of an investment, a
solution, or a solution approach.
Financial analysis is the assessment of the expected financial viability, stability, and
benefit realization of an investment option. It includes a consideration of the total
cost of the change as well as the total costs and benefits of using and supporting
the solution.