Technique variations Flashcards
Spencer’s Technique
7 stages: Extension, Flexion, Compression circumduction, Traction circumduction, Adduction and ER, IR, Pump (traction with inferior glide)
Arm unwinding
place cephalad hand near patient’s shoulder, flex and abduct patient’s arm and rest their forearm on your antecubital fossa, hook onto the scapula with caudad hand and pull the shoulder girdle laterally and superiorly until fascial pull eases, rotate fascia externally
Subscapularis TP
Biceps brachii long head TP
F Abd IR
Biceps brachii short head TP
F Add IR
Pectoralis minor TP
Reasons for anterior cervical manipulation
stuck cervical segment, prior healed anterior cervical surgery with scar tissue, vocal issues
Tongue sweep
great for muscle tension, throat tension, TMJ, globus sensation
laryngeal manipulation
grasp larynx, motion test, take to direct barrier and have pt swallow
Ligamentous Articular strain
disengagement, exaggeration, balancing and maintaining
Disengage technique in LAS
compress or decompress
Exaggeration technique in LAS
take injury back to place of injury, then exaggerate it by compressing or decompressing the joint
Balance point or position in LAS
point of balance of an articular surface where all physiologic motions are neutral