Technical Questions Flashcards
Name the different types of airframe icing?
Rime (-10º and -20º) - Supercooled water droplets freeze rapidly on impact.
Clear (0 and -10º) - Supercooled large droplets freeze and runback on the surface.
Mixed (-8 and -15º) - both.
What is hydroplaning?
Layer of water between tires and runway reducing friction and braking effectiveness.
What are the different types of hydroplaning?
Dynamic - Water lifts your wheels off the runway.
Viscous - When oil or accumulated rubber combines with water on a runway, it can form an impenetrable layer of liquid your tires can’t break through.
Reverted rubber - When your tires lock up, the rubber begins to melt, and trapped water under the tire turns into steam.
Use grooved runways, dont land fast, keep good tire pressure, use aerodynamic braking and light brake pressure.
Wx radar is MEL’d. When can you fly?
When current weather reports indicate no thunderstorms or potential hazardous weather conditions exist along the route to be flown.
Not able to under IFR or night vfr conditions when current weather reports indicate that thunderstorms, or other potentially hazardous weather conditions that can be detected with airborne weather radar.
Who makes the engines on your current airplane?
Rolls Royce A3007A1/3
What is a VDP?
A defined point on the final approach course of a nonprecision straight-in approach from which normal descent from the MDA to the runway touch-down zone may commence, provided the runway or approach lights, etc., are clearly visible to the pilot.
To Calculate divide the AGL value of the MDA by 300. Gives mile distance of 3º glide slope.
What is definition of “min fuel”?
When you can accept little or no delay, not an emergency situation, just an advisory to atc (2,200lbs)
When do you need an alternate?
+/- 1 hour, 2000’ Ceiling, 3sm visibility
What altitude does the O2 mask deploy in back?
Pressure altitudes above 14,000ft or manual deployment.
What does TCH57 stand for on a DEN ils plate?
The theoretical height above the runway threshold at which the aircraft’s glide slope antenna would be if the aircraft maintains the trajectory established by the mean ILS glide slope.
Can you shoot the ILS if the missed app is based on a navaid that is Notam’d out of service?
Yes, using GPS for the missed approach, or alternate missed instructions from the NOTAMs.
What if the RVR goes below mins outside the marker, can you continue the approach?
No you cannot.
If vectored off the arrival and its last restriction, what airspeed would you fly?
Last assigned speed.
Airport Elevation what is it based on?
The highest point of an airport’s usable runways measured in feet from mean sea level.
Runway centerline lighting what does white and red mean?
RCL alternate red and white for the last 3,000’ of a runway and then change to red for the last 1,000’.
Runway centerline lighting What does solid red mean?
1,000’ of runway remaining.
What is Angle of Attack?
The angle between the chord line of the wing and the relative wind.
If a VOR was OTS and required for the missed app, could you accept the approach?
Yes if you have a suitable RNAV means of tracking it or use alternate MAP in the NOTAMs.
If the Airbus lost both engines, what airspeed would you fly?
Probably green dot. The E145 is 260 knots.
Define a stabilized approach?
The aircraft is on glideslope and course in the planned landing configuration with all appropriate briefings and checklists complete by 500 feet AGL.
What is Max X-wind on current Aircraft?
30 Knots.
What is MSA?
Minimum safe altitude: 1,000’ clearance within 25NM of predicated point. Doesn’t necessarily provide signal coverage.
You’ve flown the E145. What is Mmo in an 145?
Mach .78
E175 is .80
What happens if you exceed Mmo?
Mach tuck. As speed increases, a shock wave forms which causes airflow over the wing to separate and move the center of pressure aft. This causes the nose to tuck and could be unrecoverable.
What is more dangerous? Going too fast or too slow in plane?
Going too slow. Most aircraft accidents happen low and slow. While Mach Tuck could happen from going too fast, there is altitude and time to correct it.
For what mileage does MSA give protection?
Normally 25NM but could go up to 30NM.
What is that mileage based off of? What altitude clearance does it provide? What about in mountainous areas?
The VOR usually, 1,000 feet. Still 1,000 feet.
What the correct distance would be to make a safe landing from mda on the non precision?
HAT/300 to get a VDP with a 3º glideslope.
How long is a touchdown zone?
The first 3000 feet of the runway beginning at the threshold.
Would you try to land at the missed approach point at MDA on a VOR approach?
No, after crossing the VDP it is not possible to make a stable approach to a landing.