Technical competencies Flashcards
What are the “principles of a contract” as stated in your submission?
Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Intention, Capacity
What does the RICS guide Final Account Procedures include?
Advice on final account preparation, meetings, final account adjustments, release of retention, contractual timescales for agreeing final account under JCT and NEC contracts.
What does the RICS guide Retention include?
Advice and explanation on retention process In reference to various standard building contracts. 3-5% retention value Is normally deducted from contractor’s valuations, half of which Is normally released on PC and the remaining after defects liability period.
What are the key differences between NEC and JCT contracts?
I think NEC Is more collaborative compared to JCT by having processes like EWNs, programme acceptance, compensation event mechanism
Leicester PET-CT:
Explain how you issued the Practical Completion Certificate? what was required for you to issue this?
Completion of work and design team signoff of the works to confirm that works are complete in accordance with design Information.
Plas Dwr S278 Works:
What is the role of a PM under NEC?
Administering the contract, Issuing notifications, payment notices and Instructions to contractor.
Plas Dwr S278 Works:
Explain the take over meeting and what you required prior to issuing the takeover certificate?
Contractor confirmation and supervisor signoff of the works that works are completed In accordance with works Information was required for take over meeting.
St Peters MRI:
How did the client previous experience impact your contract selection?
For this project I discussed NEC contract with client because of Its collaborative and proactive approach with systems like EWNs, regular programme review and acceptance, obligation on all parties to respond within timeframes and agreements on variations; However, client legal team had a previous recent experience with JCT D&B which Is why I advised on using JCT D&B contract.
Leicester PET-CT:
How did you advise on the requirement of Partial Possession?
- Client becomes responsible for insuring the works.
- Half retention released.
- Alleviates contractors liability for LADS.
- Contractors Defect liability period commences.
- Partial possessions to be agreed post contract.
GDUK RUBB Bovington:
What would you advise the client puts in place if they did follow the PO, that they had suggested?
A standard contract setting payment provisions, insurances, Completion Date and LADs to protect the client.
What did you learn from Charles Handy’s explanation of various culture types?
Four different kinds of culture within organisations:
- Power - few Individuals In power and making decisions
- Role - highly controlled, more experience people In control
- Task - focused on task, teamwork, good collaborative environment.
- Person - small one-man organisation like Architect, Civil engineer.
What is your understanding of legitimate and illegitimate powers within an organisation?
Legitimate Power
Position – For example relationship between a project manager and a site engineer.
Illegitimate Power – Position power is strengthened, or weakened, by the presence of the following types of illegitimate power.
Expert – This relates to experience and specialist knowledge.
Information – Manager can exert influence through the control over dissemination or distortion of facts and info.
Personal – Personality, charisma and popularity.
What is your understanding if the Belbin Model?
A theory suggested by Belbin in 1981. Everyone possesses a pattern of behaviours in relationship to another in facilitating progress of a team. (Nine team roles/ behaviours). I consider myself Implementer.
What is equality Act 2010?
The Act simplifies, strengthens and harmonises the current legislation to provide Britain with a new discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society.
Poole PET-CT:
Provide an example of when you have applied a management technique to manage the teams on this project?
Managing a design team to ensure each member fully understands:
Project objective
Next goal
Co ordination
This allows me to keep track of the progress of the team and coordinate them in order to deliver the required output on time.
Birmingham Sparkhill FM:
Give an example of how you manage the contractors to deliver repair on this property?
Plumbing, electrical and FF&E trades. I made sure commissioning/ handover certificates are available from one trade to the other. kept separate entrance from students. Review of RAMS, kept noise to minimum.
Plas Dwr S278 Works:
How did you assess the client’s aspirational dates at the outset of the project?
There were no key dates Included within the contract. These were additional works Instructed during the contract with no agreed completion date which later on the client wanted to complete prior to Completion Date.
Plas Dwr S278 Works:
Why were the client aspirational and the contractor’s end dates not aligned?
Because there were no Key Dates Inserted In the contract at the outset and these were additional works which the Contractor was not obliged for to complete prior to Completion Date.
GDUK Bovington:
In the significant change requested by the client, how did you assess the viability of the change?
I discussed with cost consultant and design team for the Impact and report overall findings to the client to make an Informed decision.
Leicester PET-CT:
What management methods had you attempted prior to not meeting the handover date?
Monthly progress meetings, project reporting, programme assessments, design team Inspections were some of the management methods used.
What does the RICS guide Tendering Strategy include?
RICS guidance on tendering procedures, types of tendering, tender scoring techniques, tender’s management and reporting etc.
What did you learn from RICS guidance E-tendering?
E-tendering ten points plan - choosing the medium, technology, security, tender checklist, preliminary enquiry, document standard, legality, return and evaluation, Do It.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-tendering?
Advantages - quick exchange of Info, reduced admin
Disadvantages - monthly cost, some contractors may not be able to use It for security reasons
Explain the rules of tendering, e.g. codes of practice or procedures, that you are aware of.
Transparency, Integrity, openness, fairness, competitive, accountability
What public sector, EU or international regulations relate to the tender process?
OJEU Supply services and design contracts and/or work contracts threshold in public sector needs to be consider as it may need to be advertised on OJEU website in accordance with EU legislation.
Sidcup Diagnostics Project:
Explain the process followed for preparing and issuing the invitation to tender (ITT), what did it include?
Preparation: It was one document Including sections on Introduction, Instructions, technical brief, tender evaluation methodology and conditions of tender along with overall scope of services and pricing schedule.
It was preselected design teams with whom we had already worked on various occasions In projects so no need of PQQs.
Poole PET-CT:
What stages occur between ITT and receipt of tenders? What Is the process for tender addendum?
In accordance with RICS guidance Tender Strategies, the stages b/w ITT and receipt of tenders could be mid tender Interviews, Issuing tender addendums (same to all) and arranging site visits.
Guildford PET-CT:
What was the benefit of delaying tender period until after the holidays? what other options did you consider?
I discussed availability with design team based on previous experience of Holiday period and some of them were not available. I also gave another option to client which was going through negotiated tender route with one consultant however we had float within the programme, so I recommended first option.
LW residential projects:
What did you advise in your presentation on Construction Management, Management Contracting and D&B procurement? How did you identify which one was the most suitable for your company and why?
Residential developments Is a new area for Lee Wakemans. I reviewed procurement routes. If LW acted as a D&B contractor then It would have created more profit for the company however due to LW’s Inexperience In this sector and no supply chain I advised to procure first couple of projects via management contracting route who already have an established supply chain and experience.
How does PERT work?
Programme, Evaluation, and Review Technique
You create three estimates for the duration of a project,
- The most Optimistic (Shortest)
- The most pessimistic (Longest)
- The most likely (an average of the two
What did you learn from the RICS guide Acceleration?
Acceleration under JCT/ NEC contracts. Techniques and risks associated with acceleration for client and contractor.
What does the RICS guide Defining Completion of Construction Works include?
PC and Completion under JCT and NEC contratcs. Sectional Completion, Partial Possession, Risks, Liabilities and Insurances etc.
What does the RICS guide Extension of time include?
Extension of time under various standard contracts, delay notices, delay analysis techniques such as overview of facts, comparing actual vs planned programme, critical path analysis and focused method of analysis.
What did you learn from the case law (Belfour Beauty and Chestermount Properties Limited) on concurrent delay?
Caselaw on concurrent delay. Architect Issued non-completion certificate and later Issued a variation under the contract. The court found that the Architect should have considered the variation delay and should extend the time.
Alliance Projects:
What specific allowances did you need to make to meet the requirements of Alliance Medical Project? Explain how you define critical path?
Estimate duration of each RIBA Stage, Included Alliance Medical review and signoff. I established critical path by logical sequencing and connection activities.
Plas Dwr S278 Works:
Give me an example of the process followed to review contractor’s programme? When would a programme be rejected?
I always review new programme in comparison with the last accepted programme. In accordance with NEC3 clause 31.3, there are four reasons on which you can reject a programme. 1. Not practical, 2. does not show Info the contract requires, 3. unrealistic, 4. not comply with works Information.
Plas Dwr S278 Works:
When advising on the request for early completion, what contractual mechanism did you advise to your client?
I advise two options to the client:
- resequencing of works through contract Instruction
- Accelerating the programme with the consent and agreement of the contractor.
Alliance Projects:
Explain how you assessed the time requirements for information release schedules and included for these in your programme?
Based on experience on recent projects completed and discussion with the design team.
St Peters MRI:
Explain the planning process followed on this project. what was the purpose of advising three section?
The site was occupied and there was no place to relocate the existing staff/ department. To avoid disruption to the existing facility, I planned the works to be carried out In three sections.
St Peters MRI:
How did you establish project objectives?
By discussing with the client and try to understand what their key objectives are in terms of cost, time and quality in reference to Barnes Triangle developed in 1980s and then I try to identify key risks and then report it back to the client to have an agreement from their side. I will use that to develop project execution plan. If time was more important usually cost and quality will be the risk items.