Mandatory Competencies Flashcards
What are the three types of financial statement you may come across relating to a company? What is GAAP?
Balance sheet
profit and loss statement
Statement of cash flow
Generally AcceptedAccountingPractice in theUK, orUK GAAP, is the overall body of regulation establishing how companyaccountsmust be prepared in theUnited Kingdom
What is the difference between financial and management accounts?
Management accounts are used internally by the managers of the business
Financial accounts are company accounts required by law and audited by a Chartered Accountant.
Tell me something you understand from the Companies Act 2006.
It Is an act of parliament that currently serves as the primary source of company law in the UK.
How is VAT applied in construction projects?
Value added tax, it is charged to companies with a turnover of more than £82,000.00. Reduced or zero VAT on residential and religious projects.
Tell me about your involvement with business planning.
By preparing responses to invitations to tender. By always providing high level of service and client care on my projects.
Why is relationship building important for your role?
For business success and reputation.
What is a Mission statement/ SWOT / PEST analysis?
Mission Statement: A formal summary of the company aims and values
SWOT: internal study undertaken by a business to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Political. Economic. Social. Technological. Legal. Environmental.
Tell me about your duty of care towards your clients.
It Is a legal requirement to act with standard care and skill when dealing with clients aligned with the agreed scope of services.
Tell me about an example of how you have provided good client care.
Leicester PET-CT: I provided weekly reports to client after getting know that client present progress/ Issues to management board Internally every week.
At Leicester, explain how you updated your client regularly?
I provided weekly reports to client after getting know that client present progress/ Issues to management board Internally every week.
At Plymouth, explain how you provided good client care.
Client requested my availability on a weekend on site and I made myself available on a weekend on site.
How did you ensure H&S standards were upheld out of working hours?
Contractor RAMS were updated and were in place after being approved by the Principal Designer.
What do you consider to be an example of good communication?
It needs to be concise, clear and professional presented in a way which Is easy to understand.
Tell me about your negotiating style.
There are mainly two types of negotiation which Is competitive and principles. My style Is principles focusing on Issues and soft on people. separating people from the problem.
At Plas Dwr S278, explain how you communicated with lay stakeholders.
I used my monthly reporting using non-technical, clear and simple terminology to explain the site matters.
At St Peters, how did you negotiate a solution?
Based on the principles approach of negotiation In accordance with RICS guidance conflict avoidance and dispute resolution In construction. I prepared background Information to focus on the Issue.
What does the RICS Rules of Conduct (for Firms/Members) say about avoiding conflicts of interest?
Rule 3 In both firms/ members rules to act always with Integrity and avoid any actions that are inconsistent with their professional obligation.
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
A process for resolving disputes among parties in accordance with rule 7 of the RICS rules for firms.
These Alternative Dispute Resolution procedures are:
o Negotiation.
o Mediation.
o Conciliation.
o Adjudication.
o Arbitration.
What is the practice of dual agency/double dipping?
Where an agent has a contractual agency relationship with both seller and the buyer at the same time.
Can you tell me about any recent RICS guidance relating to dual agency/double dipping?
Conflict of Interest RICS professional standard and guidance for UK commercial property market Investment agency May 2017.
What is the difference between an arbitrator and an expert determination?
Arbitrator: Contract must contain written agreement to arbitrate. Arbitration is private contractual form of dispute resolution.
Expert determination: agreed by contract that an expert In the field will make a binding decision on the parties. Expert determination is usually cheaper and quicker compared to arbitration.
Can you tell me about mediation/conciliation/adjudication?
• Mediation is a voluntary procedure, which involves the appointment of a third-party mediator, who will help to facilitate negotiations between parties. The aim of mediation is to help the parties reach an amicable agreement.
• Conciliation is also a voluntary procedure, which involves the appointment of a third-party Conciliator. The role of the conciliator is to also facilitate negations; however, the Conciliator will create a settlement proposal.
Notification of Adjudication from one party to another.
From receipt of notification, parties have up to 7 days to appoint the adjudicator.
Adjudicator will review parties’ cases and make their decision within 28 days. (This can be extended to 42 days)
The adjudicator does not have the power to award costs, unless the parties agree to grant him this power.
What is the TCC and what is their role?
Technology and Construction Court. It Is part of the high court that deals with construction related litigation.
What is the role of RICS in dispute resolution?
RICS dispute resolution service Is the world oldest and largest provider of alternative dispute resolution.
What RICS guidance are you aware of relating to dispute resolution, ADR or roles in dispute resolution?
RICS conflict avoidance and dispute resolution 1st edition.
Can you tell me three principles of GDPR?
Fair and lawful, purposes, adequacy, accuracy etc.
What is the Freedom of Information Act 2000?
Gives individuals the rights to access information held by public bodies.
Public bodies are required to issue information held on individuals within 20 days of request.
What does encryption mean?
Transfer data into another form so that only people with access to a code can read.
What health & safety legislation are you aware of?
Health and Safety at work act 1974
CDM regs 2015
Is it a criminal offence to breach the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974?
Yes, it is the Primary piece of legislations covering occupational health and safety in the UK. To secure the Health, safety and wellbeing of all people at work. To protect people against risks from work activities.
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely.
- Personal and Corporate responsibilities.
- Legal Considerations and duties.
- Assessing Hazards and risks.
- Occupational Health.
- Visit premises and sites.
- Safe worker - taking H&S responsibility of yourself and others
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Equipment to protect the user from H&S risks at work.
What are the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015?
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations were updated in 2015, these are regulations for construction projects health and safety. The 2015 Regulations removes the role of the CDM coordinator and introduces the Principle Designer.
What is a CSCS card?
Construction skills certification scheme. proof of appropriate training and knowledge.
What do the CSR 1997 require you to do?
Avoid entry to confined space by doing work from outside.
Follow safe system of work If you must do It.
Put In place adequate emergency arrangements.
What other examples of confined spaces can you think of?
Ceiling voids, storage tanks
At Leicester, explain your role under CDM.
I was acting on behalf of the client to fulfil client obligations under CDM 2015.
Tell me about an example of where you have worked well in a team.
I am responsible for our team CPD requirements. I arrange workshops to collectively think of the areas of Improvement and then target training in these areas.
Why is diversity and inclusivity valuable to businesses / teams?
Diversity refers to different traits and Inclusion refers to behaviours and social norms. Having different traits will result In number of different and unique Ideas to work on In a team.
What is sustainability?
Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Can you explain your understanding of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) to me?
MEES is a set of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards set out by the Government for commercially let properties. From April 2018, new MEES rules mean a landlord cannot renew or grant a new tenancy of longer than 6 months if their property has an EPC rating of ‘F’ or lower.
What is an EPC?
An EPC is a rating system for rating the sustainability of a building. It gives a property a rating based on its energy efficiency, from A – G.
What is BREEAM?
BREEAM, which stands for Building Research Establishments Environmental Assessment Method, is a way of rating the sustainable performance of a building.
Can you tell me the difference between GDPR and Data Protection act 2018?
GDPR is the wider EU regulation for data protection whilst data protection act 2018 is the UK implementation of GDPR in the UK.
Can you tell me when an EPC is required?
EPC is required when you sell, let, build a building or when extensive refurbishment works are carried out.
What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy. It was made in April 2016 and implemented in May 2018.
What were some of the changes made in RICS Surveying safety 2nd Edition? when did it came into effect?
RICS surveying safety 2nd edition came into effect on 1 February 2019. Changes include:
- Undate to CDM 2015 regs
- Increased awareness to health aspects e.g. asbestos
- Safe person concept
What is asbestos?
Naturally occurring rock mineral with heat and fire resisting properties.
When was asbestos banned in the UK?
1985, 1999 for chrysotile asbestos.
What duties exist under the regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005?
- Employer or Building occupier to carry out risk assessment.
- Have the correct fire fighting equipment.
- Implement fire safety measures.
- Appropriate training
- keep fire exits and escape routes open.