Technical Flashcards
What can you expect during departure at an airport with high density altitude?
Reduced available thrust, longer T/O roll, degraded climb performance.
What is required for 5/5/5?
DFW Airport info: for 5/5/5 you need CL and HIRL to be operative.
Lost Com procedure
Check departure jep chart for lost coms box. Otherwise, (91.185) AVEF, MEA
What is the speed limit below 10,000’ in Mexico?
When do you need a second alternate?
When the weather at the destination and first alternate are forecast to be marginal.
What would you do if the Captain has passed out and is unresponsive at flight level 350?
Check if he just fell asleep. Then put on an oxygen mask, put one on him and have the passengers wear an oxygen mask, and declare an Emergency.
You fly at FL210, then you have to descend to 11000 within 25nm. Now, you have to maintain ground speed 300kts. How many feet per minute do you have to descend?
2000 ft/min
Fly-over vs fly-by waypoints
Fly Over: waypoints you must actually fly over
Fly By: a waypoint that could have a turn at it therefore your gps would start you on your turn before you actually reach it to stay on path
How long do you have to notify the FAA if you lose your certificate(s)?
Must notify immediately. Temporary will be valid for 60 days.
WX is reporting 100’ OVC is that a problem?
no. ceiling is not controlling
What does CL RCLM mean?
CL: centerline lights
RCLM: runway centerline markings
How long are pilot certificates valid for?
Pilot certificates do not expire, and are valid if flight currency is maintained along with a current and appropriate medical certificate.
3000T on a V airway in altitude what does the T mean?
What is a green airport (Jepp)
VFR only airport.
What altitude are you guaranteed in the MSA?
1,000’ above highest obstacle.
Take-off alternate, what does RVR 6/6/6 mean? Can you go with 6/5/6 or 6/m/6?
This depends what chart you’re shown. If it’s DFW, the takeoff mins are 5/5/5, so you can go with 6/6/6, 6/5/6, or 6/m/6.
Where is the final approach fix on the approach (ILS)
Glide slope interception at GS intercept altitude.
When must you notify the FAA of an address change?
30 days
Where can you find takeoff minimums?
On the 10-9 page (back of the airport diagram)
How long is a temporary FAA Certificate good for?
(61.17) 120 days / expiration date shown / upon receipt of the permanent certificate / upon receipt of a notice that the certificate or rating sought is denied or revoked.
(If lost: 60 day temp)
What’s the lowest we can go to on a VOR approach? and what do we need to continue to land?
To MDA. Then you must have items listed under 91.175 to continue.
What is FAR 91.175
Takeoff and landing under IFR conditions
How do the flaps work on your current aircraft and how many degrees?
Driven by an electric motor. 0, 15, 45
What is V2?
Takeoff safety speed. Minimum speed must be reached before aircraft reach 35ft above surface with one engine inop.
What are the cloud clearances in D, B airspace?
D: 3 - 152, B: 3 - COC
What is the speed restriction in class B and D airspace?
Within 4nm of the primary airport of a class C or D airport, the speed limit is 200KIAS. There is no speed restriction inside class B airspace except for 250KIAS below 10,000’msl.
200KIAS below the shelf of B or within a vfr corridor
What lighting is associated with a MALSR?
consists of a combination of threshold lamps, steady burning light bars and flashers, provides visual information to pilots on runway alignment, height perception, roll guidance, and horizontal references for Category 1 precision Approaches.
What is required for a thunderstorm to form?
Unstable air, visible moisture, upward force
What is missing from a clearance using the C.R.A.F.T method?
On a Jepp enroute chart what is the number before the G, example 2500G on an airway?
MEA on a gps only route
Are there any Hot Spots at the DFW airport?
What is the “shaded” area on the DFW airport diagram.
Non-movement area
Soft field symbol on Jepp charts.
It will be the letter “s” after the rwy length. Or turf with white runway
If you’re inbound on the Final Approach Segment, and ATC tells you that mins are below the mins required for the approach, can you continue?
Yes. You have past the FAF.
What is V1?
Speed where you decide if flight is to be continued if there’s an engine failure. pre-abort, post-continue
How do you know how much runway is left during landing rollout?
Runway distance remaining signs. Light change from white to yellow/white and red
What are flight time limitations for part 121 per day/week/month/year?
(121.471) All commercial flying: 8/30/100/1000
When do you need a take-off alternate?
(121. 617)
(a) If the weather conditions at the airport of takeoff are below the landing minimums in the certificate holder’s operations specifications for that airport, no person may dispatch or release an aircraft from that airport unless the dispatch or flight release specifies an alternate airport located within the following distances from the airport of takeoff:
(1) Aircraft having two engines. Not more than one hour from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative.
(2) Aircraft having three or more engines. Not more than two hours from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative.
(b) For the purpose of paragraph (a) of this section, the alternate airport weather conditions must meet the requirements of the certificate holder’s operations specifications.
(c) No person may dispatch or release an aircraft from an airport unless he lists each required alternate airport in the dispatch or flight release.
What does MAA ensure?
Maximum authorized altitude. An MAA is a published altitude representing the maximum usable altitude or flight level for an airspace structure or route segment.
Adequate reception of navigation signals.
When is it required to have an FCC license?
Fly international
Is an alternate required if the weather is forecasted to be exactly 2000’ ovc and 3sm vis?
no, must be less than
How wide is a victor airway?
8nm (4nm to either side of centerline)
What does ‘D’ mean on the airport diagram?
Runway declared distance information available
What is the zipper line on the airport diagram?
It’s the boundary between the ground frequencies when you switch between them
What are the three types of icing?
Instrument, Induction, Structural (Rime, Clear, Mixed) don’t forget about frost
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
Easy way: divide by 2 and subtract 16. F-C
Long way: multiply by 1.8 and add 32. C-F
What is the speed limit below 10,000’?
250 KIAS. None at 10,000 or above
What is more controlling? RVR or Vis in SM?
What are the oxygen requirements for pressurized aircraft?
Above FL250: 10-minute supply for each occupant
Above FL350: pilot at controls wears a mask unless there are two pilots with quick donning masks (less than 5 seconds). Also if one pilot uses the restroom.
Above FL410: one pilot must wear mask
If I leave the cockpit, and the flight attendant is occupying my seat, do you have to be on oxygen?
Yes, if above FL350
Where’s the airport beacon?
circle with a star in it
Why do you want to know how much runway is left?
Check the back of the chart. 10-9
Airport reference point. It is the center point of an airport, where the GPS will take you direct.
D-ATIS, what does the D stand for?
What are the dimensions of class C airspace?
5 NM radius core extends sfc-4,000agl. 10 NM shelf 1,200-4,000agl.
What is the Maltese Cross?
final approach fix for a non-precision approach
What is the 1-2-3 rule?
Requirements for filing an alternate. 1-2-3: 1hr before to 1hr after ETA, the weather must be forecast to be 2000’ ceiling and 3SM vis
What if the weather goes below minimums and we are inside the FAF?
(121.651) You can continue the approach to the DA/DH or MDA.
You are at 21000’ and ATC wants you to be at 11000 feet at Jacob Fix. Your ground speed 300kt and you have to keep 2000 fpm rate. When do you have to start to descend and how long would it take?
10000’ to lose at 2000fpm is 5 minutes in the descent. You’re covering 5 miles per minute. 5x5=25 miles out I’d start the descent.
Current Aircraft Systems. What type of engine? How does the gear work?
Landing gear: fixed. main gear: mounted to sprung steel struts. Nose gear: free-castering, elastomer spring.
Engine: Lycoming IO-360-M1A. Fuel injected, horizontally opposed, air cooled, normally aspirated, direct drive, 4 cylinder, 4 stroke. 180 HP at 2700RPM
Define Altitudes of Class B airspace.
Generally 10,000 msl with a 30 nm code C. Some airspace is different (KDEN, KDFW)
What does descend via mean, what’s the bottom altitude?
Cleared to descend via the altitudes associated with the STAR, bottom altitude will be depicted on the last point in the sequence
Holding speeds
at or below 6000 - 200
6001 - 14000 - 230
above 14000 - 265
What is a blue airport (Jepp)
Airports that have published instrument approaches
What is an MEL?
Minimum Equipment List. It is a list designated to a company approved by the FAA listing equipment that is OK to be inoperative to continue a flight. Usually including steps to ensure safety and that it is fixed in the near future.
LAHSO on Jepps Airport Diagram
Solid black line perpendicular to runway where it wants you to hold short.
When do the runway edge lights change? What color are they?
White until the last 2000’ or half of the runway, whichever is less, then they become yellow.
Tell me about Centerline Lights
installed on some precision approach runways to facilitate landing under adverse visibility conditions. They are located along the runway centerline and are spaced at 50-foot intervals. The runway centerline lights are white until the last 3,000’ of the runway. The white lights begin to alternate with red for the next 2,000’, and for the last 1,000’, all centerline lights are red.
What are the different types of fog?
Radiation, advection, upslope, evaporation, ice, and frontal
What is a critical engine?
The engine that when failed, most adversely affects the airplane.
What are the dimensions of class D airspace?
Generally surface to 2,500 agl. Designed to contain instrument procedures.
What does Grid MORA ensure?
Clear all terrain and man-made structures by 1000’ in areas where the highest elevations are 5000 or lower. 2000’ in areas where the highest elevations are higher than 5000
How long do you have to notify the FAA if you move?
30 days
What regulation determines the limitations between flying and alcohol consumption?
(91.17) You cannot be under the influence of alcohol, taken a drink in 8 hours, or have a BAC of .04 or more.
What altitude do flight levels start?
Where is field elevation measure from?
The highest point of an airport’s usable RWY and is measure in height above MSL.
On a STAR are “expected altitudes” mandatory?
No. They are for planning purposes and are not considered mandatory unless given in clearance.
What is MAA?
The maximum Authorized altitude is the highest altitude at which the airway can be flown without receiving conflicting navigation signals from NAVAIDs operating on the same frequency. Chart depictions appear as “MAA-15000”.
Is visibility or ceiling controlling for whether or not we can shoot an approach?
What is an MSA, how far is the radius of an MSA?
Minimum Safe Altitude - typically 25nm unless otherwise depicted
What is LAHSO?
Land and Hold Short Operations.
When is the ILS critical area Hold Short in effect?
WX less than 800-2
What does an airway bypass mean on a Jepp chart?
The half-circle on an airway that goes around a navaid or intersection means that it is not part of that route’s structure.
What is RVR 6/6/6?
all three transmissometers are reporting 600 RVR.
What happens if the RVR drops below mins inside the FAF?
You may continue the approach unless told not to do so
When can you descend below MDA/DA?
91.175 runway environment 12 things
What are the stages of a thunderstorm?
cumulus, mature, dissipating
Identify and explain restricted areas
A restricted area is identified brown on a Jepp chart. While not wholly prohibited, is subject to restrictions. Restricted areas denote the existence of unusual, often invisible, hazards to aircraft such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles. Not hot - FAA, Hot - controlling agency.
When are you established inbound?
When the cdi comes alive
What are the oxygen requirements for part 91?
At or above 12,500: required minimum flight crew over 30 minutes
At or above 14,000 - required minimum flight crew
At or above 15,000 - provide passengers with oxygen
What does MOCA give you?
Obstacle clearance 1,000’ non-mountainous and 2,000’ mountainous. It also assures acceptable navigational signal coverage within 22nm of a navaid.
What is the star without a circle on a taxi diagram?
Its the hazard beacon.
Can you T/O with M/6/6?
Yes, with 3 RVR transmissometers, all are controlling. At least 2 are required to be operational.
Why are some line solid and others dashed? Low chart
solid is the DP, dashed is transition
Where does mountainous terrain start?
3,000’ elevation change within 10nm
When you get out to the plane, what five documents do you need?
What is RVSM airspace? What does it give you?
(RVSM) is the reduction of the standard vertical separation required between aircraft flying between FL290 and FL410 inclusive, from 2,000’ to 1,000’. This therefore increases the number of aircraft that can safely fly in a particular volume of airspace.
If you are on V123 (on the 250 radial) what radial would you be on if you crossed over the VOR?
What is accelerate stop distance?
The distance required to accelerate to V1 with all engines at takeoff power, experience an engine failure at V1, and abort the takeoff and bring the airplane to a stop using only braking action without the use of reverse thrust.
What does MCA Ensure?
It ensures you are at a safe altitude before continuing on the airway. It is the lowest altitude at certain fixes at which an aircraft must cross when proceeding in the direction of a higher minimum enroute IFR altitude (MEA)
What is the black arrow mark on the airport diagram?
Tallest obstacle in the area
What are the different ways to enter a hold?
Direct, Parallel, Teardrop
At what altitudes does RVSM airspace begin and end?
FL290 - FL410
What is MCA?
Minimum crossing altitude
When is an alternate landing airport required?
What is a CDL?
Configuration Deviation List - Identifies any external part of an aircraft type that can be missing at the commence of a flight and the aircraft remains airworthy.
How is a displaced threshold depicted?
A ten feet wide white threshold bar is located across the width of the runway at the displaced threshold. White arrows are located along the centerline in the area between the beginning of the runway and the displaced threshold.
What does ARROW stand for?
Documents required to be in an aircraft by the FAA. (Airworthiness Certificate, Radio Station License, Registration Certificate, Operating Limitations, Weight and Balance.)
What are the crew rest requirements?
9hrs rest for less than 8hrs scheduled flight time
10hrs rest for 8-9hrs scheduled flight time
11hrs rest for 9hrs or more scheduled flight time
What color are the nav lights?
Green right, Red left.
What is VDP?
Point at which normal descent can be made on non precision approach
What are IFR fuel requirements?
Enough fuel to fly to the destination then to alternate (furthest alternate) then thereafter for 45 mins at normal cruise.
What equipment is required in RVSM?
Two independent altitude measurement systems (with ice protection), one transponder (with mode C), an altitude alerting system, and an automatic altitude control system. Altimeter error tolerance is 200ft apart.