Teams Flashcards
Characteristics of Succesful Teams
-The characteristics of High performing teams can be summed into an acronym such as PERFORM.
- Purpose
- Empowerment
- Relationships & communication
- Flexibility
- Optimal performance
- Recognition & appreciation
- Morale
- Members committed to a purpose.
- Goals are clear, challenging & relevant to purpose.
- Strategies to achieve goals are clear.
- Members feel a personal & collective sense of power.
- Mutual respect within team and willingness to help each other.
- Members have access to necessary skills & resources.
- Members express themselves openly and honestly.
- Members listen actively to each other.
- Differences of opinion & perspective valued.
- members perform different roles and functions needed.
- Members share responsibility for team leadership & team development.
- Members adaptable to changing demands.
- High output
- Quality is excellent
- Decision making effective
- Individual contributions are recognised and appreciated by leader and other team members.
- Team accomplishments are recognised by members.
- Group members feel respected.
- Individuals are confident and motivated
- There is strong cohesion and team spirit.
- Individuals feel good about their membership on the team.
Team Roles
- Positives: Creative, innovative, independent, original;
- Negatives: prefer working alone, introverts, have trouble communicating and react strongly to praise or criticism.
- Positives: Enthusiastic, inquisitive, extroverts. Adept at exploring new opportunities and developing contacts. Good communicators.
- Negatives: Need constant simulation to keep enthusiasm from fading.
- Positives: Serious minded, prudent, able to think critically.
- Negatives: Slow in making decisions. Capacity for shrewd judgements. May appear boring or over critical.
Positives: Mature, trusting, confident. Able to delegate tasks and tackle problems.
Negatives: Inclined to clash with shapers because of differenht management styles.
- Positives: Aggressive extroverts with a great need for achievement. Highly motivated with lots of nervous energy. Strong desire to win. Headstrong and assertive, single minded and argumentative. Can rise above problems. Thrive under pressure.
- Positives: Self controlled & disciplined. Work hard & tackle problems systematically. Reliable, efficient, with a capacity for application.
- Negatives: May lack spontaneity & flexibility.
- Positives: Mild, sociable, Perceptive, diplomatic, good listeners.
- Negatives: May be indecisive in a crisis.
- Positives: Capacity for precision, follow throufh attential to detail, good concentration and meet schedules.
- Negatives: Anxious internally, yet outwardly unruffled. Not keen on delegating, prefer to do everything themselves.
Positives: Keen to acquire technical skills and specialist knowledge. Take pride in their own subject but lack interest in those of other people. Dedicated to maintaining professional standards.
6 Key Factors that will influence the success of a team
- The person in the chair whose profile closely matches that of a good co-ordinator.
- Only one plant in the team but a strong one.
- A good spread of mental abilities.
- A spread in personal characteristics giving a wide coverage of team roles.
- A good match between members’ attributes and their responsibilities.
- Recognition of imbalance in the team & ability to adjust to it.
Team Development Stages
- Team will be eager to begin this stage with high expectation and anxiety on how they fit as a team.
- Inexperience as a team in this stage leads to low productivity but high morale.
- Essential for the development of the team into full maturity.
- Frustration, confusion and impotence may come in at this stage..
- Team strengthened if this stage is managed properly.
. RESOLUTION (Norming):
- Team begins to work together & form a cohesive & confiden team.
- Group no longer requires high level of direction though continues to reap the rewards of support & encouragement of team leader.
. PRODUCTION (Performing):
- Morale is high and team is working efficiently and effectively
- Team functions with minimal interference from leader.
- Responsibility is more placed on the team now.