What are the 4 parts of a team building program?
Icebreaker - Introductory Challenges - intermediate Challenges - Advance Challenges
A venue to enhance interpersonal relationship with other members of the group and can possibly minimize inhibitions.
Team building
Provides an opportunity for everyone to think outside the box and voice out their contributions to achieve a common goal.
Team Building
Activities that are considered the most physically. mentally. and socially challenging among all the activities that have been presented.
Advance Challenges
Game(s) under advance challenges.
Spider web
The challenges increase in difficulty. More teamwork, support, and motivation among the participants take place in these activities.
Intermediate Challenges
Game(s) under intermediate challenges.
Circle of lava
Activities that consist of light challenges and that are less strenuous.
Introductory Challenges
Game(s) under introductory challenges.
Plank walk
The FITT Pro Principle have the follow components:
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type of training, and progression
In doing strength training, you should:
- Check technique
- Use the appropriate amount of resistance
- Use proper form
- Practice proper body mechanics
- Breathe with movement
- Establish workout balance
- Get enough rest
- Use proper footwear and attire and do warm-ups.
Strength training promotes to develop:
- Strong bones
- Control body weight
- Boost stamina
- Better balance
- Manage chronic conditions
- Sharpen focus
In doing strength training, you should NOT:
- Rush movements
- Overwork
- take pain lightly
- Engage in horse play