Teacher Training Flashcards
What are the 5 internal vayus?
Prana Apana Samana Udanya Vyana
What are the 5 external vayus?
Kurma (tortoise, eyes)
Krikara (partridge, sneezing, hunger, belching)
Devadatta (gift of the gods, yawning)
Naga (serpent)
Dhanamjaya (giver of victory, movement of sound throughout the body)
What are the 5 yamas?
Ahimsa (non-violence) Satya (truth) Asteya (non-stealing) Brahmacharya (moderation, channeling emotions) Aparigraha (non-possessiveness)
What are Patanjali’s 5 niyamas?
Saucha (purity, cleanliness of thought, mind and body. Traditionally, this item is listed under Yama; this word means purity.)
Santosha (contentment; happy satisfaction; good contentment.)
Tapas (austerity, heating practices; spiritual effort; austerity)
Swadhyaya (self-education; self study, study to know more about God and the soul, which leads to introspection on a greater awakening to the soul and God within.)
Ishwara Pranidhana (surrender to God; devotion; devotion to a cause)
Who brought yoga to the West and who were his 3 protégés?
His son Desekechar
What are the 7 vital principles in Vijnana?
Relaxation or undoing the body Emptying the mind Intent Rooting Connecting Breathing Elongating
What are the 10 sections of asana?
Surya namaskar Sitting poses Standing poses Forward bends Twists Hand balances Backbends Leg stretches Inversions Savasana
Good space. Openness. Relaxation without dullness
alertness without tension. Stable. Steadiness. Stand. Stirrum
Bad space. Suffering. Unsatisfcation; lack distress; sorrow; that which is unsatisfactory because it is impermanent. From “dur,” meaning “bad,” plus “kha,” meaning “state.
Mind, consciousness
Fluctuations, churnings, chatter
Discipline, restraint, control of
Afflictions, like sorrow or conflict. Moves us away from liberation. Caused by kleshas
Non-affliction. Ie, liberation.
Mental, vocal, or action based imprints. All thoughts words, and actions lead to imprints.
The 5 kleshas
The 5 afflictions
Avidya (Ignorance, lack of spiritual knowledge. Also the field for the other 4 kleshas) Asmita (I-am-ness; pride) Raga (Attraction) Dvesa (Aversion) Abhinivesah (Desire for continuity)
The 5 fluctuations
Correct cognitions Error Imagining Sleep Memory
Practice. Sitting again and again with a goal in mind. (Self-realization)
To be colourless (the mind is not coloured… a crystal is coloured by the flower, but a yogi knows the crystal is pure and colourless)
The 3 gunas
The 3 qualities, the constituent principles, the building blocks of nature. Guna: Quality; attribute; characteristic; excellence; rope; subsidiary; mode
1) Satva (Pure, luminous, no sorrow, balance)
2) Rajas (Passionate, arising from selfish desire and attachment.
3) Tamas (Born of ignorance, indolence, and sleep. Dark, slothful)
Om (Aum)
“Oh god”
“Oh god, let the teachings of my teachers guide me in every endeavor”
A - Creator, Brahmah, Waking
U - Sustainer, Vishnu, Dreaming
M- Destroyer, Redeemer, Shiva, Dreamless Sleep
Cultivation of loving kindness, for those who are happy
Compassion, for those who are suffering
Sympathetic joyfulness upon seeing someone perform meritous acts
Non-judgement, equinimity
Buddhist practice of taking on someone’s suffering, and breathing it out
Action (Mental, physical, or vocal)
Storehouse of karma.
What are the 4 sitting pose cycles?
1) padmasana
2) vajrasana
3) virasana
4) baddha konasana
What are the 5 standing pose cycles?
1) uttanasana
2) vrksasana
3) trikonasana
4) virabhadrasana 1 & 2
5) prasarita padottanasana
Who was Vyasa, the pandit?
The first commentator of Patanjali
What comprises svadyaya, according to Vyasa?
Self-study thru Study and repetition of mantras, to come closer to true self. Not the psychological I, but exposing dif layers of the self (language, conceptualization, imagination, memory, desire, aversion, fear, etc)
What is the danger of tapas and ishvara Pranidhana without svadyaya?
Person may become strong, but w out clarity and leads to fundamentalism and violence.
What is the danger of svadyaya and ishvara without tapas?
Lack of strength and power of action
What is the danger of tapas and svadyaya without ishvara?
Arrogance and megalomania