Anatomy Flashcards
What are the four anatomic planes?
1) Median
2) Sagittal
3) Coronal, Frontal
4) Transverse, Cross
Which plane divides the head and torso into right and left halves?
The median plane. It is characterised by the sectioned midline of the vertebral column and spinal cord. The median plane is the middle sagittal plane.
Which plane is a longitudinal plane dividing the head and torso into left and right parts (not halves)?
The sagittal plane, which is parallel to the median (not medial) plane.
Which plane is a longitudinal plane dividing the body or its parts into front and back halves or parts?
The coronal / frontal plane.
Which plane divides the body into upper and lower halves or parts (cross sections)?
The transverse / cross plane. It may be horizontal planes of the upright body.
What are the 12 systems of the body?
1) skeletal articular
2) muscular
3) cardiovascular
4) lymphatic
5) nervous
6) endocrine
7) integumentary
8) Respiratory
9) Digestive
10) Urinary
11) Immune / Lymphoid
12) Female reproductive / Male Reproductive
What are the 7 main regions of the body?
1) Head
2) Neck
3) Thorax
4) Abdominopelvic
5) Upper Limb
6) Lower Limb
7) Back
What are the 9 subregions of the head?
1) Frontal (forehead)
2) Temporal (temple)
3) Orbital (eye, cavity/walls)
4) Nasal (nose, cavity/walls)
5) Buccal (cheek)
6) Oral (mouth cavity)
7) Mandibular (lower jaw)
8) Parietal (top and sides of head)
9) Occipital (back of head)
What are the 4 subregions of the neck?
1) Anterior cervical (front of neck)
2) Lateral cervical (side of neck)
3) Supraclavicular (above clavicle)
4) Post-cervical / nuchal (back of neck
What is the subregion of the thorax?
1) Pectoral (anterior chest)
What are the 6 subregions of the abdominopelvic region?
1) Abdominal (abdomen)
2) Inguinal (groin)
3) Pelvic (pelvis)
4) Pubic (genital region)
5) Pudendal (female genitals)
6) Perineal (between pubis and coccyx)
What are the 11 subregions of the upper limb?
1) Deltoid (shoulder, upper arm)
2) Axillary (armpit)
3) Brachial (arm)
4) Antechubital (front of elbow)
5) Antebrachial (forearm)
6) carpal (wrist)
7) Hand: palmar (palm)
8) Hand: digital (fingers)
9) Acromial (top of shoulder)
10) Cubital
11) Hand: Dorsal (back of hand)
What are the 8 subregions of the lower limb?
1) coxal (hip)
2) femoral (thigh)
3) patellar (knee cap)
4) crural (leg)
5) fibular (lateral leg)
6) tarsal (ankle)
7) foot: dorsum (top)
8) foot: digital (toes)
9) gluteal (buttock)
10) Popliteal (back of knee)
11) foot: plantar (sole)
What are the 8 subregions of the back?
1) scapular (shoulder blade)
2) vertebral (spinal column)
3) paraspinal (along side spinal column)
4) thoracic (posterior chest)
5) lumbar (lower back)
6) sacroiliac (vertebro-pelvic joint)
7) sacral (posterior pelvis)
8) coccygeal (tail bone)
Before or in front
Further back, or behind