TDA Flashcards
What are the points to prove for TDA?
Without consent
Takes a conveyance
For his or another’s use
Or knew it had been taken and allows himself to be carried on it
Who has the power of arrest for TDA?
Constables only
What is a conveyance?
Anything constructed or adapted to carry persons, by land, sea or air
Does section 12(1) cover pedal cycles?
No, pedal cycles are section 12(5)
How much must a vehicle have moved for this offence?
Moved, no matter how little
What is lawful authority for TDA?
Police, fire brigade, finance companies etc
What are the 4 aggravated factors for TDA?
After taking, but before recovery Dangerous driving Injury to person Damage to property Vehicle is damaged
What vehicles are not included in aggravated TDA?
Boats, aircraft, horse drawn carts
What are the defences to aggravated TDA?
Suspect was not in, on, or near the immediate vicinity or the aggravated factors occurred before the basic offence
What is the definition of TDA for pedal cycles?
Takes a pedal cycle For his or another's use Without consent Knowing it has been taken rides it Does not include being carried
Who has the power of arrest for vehicle interference?
Constables only
What must be the intention of someone committing vehicle interference?
To steal the vehicle/trailer or any part of either
Steal anything in or on either
To take the conveyance
Does vehicle interference include pedal cycles?