TD 4 Flashcards
To utter
You insist on the use of the voice, on the fact of making sounds
To murmur
More intimate or affectionate
To whisper
Has connotations of secrecy
To mumble
To speak slowly and not very clearly
To stammer
To speak with hesitation, repeating the same word or syllabes (because of fear, shyness)
To stutter
To stammer because of anger. Can also be a characteristic of speech, a habitual problem
To lisp
People who lisp cannot pronounce the sounds [s] and [z] correctly
To babble
To speak too quickly and in a confused way so that it is difficult to understand what is said
To gabble
To talk like a child, freely, without much sense
To gibber / jabber
To talk without clear articulation or content
To quaver
To speak in an unsteady voice (often characteristic of old people)
To lilt
To speak in a singing way
To discuss
Idea of clearness and precision
To argue
Implies conviction, defending one’s cause
To chat
To talk in a light and easy way
To chatter
To chat + idea of rapidity, of incessant talk
To natter
To talk about unimportant things
To gossip
To talk about the private affairs of others; often unkind
To blab
To disclose a secret
To blurt
To say something that you had kept to yourself before, or to something involuntarily, without thinking
A legal battle
Une bataille judiciaire
At stake
En jeu
Looks likely to follow asbestos
Risque fort de succéder à celles de l’amiante
- l’alimentation grasse
- le gras
A financial issue
Un problème financier
The food and drink companies
- les fabricants de produits alimentaires et de boissons
- les industries agroalimentaire
Have helped us pile
Ont contribué à nous faire accumuler
The target
- le viseur
- le collimateur
La lecture d’un rapport
Calorie-laden snacks
Encas chargé/riche en calorie/hyper calorique
Will not be welcome reading
Ne feras pas plaisir
Food company executives
Dirigeants des groupes alimentaires
A complete ban
Interdiction totale
Advertising of sweets and fizzy drinks
Publicité pour les sucreries/bonbons et les boissons gazeuses
À proximité
Unless action is taken
Si l’on n’agit pas
Have a significant health impact
Aura un impact important/ une conséquence importante sur la santé
That is
To act
To avoid
This time-bomb
Cette bombe à retardement
Into the courts
Devant les tribunaux