TB, C Diff, IRIS Flashcards
- natural course
- microorganism
mycobacterium TB
exposure/infection –>10% active, 90% latent
10% of latent will develop active TB, highest in the first 2 years
TB presentation
SOB, fever, night sweats, haemoptysis, pleuritic chest pain
CXR - hilar lymphadenopathy, UL lesions, cavitating
TB Ix - Screening
- Quantiferon Gold
- tests for interferon gamma
- +ve within 4-6 weeks of exposure - Mantoux skin test
- induration on skin tested
- can be positive with previous BCG
- can cause anaphylaxis
both don’t have excellent sensitivity - can’t use for symptomatic patients
TB Ix - Symptomatic
Sputum AFB (morning) x3
Culture (most sensitive but takes a while) - sensitivity will help with abx regime
TB Rx Active
Check visual acuity, eGFR, HIV, Hep serology and bloods prior
RIPE x2/52 then RI for 4/52
Rifampicin, Isonaizid, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide
Can stop ethambutol once sensitive to Rifampicin and Isonaizid confirmed
Stop Pyrazinamide after 2m if sensitivities confirmed
Latent TB - rx
Isoniazid x9/12
or Rifampicin x4/12 or both for 3/12
AE Ethambutol
optic neuritis
AE Rifampicin
orange reg bodily fluids
hepatic toxicity
peripheral neuritis, hepatic and renal toxicity
TB MDR - definition and RF
no response to treatment in 3/12
RF - place of birth, exposure to people with MRD or have previously been treated for TB
C diff testing
C diff toxin PCR
will be negative for weeks post, don’t retest
C diff severe - definitions
fever >38.5 or rigours haemodynamic instability peritonitis or bowel perf ileus or toxic megacolon elevated WCC Elevated lactate Cr >50% rise from baseline **Pseudomembranous colitis on colonoscopy
C diff Rx
First episode - PO metro or PO vans
Second episode -PO vanc or Fidoxomicin
Severe - Vanc PO +/- Metro
Recurrent or refractory disease (>3)- feral microbiota tx
IRIS - definition
“Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome” (IRIS) describes a collection of inflammatory disorders associated with paradoxical worsening of preexisting infectious processes following the initiation of (ART) in HIV-infected individuals
IRIS - disease associated
Steroid withdrawal
discontinuation of anti TNF alpha