TB Flashcards
What is the first step of acid fast staining?
Cover smear with carbolfuchsin and stem over boiling water for 8 mins
What is the second step of acid fast staining?
After slide has cooled decolorize with acid-etoh for 15-20 seconds
What is the third step of acid fast staining?
Rise with water to stop decolorization
What is the forth step of acid fast staining?
Counterstain with methylene blue for 30 seconds
What is the fifth step of acid fast staining?
Rinse with water to remove excess methylene blue
What is the sixth step of acid fast staining
Blot dry with bibulous paper and examine under oil immersion
The 6 steps of acid fast staining
Carbolfuschsin with steam Decolorize with acid-etoh Rinse with water Counterstain with methylene blue Rinse with water Dry with bibulous paper and examine under oil immersion
What is M. tuberculosis resistant to?
Acid and alkali
What are the structural components of M. tuberculosis?
Mycelia acids
Wax D
Phosphatides–caseation necrosis
Cord factor–virulence–microscopic serpentine appearance
Phtiocerol dimycocerosate–lung pathogenesis
What component of M. Tuberculosis causes caseation necrosis?
What component of M. tuberculosis gives its microscopic serpentine appearance?
Cord factor
What component of M. Tuberculosis assists with lung pathogenesis?
Phtiocerol dimycocerosate
How does TB travel throughout the body and get to extra pulmonary sites?
Proliferates within mononuclear phagocytes (macrophages) and establish latency in immunocompetent ind.
Lymph nodes
Lungs–infected by inhaling droplets
GI–infected by swallowing infected sputum
Kidney –infected from hematogenous spread of bacilli
What are the non-TB infections that can activate quiescent TB?
How do CD4 T cells help with TB?
Activate some infected macrophages to kill intracellular bacteria