Pulmonary Fungal Infection 2 Flashcards
What is the most important predisposition for susceptibility to opportunistic mycoses?
Prolonged Neutropenia
Underlying dz–determines severity
What are the five serotypes of Cryptococcus neoformans and gattii?
Neoformans–A, D and AD
Gattii–B and C
Where is cryptococcus neoformans found?
Environmental–found worldwide in soil contaminated with bird droppings—PIGEON
Where is cryptococcus gatti found?
Found in litter under eucalyptus trees
What is the structure of cryptococcus?
Oval yeast with narrow-based buds and wide polysaccharide capsule
When is cryptococcus strain pathogenic?
At 37 C
Is there human-to-human transmission of cryptococcus?
ONLY organ transplantation or needle stick–so in hospital
What has increased the caseload of cryptococcal meningitis?
Use of steroids
Survival with malignancy
How is cryptococcosis transmitted?
Inhalation–pigeon droppings
How does cryptococcosis travel through body?
Either using macrophages or as a bare yeast because of thick capsule
Dissemination of cryptococcosis leads to?
Cryptococcal meningitis with SKIN Nodules
Seen mostly in AIDS pts
What causes the organ damage seen with C. neoformans?
Tissue distortion from growing yeast
Very little inflammatory response or granuloma formation occurs with neoformans
What are the virulence factors of cryptococcosis?
Melanin in cell wall- antiphagocytic
Phospholipase B–allows tissue invasion
Why are fever and stiff neck less common with cryptococcosis meningitis?
Little inflammation involved with cryptococcosis infection
What complicates the dx of cryptococcosis infection?
Blunted inflammatory response–usually means pts present late in dz progression
What is used for assessment of the CSF with cryptococcosis infection?
India ink stain– observe yeast with wide capsule
What is used to stain a biopsy of cryptococcosis infection?
Methenamine silver
How is cryptococcosis cultured?
37C on Sabouraud agar
Will produce melanin in culture
What is crag in the context of cryptococcosis?
Serology–Latex agglutination for cryptococcal antigen in blood and CSF
What is Cryptococcomas
Focal neurologic defects
What is the tx for meningitis or cryptococcoma caused by cryptococcosis infection?
Amphotericin B plus flucytosine for 2 wks followed by 10 wks of fluconazole
What is the tx for cryptococcosis infection involving the prostate
What is the tx for cryptococcosis infection involving the skin and bones?
Amphotericin B
When is it safe to stop tx for a cryptococcosis infection?
CSF needs to be examined weekly— must have consistently failed cultures to DC tx