Northeast BC Vegetation Flashcards
Northn Eastern BC vegetation
What kind of willow is this? HINT grows in shoots
Coyote willow- Note yellowish bark, catkins, and long leaves minutely spiny-toothed. Native, yellow but has a variety that is categorized as Red Salix exigua var. hindsiana
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Common Snowberry- note opposite leaves and white berries
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Is it Native or Exotic?
Bluejointed reed grass- The ligule (membrane where the leaf joins the sheath) is 3 to 10 mm long, ragged or shredded along the tip edge and lacks a fringe of hairs. Native, identified as yellow, stable population.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Alpine meadow-foxtail
Tufted grass, sheaths open, blades flat, rough, short-hairy, Ligules finely eroded
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic to BC?
Alsike clover- note 3 leaflets finely toothed, and white/red florets. Alsike Clover is exotic to BC.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
American Vetch, note compound leaf with several leaflets with the top having a tendril that wraps around plants. Native, classified as Yellow under BC meaning the population is stable.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Exotic or Native?
Prairie Rose- flower 5 petals and many stamen. Leaves are alternate and compound with 9 to 11 leaflets. Rounded or blunt at the tip, with serrated edges except at the base. Native, classified as Yellow under BC meaning it is a stable population.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Dwarf blueberry- note alternate leaves, margins finely toothed in upper half, tips pointed to blunt, tapered to the base.
What tree is this bark similar to?
Balsam poplar bark- Flat, scaly and ridged at maturity.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Is it native or exotic?
Baneberry- note toothed leaves, thick round cluster of small white flowers. Leaves are thrice divided. Leaflets are deeply saw-toothed. Fruit is poisonous berrys. Native plant classified as yellow meaning population is stable.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Bear berry- dark green leaves that are paler unerneath, grows low to ground and urn shaped flowers.
What tree does this leaf belong to?
Birch (paper birch)- oval shaped, coarsely toothed. Duller green underneath and turn bright yellow in fall.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Is it exotic or native to BC?
Birch leaved spirea - low growing shrub, terminal cluster of numerous small flowers, corollas white, sometimes pink-tinged. Petals are 5, and circular. It is invasive to BC.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Black currant- note maple leaf shaped leaf with heart base. Note that the stem is smooth.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Black gooseberry- note prickly stem. More lobed compared to currants.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Black twinberry- note opposite leaves and twin berries.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Is it Exotic or Native?
Blue bur- often deciduous; stem leaves linear to narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, reduced upwards to the leafy. Invasive to BC.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?Native or Exotic?
Davis locoweed- basal odd pinnately compound leaves
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Bluejointed reed grass spring shoots. Note smooth nodes. narrower stems to reed canary grass. Native, yellow classified, stable population.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Brittle prickly pear- Its obviously a cacti.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or exotic?
Bull thistle- note stem is prickly compared to burdock which has a smooth stem. Exotic.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Bunchberry- note whorled leaves
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Native or exotic?
Alfalfa- leaflets 3, elliptic-oblanceolate to lance-oblong. Exotic
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Burdock- note smooth stem compared to bull thistle. Exotic
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Alpine meadow-foxtail- ligules finely erroded and irregulalary jagged.
What tree has this leaf shape?
Balsam Poplar- pointed, shiny, oval-shaped leaves.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Exotic or Native?
Alfalfa- leaflets 3, elliptic-oblanceolate to lance-oblong. Exotic.
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Canada Rice Grass - long awns that are twisted. Native, classified as Red, population at risk of endangered, extirpation, or extinction
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Canada Thistle- Note dandelion type seeds. Canadian thistle has less spiny stems compared to bull thistle. Canadian thistle leaves are lighter green and relatively hairless, bull thistle is dark green and very wooly. Exotic.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Canada Violet- Note the purple backside of the flower petals. The backside of the flower is purple. This is a distinctive feature of Canada Violet. Native, classified as yellow.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Canada Wild Rye- bristly seed heads, which curve downward. Native, yellow classified, population is stable.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Canadian Milkvetch- note alternate comppound leaves. Fruit pods are very distinct. Native, classified as yellow, population stable.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Exotic or Native?
Caragana- note oblong pods which are distinct to the Caragana. Exotic.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Exotic or Native?
Cheat Grass- long awns, jagged ligules. Exotic.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Is it Native or Exotic?
Chokecherry- Chokecherry is a tall shrub with grayish to reddish colored bark with raised lines. The flowers are a creamy white color and hang in clusters best described by my wild edibles book as “forming bottlebrush like clusters”.Native, classified as yellow.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Cleavers- Invasive- often climbing other plants- whorled leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Common Dandelion- Basal leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate. Exotic.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Common Horsetail- branches in regular whorls, triangular in cross-section. Native, classified as Yellow.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Common Junegrass- unawned glumes. Leaves are mostly ascending and near the base of the stem with a few alternate leaves up to about mid-stem. The sheath is mostly open at the front. Native, classified as Yellow
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Common Juniper- note blue fleshy like cones
What Plant is this? what is an Identification feature?
Bunchberry- note whorled leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Common Snowberry- note opposite, circular leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Common Sweetgrass- note alternate leaves and vanilla type fragrance
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Is it Native or Exotic?
Cow Parsnip- note hairy stem. Cow Parsnip is smaller than Giant Cow Parsnip and Giant Hogsweed. It is photo-toxic but not as severe as Giantr hogsweed, but be careful with the sap. Native, yellow.
What type of willow is this? HINT: yellowish bark. Native or Exotic?
Coyote Willow- note catkins in photo and yellow bark. It is native, yellow but does have a variety, Salix exigua var. hindsiana that is listed as Red.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?Native or Exotic?
Creamy Peavine- note pinnately compounds leaves with tendrils, Paler leaves than American Vetch. Fruit are pea-like. Native, classified as Yellow, stable population.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?Native or exotic?
Crested wheatgrass or northern wheat grass- spikelets usually evenly spaced like the teeth of a comb. Exotic.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Dryland Sedge- note 3 sided stem and flowers are 3 to 6 spikes, aggregated into a 3- to 5-cm long head. Native, listed as Blue (special concern).
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Canada thistle- note prickly spine and leaves of Canada thistle are lighter green in colour and relatively hairless in comparison to the dark green and very wooly leaves of bull thistle. Bull thistle are dark green and very wooly. Exotic.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?Native or Exotic?
Crested wheat grass or northern wheat grass- spikelets usually evenly spaced like the teeth of a comb. Exotic
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Curly dock- note lancelote basal leaves. Invasive species
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?Native or Exotic?
Dalmation toadflax- note alternate leaves clasping to stem close together. Invasive.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?Native or Exotic?
Davis Locoweed- Basal, odd-pinnately compound, 3-30 cm long; leaflets 7 to 35 or more- Perennial herb from taproot and branching stem-base- RARE PLANT IN NE BC
What dead flowering plant is this? Native or Exotic?
Showy Aster. Native
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature? Native or Exotic?
Douglas Maple- note leaf shape and “helicopter” seeds called Samaras. Native.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Dwarf Blueberry- note alternate leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Prairie Smoke- Flowers grow in 3 long stalks. Basal leaves numerous, short-stalked, interruptedly pinnately divided.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
False Melic - spikelet’s with strong purple colouring, Blades are flat, folded lengthwise, or rolled up some along the edges.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
False Solomon- Note alternate leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Fennel-leaved desert parsley
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Field Scabious -coarse toothed basal leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Fireweed- Purple flowers- alternate leaves that are bright green- tall
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Flix weed- stem leaves are very pilated.
What grass does this ligule belong to?
Foxtail barley
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Foxtail barley- bad for dogs due to long awns
What grass does this ligule belong to?
Fuzzy spiked wild rye
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Fuzzy spiked wild rye - blades stiff, usually smooth on the lower surfaces and minutely rough above
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Gardners Sagebrush- Leaves alternate, narrowly spoon-shaped to oblong
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Gardners sage brush
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Gardners sage brush- alternate leaves and narrow spoon shaped
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Goldenrod- yellow flowers- stem leaves lance-linear to narrowly lance-elliptic, tapering to an unstalked base
What tree do these cones belong to?
Green Alder
What tree does this leaf shape belong to?
Green Alder
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Hair bent grass- awnless or sometimes awned from below the middle on the back, the awns to 2 mm long- basal leaves are flat, finely rough short-hairy
What grass does this ligule belong to?
Hairbent grass- ligules 2-5 mm long
What flower do these leaves belong to?
heart leaf arnica - basal leaves heart shaped stem leaves opposite
What flower is this?
heart leaf arnica - basal leaves heart shaped stem leaves opposite
What plant does this leaf belong to?
Heart leaved buttercup. Basal leaf
what plant does this flower belong to?
Heart leaved buttercup
what plant does this leaf belong to?
Heart leaved buttercuo- stem leaf
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Highbush Cranberry- jaggedly toothed leaves opposite
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Highbush Cranberry- jaggedly toothed leaves opposite
What plant is this?
What grass does this ligule belong to?
Inland bluegrass
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
June Grass- unawned and strongly tufted.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Kentucky bluegrass- difficult to distinguish between other blue grasses. Infloresence a pannicle
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Labrador Tea- note the unique leathery leaves that are oblong to elliptical and round down at tip.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Lambs Quarter- Exotic- Stem leaves alternate, somewhat succulent,
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Lambs Quarter- Exotic- Stem leaves alternate, somewhat succulent,
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Lingonberry- Alternate, evergreen, leathery, narrowly elliptic to egg-shaped, 6-15 mm long, 2-9 mm wide, rounded to shallowly notched at tips, shiny green above, pale with brownish or black stalked glands beneath
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Lodgepole Pine- note the stiff bract
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Lodgepole Pine- bark: usually red-brown in colour but can vary, and has fine, curled flakes. needles: yellow-green in colour, twisted, found in pairs and 5-8cm long.
What flower is this?
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Marsh Fleabane- Heads with ray and disk flowers, several to many in a rounded inflorescence
What plant is this?
Meadow Horsetail-
What flower is this?
Meadows Goat Beard- Swelling in stem below flower. Leaves are usually coiled or curved at the tip, often in tight curls on upper leaves.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Meadows Goat Beard- Swelling in stem below flower. Leaves are usually coiled or curved at the tip, often in tight curls on upper leaves.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Speckled Alder or Mountain Alder- note how cones are brown compared to green alder.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Mullein- stems tall and erect, wooly leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Mullein- stems tall and erect, wooly leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Nodding Onion- Basal leaves several per bulb, linear, flat to channeled, shorter than the flowering stem, about 3 mm wide, smooth, the margins entire or minutely toothed; stem leaves lacking.
What flower is this?
Nodding Onion
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
non flowering fireweed note alternate lancelate leaves.png
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Northern Bedstraw - stem leaves in whorls of 4
What grass is this close up sheath of?
False Melic- note membranous sheath
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Alsike Clover- multi coloured flower.
What type of Fern is this?
Oak Fern- the frond is triangular shaped
What type of Fern is this?
Oak Fern- the frond is triangular shape and spores are green underside the leaf.
What plant does this flower belong to?
Oval Blueberry- corollas pinkish, tubular urn-shaped
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Oval Blueberry-Alternate, deciduous, oval to broadly egg-shaped
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Oval Blueberry-Alternate, deciduous, oval to broadly egg-shaped
What type of tree does this leaf belong to?
Pacific willow
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Pacific willow or shining willow- The leaves are long, thin, shiny, five to ten centimeters long with finely toothed edges.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Paper Birch- The leaves are triangular, or egg shaped and doubly toothed, dull green on top, paler with a soft down underneath.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Paper Birch- The leaves are triangular, or egg shaped and doubly toothed, dull green on top, paler with a soft down underneath.
What tree is this bark from knowing it is young?
Paper Birch- often this red hue as a sapling.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Pasture Sage- The oval leaves are rough or wrinkled and usually downy; the colour ranges from gray-green to whitish green, and some varieties are variegated. The flowers are borne in spikes and feature tubular two-lipped corollas
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Pasture Sage- The oval leaves are rough or wrinkled and usually downy; the colour ranges from gray-green to whitish green, and some varieties are variegated. The flowers are borne in spikes and feature tubular two-lipped corollas
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Creamy Peavine- pinnate compound leaf.
What plant does this flower belong to?
Prairie Buttercup- It sets a single, 5-8-petaled, yellow flower from the axils of the upper leaves at the end of a hairy stalk. Flowers are usually a third-inch to half-inch across. Most plants have three to twelve flowers.
What plant does this flower belong to?
Prairie Smoke- are pink to reddish purple in color and grow in groups of three on long stalks. Each bloom is ¾-1 inch long with 5 white to pale pink petals hidden under red sepals.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Prairie Smoke- Sepals and floral bracts are hairy on the outer surface.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Prickly Rose- dense prickles on both old and new growth (new growth of Smooth Rose has no prickles), the gland lined edges of the leaf stipules,
What plant does this flower belong to?
Purple Rattlesnake Root- ray flowers pink or purplish. Fruit is hairlike bristles
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Quack Grass- Inflorescence a spike 5-15 cm long, 5-10 mm wide, erect, with 1 spikelet per node
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Queens Cup- note hairy stalk?
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Columbine- Open, branching cluster of hanging, bell-shaped flowers at the top of the plant. The upside-down flowers have 5 yellow petals each rolled into a column and forming a long, red, hollow spur at the top.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Dwarf Raspberry or Trailing Raspberry- 5 leaved bramble, prickly stem
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Dwarf raspberry or trailing raspberry- 5 leaved bramble, prickly stem
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Elderberry- The leaflets are pointed, lance-shaped, and sharply toothed. The small, white or creamy flowers have a strong and unpleasant odour. The berries are bright red and each contain 3-5 smooth seeds. Occasionally the berries are yellow or white.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Osier Dogwood- the bright red/orange stem is a good ID. Another giveaway is the lighter underside of the leaf compared to the darker green top.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red Osier Dogwood- the bright red/orange stem is a good ID. Another giveaway is the lighter underside of the leaf compared to the darker green top.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red rasberry- Leaves are alternate and compound with 3 or 5 leaflets
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Red rasberry- Leaves are alternate and compound with 3 or 5 leaflets
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Reed Canary Grass- Stems are hollow and can grow up to 2 m tall. They are dense, spiky and narrow when they are
immature and open more widely as they prepare
for pollination. As they grow, they change colour
from green to dark purple-brown.
What grass is this ligule from?
Reed Canary Grass
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Reed Canary Grass- Stems are hollow and can grow up to 2 m tall. They are dense, spiky and narrow when they are
immature and open more widely as they prepare
for pollination. As they grow, they change colour
from green to dark purple-brown.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Reed Canary Grass- Stems are hollow and can grow up to 2 m tall. They are dense, spiky and narrow when they are
immature and open more widely as they prepare
for pollination. As they grow, they change colour
from green to dark purple-brown.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
rock selaginella - Evergreen perennial forming long or spreading mats
What plant is this flower from?
Saskatoon Berry
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Saskatoon Berry- Alternate, deciduous, oval to oblong-elliptic or nearly round, saw-toothed mostly on top half but sometimes nearly entire, broadly rounded to somewhat squared-off at the tip, smooth to variously hairy at least below
What plant does this flower belong to?
Scentless Chamomile
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Scentless Chamomile- The plant is erect with ascending branches and does not have a distinct odour.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Slender Penstemon- stem leaves opposite, unstalked or nearly so, linear-lanceolate, 2-10 cm long, mostly minutely toothed, smooth.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Senega Snakeroot- The leaves are small, lance-shaped, and the flowers are greenish-white, in terminal spike-like inflorescences.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Short awned Mountain Grass- ligules more or less fringed with fine hairs, blunt,
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Short awned Mountain Grass-Inflorescence a slender panicle reduced to a nearly simple raceme, egg-shaped and open at flowering
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Showy Aster- The stem is covered with dense, glandular hairs. Most of the leaves are basal, usually with rough hairs, especially on the underside
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Slender Wheatgrass- spikelets are awnless to short awned
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Slender wheatgrass- spikes can appear one sided
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Smooth Brome- They also have a zig-zag or m-shaped crimp in the middle of the leaf that you can feel if you run your fingers along the leaf blade
What grass does this ligule belong to?
Smooth Brome- membranous, up to 3 mm long, jagged along the top edge and lacks a fringe of hairs.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Soopolallie or soap berry- Deciduous shrub; stems erect to spreading, young stems brownish-scaled, older branches brownish and scaly. Opposite, entire, elliptic to narrowly egg-shaped
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Sow Thistle- yellow composite (daisy-like) flower heads with strap-shaped flowers, lack of basal leaves, and prickly-margined stem leaves. Plants exude milky juice when broken.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Spreading needlegrass- the awns 15-25 mm long, twice bent
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Stinging Nettle- look for the hairs on its stem, its drooping, catkin flowers, and oval, toothed leaves
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Stinkweed or pennycress- The lower leaves can be in the form of a rosette. In erect plants, the leaves are alternate and without hairs. The upper leaves clasp the stem. The flowers are small, stalked, and have white petals.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Swamp Red Currant- Leaves are 1½ to 3½ inches long, 2 to 4 inches wide, coarsely toothed, straight to heart-shaped at the base, with 3 to 5 primary lobes that may be again shallowly lobed. Veins are prominent and radiate from the base.
What Plant is this? What is an Identification feature?
Sweet Coltfoot - Leaves on the flower stem are narrowly lance shaped and stalkless becoming smaller, bract-like in the flower cluster.