Archeology in BC Flashcards
Arch and heritage permitting in BC
Fill in the blanks: All archaeological sites and materials, prior to AD ____ (except rock art and burials) are protected under provisions of the HCA, whether they are on________ or ____________ land, and whether the archaeological site is________ or ___________.
All archaeological sites and materials, prior to AD **1846 **(except rock art and burials) are protected under provisions of the HCA, whether they are on public or private land, and whether the archaeological site is known or unknown.
What Provincial branch manages archeological heritage and conserve archaeological sites?
BC Archaeology Branch in the Ministry of Forests
What are the 3 different permits under the HCA?
- Heritage Inspection Permit
- Heritage Investigation Permit
- Site Alteration Permit
What does a Heritage Inspection Permit authorize?
authorizes subsurface assessment for identification, assessment, and evaluation of archaeological sites under Section 12.2 of the HCA.
What does a Heritage Investigation Permit authorize?
authorizes broad inventories and research, including significant archaeological excavation under Section 12.2 of the HCA.
When is a Heritage Investigation Permit required in addition to an inspection Permit?
to undertake large-scale evaluation of archaeological resources as a form of mitigation if alterations to an archaeological site are required. The need for an investigation permit is determined by the Archaeology Branch and varies on a case-by-case basis.
What does a Site Alteration Permit authorize?
authorizes impacts to archaeological sites under Section 12.4 of the HCA.
What branch manages Indigenous Heritage under the Heritage Conservation Act?
The Archaeology Branch
Describe the new Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (DRIPA)
The new Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (DRIPA) (SBC 2019, c. 44) legislation, which was recently passed in the provincial legislature (Bill 41), provides the opportunity for the province to reassess its current policy and legislation for consistency. This legislation requires the province to embark on a process of legislative reform to ensure that Provincial laws are consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
What does UNDRIP stand for?
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
When are First Nations consulted?
During HCA permit applications and each time an HCA permit is amended.
A subsurface inspection for archaeological materials must be conducted under what permit?
Heritage inspection (or investigation) permit
What are BC Archaeology Branch Projet Officers now called?
Permitting Archaeologists
Are First Nation Permits required by law?
No, but it is common practice for the Project archaeologist to obtain them to honour First Nations wishes and practices related to their heritage as well as the ensure archaeological work is following Nations heritage policies and expectations.
What is the purpose of an Archaeological Overview Assessment (AOA)?
intended to identify and assess the potential for archaeological sites within the proposed project area and to provide recommendations to manage risk
What is needed in order to conduct an Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA)?
under a Section 12.2 HCA permit
What is the primary goal of an AIA?
to determine whether an archaeological site is present within a study area or not. If a site is present, additional goals of the AIA include determining the extent of the site (both vertically and horizontally), the integrity of the site (whether it is intact or disturbed), as well as assessing the ways in which the site may be impacted by the proposed development activity.