taxomy, phylogentics Flashcards
what is the name given to an evolutionary trait thats homologous within a paticular group but not unique to memeers of that group
A paralogous
B analogous
C pleisomorphy
> cannot be used as a diagnostic or defining character for the group
paralogous = gene duplication analogous = like homoplasy/oppostite of homologus. same function different orign
the pectorial fin of a whale and the foreloeg of a cow are examples of a exaptation b homology c homoplasy d monophyly e plesiomorphy
.they are both mammals so they orignated from the same source!
what basis do we build phylogentic trees on?
shared, derived homologus characteristics!
taxonomy is study of classification
phylogentics is the evolution relationships
what is taxonomy and what is systematics?
theory and practice ofclasssification
looking at relationships between organisms
which taxa is likely to have the most numebr of indiviaual species A angiosperms B fungi C invertebrate D algae E vertebrae
what is typology species identification based on? what are its limitatons?
based on morphilogical/phentotypic charactersiitcs only but ignores intraspecidi variation!
> catepillar and butterfly the same spiecies
> sexual dismorphism - male and female look diffecent so may be mistaken for different species
> different life stages (metamorphism)
what is biological species concpet based on? what are its limitatons?
based on mendelian gentics : species can interbrrwd to produce fertile offspring and how gene pool interact
BUT ignores asexual organisms, hard to judge compatibility
is a mule an example of pre or post - zygotic isolation?
post zygotic isolation!
relates to the viability of offspring and mules are sterile
> prezygotic reporductive isolation = incompatible in gene/gamete/mating behavior/morphology
what types of species prevent us from assessing the reprodcutive compatibilty of species?
ring species - series of linked populations that could interbreed with each other but limited due to geographical barriers
allopatric species - so they never meet! we’ll never know, if they were sympatric speices - overlap and could breed
paleospeices - extinct species so we can’t tell if they are compatible
what is a subspecies
local population of a species, inhabiting a different geographical area so may have new morphilogical features
what is a limpet and a barnacle an example of? A cryptic species B homoplasy C phenotypic convergance D pleisiomorphy E homology
phenotypic convergence due to selection pressure of wave action
> look the same but the origin of the amoured covering is different so this limits PHENETICS as a way of classification
i guess its also homoplasy
what is homoplasy? (sometimes convergent evolution
A homoplasy is a shared character between two or more animals that did not arise from a common ancestor.
e.g. wings on birds and bats orignieted indepenataly
within invetrbrate taxa, which is lileky to have most numebr of speicies A mollusc B insect C annelid D crustacean E arachnid
which taxa liley to have highest prorportion of unidentified species? A angiosperms B fungi C insect D algae E vertebrae
the common pipstrellie bat is an example of? A cryptic species B polygyandry C paleospecies D pleisiomorphy E homology
>morphilogically the same
> genetically and behaviorally different! different frequencty of echolocation
>. hinders morphospeices concept