Taxes & Tax Shelters - Tax Advantaged Investments Flashcards
A corporation is a _____ entity
A partnership is _____ a taxable entity
Tax losses from a partnership can be used to offset other _____ income
passive; although cannot offset earned income or portfolio income
A certificate of limited partnership includes:
- partnership name, type of business, and mailing address
- life of partnership
- each partner’s name, address, and % ownership
- when the partnership is to be terminated, the priority of distributions
LP certificates are typically amended ______
Rights of the general partner include:
- right to charge a management fee and make all business decisions
- power to bind the partnership into contracts
- decide which LPs are allowed in
- whether cash distributions will be made to the partners
- approve transfers of interest between LPs
- entitled to a yearly share of partnership income and loss, as well as share of net partnership assets upon dissolution
Obligations of the gp are:
- fiduciary responsibility
- cannot compete with the partnership
- must have at least a 1% interest in gain or loss
- if he dies and there are other GPs, then must form a new LP
- cannot consent to a judgement against the LP without the other LPs approval
Rights of the LP:
- right to inspect the books and records
- right to yearly pro-rata share of income and loss, as well as net assets on dissolution
- can sue GP for damages if GP does not abide by agreement
- vote on admission of new GP or on sale of partnership assets “partnership democracy”
Obligations of the LP:
- pay in initial capital contribution
- is liable for any “recourse” notes
- pay any additional assessments as determined by the GP
Usual priority of how net assets will be distributed on dissolution is:
- secured creditors
- general creditors
- limited partners
- general partners
The 2 corporate characteristics that are not considered when evaluating tax status are:
- business intent
- association of owners
4 corporate characteristics are (and must have 3 of the four to qualify as a corporation):
- continuity of life (corps have indefinite life)
- free transferability of shares (shares must be negotiable)
- limited liability (corp liability is limited to loss of their investment)
- centralization of management
GPs file a _____ tax return and attaches ____ for each LP
files an “informational” tax return (form 1065) and then attaches K-1s for each LP
An LP establishes a basis when they make a _____ to the partnership
Contributions that establish a basis for an LP are:
- cash
- property
- assuming recourse debt for all partnerships
- assuming non-recourse debt for real estate partnerships ONLY
To adjust an LPs basis at year-end, you add:
- additional contributions of cash/property
- additional recourse debt
- additional non-recourse debt for real estate partnerships ONLY
- the distributive share of net income allocated to you
To adjust an LP basis at year-end, you deduct:
- distributions of cash or property
- repayment of recourse debt
- repayment of non-recourse debt for real estate ONLY
- distributive share of net losses allocated to you
If an investor sells his tax shelter unit but the basis is 0 and he has unused losses, the losses are _____ to the basis (effectively increasing the loss on sale)
added to the basis
Phantom income is when ____
an LP abandons a tax shelter unit but a lender (to whom they owed some amount of money) sells a secured asset and forgives the rest of the loan. The amount forgiven is considered income and the LP will get a tax bill (even after they are gone)
“Recapture” is when you give back up tax breaks you got on an asset when you ____ that asset
sell that asset
Costs that are immediately deductible are:
- ordinary and necessary business expenses
- interest expense on loans
- salaries and wages
- taxes paid
- intangible drilling costs (IDCs) in oil exploration programs
- management fees
Costs recovered over a period of years are:
- purchases of equipment
- depreciation on an accelerated basis
- purchase of real estate “real property” (straight line basis)
- all construction related costs for a real estate project (including interest on construction loans)- then straight line for 27.5 years
- mineral rights costs by depleting the mine or well
- prepayment of insurance, rent, interest, etc.
- partnership organization fees amortized over 5 years
Costs that cannot be recovered are:
- land purchases are held at cost and cannot be depreciated
- syndication costs (fees to the underwriter to sell the LP units)
Tax credits are available for _____ of existing low income housing and _____
rehabilitation of low income housing (4%) and certified historic structures (20%)
The major benefits of real estate programs are:
- straight line 27.5 year depreciation of the property
- non-recourse loans is included in the basis
- interest on the mortgage is deductible in full
- tax credits are available for low income and historic rehab projects
Construction costs have to be capitalized and then cannot be recovered until the building is ______
ready for occupancy
Raw land programs _____
buy land as an investment and hope to realize future gains on sale (often cash flow negative since you have to pay interest and property taxes while you hold it)
Percentage depletion for oil wells is an extra tax incentive where depletion is set an an arbitraty % (15%) and for each barrel of oil sold you get a depletion allowance =
15% x price per barrel
Three types of oil and gas direct participation programs are:
- exploratory
- developmental
- income
The types of carried interest in oil & gas direct participation programs are:
- overriding royalty interest (% of revenue from each barrel sold)
- subordinated royalty interest (GP doesn’t get anything until all LP costs are recovered)
- net profits interest (GP gets % of net profits)
- working interest (GP takes on some of the costs and gets bigger share of the pie in return)
Two types of working interest for O&G:
- disproportionate sharing arrangement (GP takes on a little cost for much more gain)
- functional allocation (GP takes on costs that cannot be immediately deducted - gives LPs biggest first year deduction)
Taxpayers must compute the AMT (alternative minimum tax) and whichever is _______ he pays
whichever is greater
The AMT is ____ on first ____, then _____
26% on first $175,000, then 28% on the rest
The main “tax preference” items to reduce regular tax liability are:
- accelerated depreciation amounts in excess of straight line
- excess intangible drilling cost deductions
- excess percentage depletion deductions
- municipal interest income from bonds that are “qualified private activity” bonds and limited dollar amounts of “non-essential use, private activity” bonds
Typical conflicts of interest for LPs are:
- GP is permitted to take loans from the partnership
- GP is allowed to commingle funds of one partnership with another he is running
- adjacent leases in O&G programs
Subscription agreements for LPs will include:
- investor name and address
- investor net worth and annual income
- investor tax bracket
- ability of investor to commit funds for long periods
- ability of investor to commit funds if assessed by the GP
Tax sheltered investments do not typically qualify for _______ provisions
safe harbor
LPs are ______ offerings and spread is generally capped at ____
prospectus offerings and generally capped at 10%
“Managed” offerings use a ______ to offer the LP to the public, “non-managed” use a ______
managed use an underwriter, non-managed use a wholesaler
Master LPs are ______ and trade on the _____
are negotiable and trade on the exchanges