Tax Lesson 1 Flashcards
Most personal use assets are
Capital Assets
Items that are not capital assets
Accounts & notes receivable
Copyright & created works if held by creator
Depreciable property used in trade or business
Example Exam Question:
Which of the following is a capital asset?
A. Copyright on textbook owned by author
B. Painting owned by art collector
C. Office furniture used in business
D. Not receivable
Ordinary income assets
When sold result in ordinary income
Usually include inventory, accounts receivable, creation/copyright in hands of creator
Section 1231 Assets
Used in trade or business
Depreciable property
Real property
Do not include inventory, property held primarily for sale in ordinary course of trade/business, copyrights/created works
Specifically includes timber, coal, iron ore, livestock, unharvested crops
When property is acquired in taxable exchange, cost is:
When property is acquired subject to mortgage, basis is:
When property is acquired as a dividend in kind or compensation for services, basis is:
FMV at time of acquisition
Example Exam Question:
Buys machine at $58,000. Pays freight of $6,000. Paid additional 5% purchase price in sales tax. Hired local company to install & paid $10,00. What is basis?
A. $64,000
B. $66,900
C. $74,000
D. $76,900
Increases to Basis
Capital improvements Assessments for local improvements Restoring damaged property after casualty loss Legal fees Zoning costs
Decreases to Basis
Exclusion from income of subsidies for energy conservation measures
Casualty/theft loss deductions & insurance reimbursements (business only)
Deduction for clean fuel vehicles
Section 179 deduction
Credit for qualified electric vehicles
Non taxable corporate distributions
Adjusted Taxable Basis - property acquired by non taxable exchange
Carryover basis if exchanged for equal value
Carryover + boot if exchanged for more valuable asset
Carryover - boot if exchanged for less valuable asset
Special Basis Rules
Basis for inherited property is a step to FMV (up or down)
Holding period is always long term
Example Exam Question:
Susie died & left niece 1000 shares of stock. Acquired December 12, 2021 for $25/share. Died February 14, 2022. Niece sold stock for $28/share on February 28, 2022. What is nature of her gain?
A. Short term capital gain
B. Long term capital gain
C. Part short term part long term capital gain
D. Ordinary income
Gifted property general rule
Carryover basis
Gifted property exception 1
When FMV less than donor’s basis Double basis rule For gains: carryover basis For losses: FMV on date of gift In between: doesn’t matter, no gain/loss
Gifted property exception 2
Gift tax paid
Basis when gift tax paid formula
Basis = donor’s basis + [(appreciation/value of taxable gift)x gift tax paid]
Loss on gifted property
Basis is lower of donor’s basis or FMV at time of gift
Holding period for gifted property
General rule: holding period includes donor’s time
If double basis asset sold for loss, holding period only donee’s time
Example Exam Question:
Mike gifted 100 shares stock to James. Mike had basis of $40/share. FMV at gift $65/share. What is James’ basis?
A. $25/share
B. $40/share
C. $65/share
D. $105/share
Example Exam Question:
Mike gifted 100 shares stock to James. Mike had basis of $40/share and held for more than 2 years prior to gift. FMV at gift $65/share. If James sells for $90/share 10 months after date of gift, what will gain or loss be?
A. $2500 LTCG
B. $2500 STCG
C. $5000 LTCG
D. $9000 STCG
Example Exam Question:
Allison gifted 100 shares stock to Joe. Allison’s basis $55/share & held more than 2 years. At gift: FMV $40. What are tax consequences to Joe if he sells 2 years after date of gift for $48/share?
A. $700 loss
B. $800 gain
C. $1500 gain
D. No gain/loss
Example Exam Question:
Donna gifted 100 shares stock to Colin. Donna had basis of $40/share & held for more than 2 years. At gift $65/share. Donna paid $2600 gift tax. Annual exclusion did not apply. What is Colin’s basis in stock?
A. $25/share
B. $40/share
C. $50/share
D. $65/share
Example Exam Question:
Sold land owned for $150,000. Received 5 years ago as wedding gift. Originally purchased many years ago for $20000. At gift worth $100000. Gift tax paid $47000 (annual exclusion did not apply). What is LTCG on sale?
A. $42400
B. $50000
C. $92400
D. $130000
Divorce basis
Example Exam Question:
Carl & Caroline getting divorced. Carl agrees to pay $200/mo & transfer ownership of 2nd home (not personal residence) that has value or 300,000 mortgage of 140,000 & adjustable tax basis of 185,000. Owned 3 years. Within 3 months Carolyn sells home for 310,000. What are tax consequences?
A. 10,000 STCG & 115,000 LTCG B. 125000 LTCG C. 125000 STCG D. No recognized gain due to 250000 exemption E. 10000 STCG
Related Party Transactions Rule
Only matters in loss
Double basis: FMV for losses, transferor’s basis for gains
Holding period always begins date of sale
Example Exam Question:
Mel purchased 100 shares for $5000 3 years ago. Last week sold to brother Isaiah for $4200. Isaiah sells shares today for $4300. Which best represents Isaiah’s sale?
A. $100 LTCG
B. 100 STCG
C. 700 STCL
D. No tax loss or gain
Example Exam Question:
Joe incurred extensive medical bills. Sibling Joseph purchased 300 shares stock 10 years ago for $8600. Worth $7500 currently. Joseph gifts to Joe for medical bills. Joe sells for $7400. Which best represents transaction for Joe?
A. $100 LTCL
B. $100 STCL
C. $1200 STCL
D. No tax loss or gain
Bargain Sales to Charity
Basis= (amount realized/FMV) / original basis
Taxpayers with AGI over 200k (single) or 250k (mfj) also subject to
3.8% Medicare contribution tax on investment income for AGI that exceeds threshold
I’m calculating holding period, day of disposition in included
Day of acquisition is not included
Gains only taxed when
Both realized & recognized
Disposition of asset
Segregation of gain
When gain is taxed
Amount realized - adjusted basis = __?
Cost of property + capital additions - cost recovery = __?
Realized gain/loss
Adjusted basis
Ordinary gains are
Ordinary losses are
Fully taxable
Fully deductible
Capital gains/losses
Subject to special tax treatment
Party giving up or shedding debt
Seemed to have additional amount realized
Party taking in debt
Depends to be paying that amount in the exchange
Sale of mortgaged real estate can yield
Phantom income
Losses generated on personal property exchanges/sales
Not permitted for tax deduction
Index fund for index fund
Index fund for managed large cap fund
Yes wash sale
Not not wash sale
Wash sale rules apply to sales/trades of contracts & options
Do not apply to sales/trades of commodity futures & foreign currencies
To use gain exclusion on home
Both must meet use requirement (2/5 years) - 1 yr stay in nursing home doesn’t count
One must meet ownership requirement of 5 years
Reduced exclusion if you don’t meet use/owning requirements if
Change in employment
Change in health
Other unforeseen circumstances
Example Exam Question:
MFJ. Purchased home 18 months ago for $685000. Sold today for 925000 & want to know tax consequences. Required to move because of employment. How much gain must be recognized this year?
A. $0
B. $240000
C. $375000
D. $925000
Example Exam Question:
Bought beach front to rent out for next year until retire & move there permanently. Purchase price $300000. Rents totaled $45000. Promptly moved to home & lived 4 years before downsizing to be closer to family. If sales price is $500000, how much gain is taxable?
A. $0
B. $20000
C. $40000
D. $200000
Loss resulting from worthless securities
Deductible in year securities became completely worthless
When netting short & long term, if excess losses result
Shifted to category carrying highest tax rate
Net capital losses deductible for AGI up to
Excess carried over
Retain classification of short or long term
Example Exam Question:
Gain on sale 12,000 purchase held 18 months
Gain on sale 6,200 inheritance held 6 months
Gain on sale 7,500 gift, donor held 2 year
Loss on sale 14,000, purchase held 3 months
Loss on sale 3,000, purchase held 2 years
What is net capital gain or loss? A. LTCG 22700 B. LTCG 8700 C. STCL 14000 D. LTCL 3000, carryover STCL 11000
Example Exam Question:
What is net LTCG & LTCL from previous question?
A. LTCL $21400
B. LTCG $16500
C. LTCL $9000
D. LTCG $22700
Example Exam Question:
What is net STCG & STCL from previous question?
A. STCL $300
B. STCL $6500
C. STCL $7800
D. STCL $14000
Capital gain recognized to full extent each year regardless of size
Capital loss only recognized up to what offsets gains with additional $3000/year with indefinite carryover
Single taxpayer can deduct $50k of loss on small business stock as ordinary loss in any given year if following requirements are met:
Domestic corp
Small business corp when stock issued
Incorporated after nov 6 1978
Loss sustained by original owner of stock who is not corporation, trust, or estate
Issued to original owner for money or property
For 5 years prior to loss, corp must have earned more than 50% gross receipts from actual income sources
Related Parties include
Siblings (half but not step) Children Grandchildren Parents Grandparents Spouse
Related Parties Do Not Include
In laws
Example Exam Question:
Bill owns 1000 shares stock. Bought in 1988 for 40000. Current FMV 32000. Sells to brother Jack for 32000. Brother sells to friend for 38500 six months later. What are tax consequences to Bill & Jack?
A. 8000 LTCL to bill, 6500 LTCG to Jack
B. 8000 LTCL to bill, 6500 stcg to Jack
C. No gain/loss to bill, no gain/loss to Jack
D. No gain/loss to bill, 3500 LTCL to Jack
To be classified as 1232 asset
Must have long term holding period (>1 year)
Example Exam Question:
Which is not section 1231 asset?
A. Copyright owned by author
B. Timber
C. Coal
D. Same sex livestock
Gains - capital gains
Losses - ordinary income
If in 15% or lower tax bracket for ordinary income, 0% capital gains rate will apply
C Corps do not benefit for 1231
Taxes at same rate for both ordinary income & capital gains
Section 1245 Property
Ordinary income for depreciation recapture then LTCG rates after
Tangible property used in trade or business
Section 1250
Excess depreciation taxed ordinary income
Depreciation taxed 25%
Remainder taxed LTCG rate
Real property used in business
The only way to have a section 1231 gain on section 1245 property is to
sell for more than originally purchased for
Example Exam Question:
Sells equipment used for business for $18000. Originally purchased for $15000 taken $7000 depreciation. What is section 1231 gain?
A. $11000
B. $8000
C. $7000
D. $3000
Example Exam Question:
In previous question, how much gain is taxed as ordinary income?
A. $0
B. $11000
C. $3000
D. $7000
Any sale amount in excess of original purchase price of section 1245 asset is
1231 gain
All section 1250 losses are
Ordinary losses
5 Year Lookback Rule
Net section 1231 gain in current year will be taxed at ordinary income rates to extent of any 1231 losses in last 5 years
Non taxable exchanges
Non recognition:
Realized, like kind exchanges, principal residence, investment real estate, life insurance policies
Non taxable transactions:
Realized not currently recognized, postponed recognition, carryover basis, holding period carryover, depreciation recapture
Tax free transaction:
No recognition of gain is permanent
Like Kind Exchanges (section 1231)
Deferred taxation of gains
Only real property if held for productive use or as investment
Not personal assets, stocks, other securities, tangible property
Similar character/nature (broad)
When like kind exchange treatment available
To avoid taxation in 1031
Proceeds must be held in escrow
Replacement property identified within 45 days of sale
Closing must take place earlier of: 180 days from sale or due date of tax return for year original property was sold
1031 basis & holding period
Non-like kind property & cash received
Boot (can reduce basis when paid in excess of gain)
Mortgage transfer in 1031 is considered
(If giving mortgage, receiving boot)
(If undertaking mortgage, giving boot)
Example Exam Question:
Exchange like kind real estate assets:
Jack: fmv 50k, adj tax basis 23k
Jill: fmv 70
If Jack pays Jill cash of 20k + asset, how much does Jack recognize?
A. $0
B. $20k
C. $23k
D. $27k
Example Exam Question:
From previous, what is Jack’s new basis?
A. $20k
B. $23k
C. $27k
D. $43k
Example Exam Question:
From previous, assume Jill’s adjusted basis in original asset was $45k. How much gain must Jill recognize?
A. $5k
B. $10k
C. $15k
D. $20k
Example Exam Question:
From previous, how much is Jill’s basis in new asset given old basis was $45k?
A. $50k
B. $25k
C. $20k
D. $45k
Example Exam Question:
From previous, assume Jill’s basis in old asset $55k. How much gain must Jill recognize on transaction?
A. $5k
B. $10k
C. $15k
D. $20k
Example Exam Question:
From previous, what is Jill’s basis in new asset of original basis $55k?
A. $50k
B. $45k
C. $40k
D. $35k
Related Parties Like Kind Exchanges
If within 2 years, both must recognize gain/loss from time of exchange
Includes siblings, spouse, ancestors, descendants
In business, controlled corp & corps that are members of control group
Does not apply if either party does before sale occurs or taxpayer can demonstrate to satisfaction of IRS avoidance of tax was not principal purpose of sequence of transactions
Exchanges of stock for property:
No gain/loss recognized when corp receives money or property in return for stock
1032, sale of stock to investors treated as infusion of capital - no income tax
Involuntary Conversions
Destruction, theft, seizure, condemnation, sale/exchange from threat of condemnation, eminent domain
1033 permits nontaxable treatment of gains of amount reinvested in replacement equals/exceeds amount realized
Replacement property must be:
Similar in function or use
Acquired within 2 years (3 for condemnation) from year end of year gain realized
Functional use for owner-user
Taxpayer use for owner-investor
Replacement property must serve same functional use
Must be used in similar activity as original property
Example Exam Question:
Office building destroyed by hurricane. Destroyed aug 29, yr 1. FMV $1m. Adjusted basis $450k. Insurance adjuster determines feb 14, yr 2 should be paid $1m, what is last date can reinvest under section 1033 to avoid recognition of gain?
A. Aug 29, yr 3
B. Aug 29, yr 4
C. Dec 31, yr 3
D. Dec 31, yr 4
Example Exam Question:
From previous, how much cash must be invested to avoid recognition?
A. $0
B. $450k
C. $550k
D. $1m
Insurance - Section 1035
Ordinary life for life insurance on same individual or endowment or annuity
Endowment May be exchanged for endowment with payments no later than original or annuity
Annuity May be exchanged for annuity on same person (no for life insurance or endowment)
Transferred basis rules apply, cash received will trigger gain
Losses not deductible
Example Exam Question:
Which of the following are correct tax free exchanges?
- Life insurance for life insurance
- Life insurance for annuity
- Annuity for annuity
- Annuity for life insurance
A. 1 only
B. 1,2
C. 1,2,3
D. 1,2,3,4
Transactions Divorce
Carryover basis
Lesson 1 Review:
Stock transactions this year:
Purchased last year Oct 31 for $12,000. March 5 of this year completely worthless.
Purchased 1244 stock several years ago for $200,000. Sold for $100,000 this year.
What is net long-term loss for current year?
A. $12,000
B. $50,000
C. $62,000
D. $112,000
Lesson 1 Review:
Owned securities. Paid $5000 for shares & sold for $7000. Twenty days later purchased identical shares for $6500. Which is true?
A. Wash sale rules will apply
B. Stock will receive section 1244 treatment
C. Stock will receive like kind treatment
D. Basis in new shares is $6500
Lesson 1 Review:
Received gift of property from mom. Mom had basis of $50000. Worth $100000 at dare of transfer. Mom paid gift tax of $45000. Annual exclusion does not apply. What is daughter’s basis?
A. $50000
B. $72500
C. $95000
D. $100000
Lesson 1 Review:
Made several exchanges during the year. Which qualifies for like-kind treatment?
A. Personal auto for brother’s auto
B. Cow used in farm business for steer
C. Unimproved land held for investment for apartment building held for investment
D. Inventory items that were brown for inventory items that were red
Lesson 1 Review:
Machine used in business. Downsizing & needs smaller machine. Local business owner offered to enter exchange. Morgan will receive Caleb’s machine worth $75000 & $25000 cash in exchange for her machine worth $100000. Morgan’s basis $80000. Caleb’s basis $25000. What is Morgan’s new basis?
A. $25000
B. $75000
C. $80000
D. $100000
Lesson 1 Review:
Business property destroyed by fire. Original basis $250000. Insurance proceeds $600000. Acquired replacement property 2 months later & paid $620000 for new property. What is basis in new property?
A. $250000
B. $270000
C. $600000
D. $620000
Lesson 1 Review:
S & K married last year. Lived in K’s home after getting married. Kevin has lived in & owned home for 5 years. S. Has lived there 9 months. Sold because K’s job transferred him to another state. Basis in home is $400000 FMV is $1000000. What is the gain that will be recognized on sale of home?
A. $100000
B. $256250
C. $412,250
D. $600000
Lesson 1 Review: Had following gains/losses for the year. LT loss: $45000 ST loss: $15000 LT gain: $20000 ST gain: $19000
How much gain/loss will be deducted on tax return?
A. $0
B. $3000 against ordinary income
C. $21000 long term loss
D. $4000 short term gain & $25000 long term loss
Lesson 1 Review:
Which is 1231 asset?
A. Machine used in business purchased 6 months ago
B. Land used in business purchased 10 years ago
C. Inventory of a business
D. Accounts receivables of a business
Lesson 1 Review:
Company purchased machine several years ago. Has taken depreciation deductions of $40000. Originally purchased for $90000. If sold today for $120000, how much ordinary income recognized?
A. $0
B. $30000
C. $40000
D. $70000
Lesson 1 Review:
Company purchased business real estate many years ago used in business. Purchase price $1m. Has taken depreciation deductions of $800k, $500k straight line. If company sells property today for $2m, what are tax consequences?
A. $1.8m taxed at 20%
B. $300k ordinary income, $500k 25%, $1m 20%
C. $1.5m taxed at 20%
D. $500k at 25%, $1m at 20%
Lesson 1 Review:
Ben sold land to brother on January 1 current year. Ben had basis of $40k & sold for $240k. Sold land to bro using installment sale. Bro will pay $2000/mo for 10 years plus applicable rate of interest. 6 months after purchasing land, bro sold property for $300k. How much gain will bro recognize in current year if 12 payments were made?
A. $4000
B. $20000
C. $200000
D. $260000
Lesson 1 Review:
Grandma gave stock at death 5 years ago to Ginger. Grandma paid $100. Valued at $5000 when died. Ginger gave to daughter 2 years ago. Worth $4000 at transfer. Daughter sold for $4500 today. What is gain/loss?
A. $0
B. Loss of $500
C. Gain of $500
D. Gain or $4400