Divorces finalized after 2018, how is that taxed?
Not taxed, not deductible
Divorces finalized before 2019, how is that taxed?
Taxed to the recipient
The payroll is granted a deduction (for AGI)
How is child support taxed?
Not taxed, not deductible
To qualify for alimony, how does the payment need to be made?
Cash or via expense payment (such as a mortgage company)
Does the payment need to be contingent upon the life of the recipient?
True- Upon the recipient
To qualify for alimony, does the agreement need to be in writing?
Payments for Physical Injury and Physical Sickness, how is this taxed?
Excluded from income (this includes workers comp)
Payments from unemployment comp, is this taxed?
Yes, they are taxed
Benefits from accident and health policies are generally excluded from income?
Benefits from disability are excluded unless:
Unless premiums were paid by employer and not taxed to employee
Medical insurance premiums paid by the employer are excluded?
Damages received from emotional distress, employment or age discrimination, or injury to reputation, must NOT be included in income?
False- it needs to be included
Punitive damages in general must be included in income?
If a employee performs jury duties and returns the check to the employer, what needs to happen?
The employee can deduct the jury duty check (for AGI) to offset the income