Tax Determination Flashcards
Tax configuration (11)
- assign tax cat to a country (cndty in pric proc)
- only cndty w/ tax cnd class can be used
- define region codes within country for regional taxes
- assign delivery plant to determine source country/region
- define tax classif (ex, tax, half) by tax cat for cust/matl
- tax classif can de defined at cust/matl grp level
- maintain tax classif in cmd/sa/billdoc and mmd/so1
- maintain sales tax id# det rule for VAT reg# in order/bill docs
- maintain tax code/rate in FI by ctry/jurisd/txcod/txty/acctkey
- maintain tax cond rec x ctry/ctxclas/mtxclas/txcod
- tax rate det by tax cod in FI not the cond rec rate
Tax determination key factors (7)
- customer tax eligibility from customer master
- material tax relevance from material master
- departure country and location from del plant in sales doc item
- destination country and location from ship-to party
- tax determination uses the cnd technique
- redetermined based on PGI date during billing
- tax code and acct key det GL acct for bill doc posting