Tax Flashcards
IAS12 - Income Tax - Accounting Profit and Taxable Profit - Current tax - Tax Allowance
The profit/loss for the period before deducting tax = PBT
Taxable Profit - P/L for the period determined in accordance with the rule by the tax authorities, upon which income taxes are payable.
Current Tax - The amount of income taxes payable in respect of the the taxable profit/tax loss - Normally an estimate by the company shown as a current liability
Dr Income expense (PL)
Cr Income tax liability (SFP)
Tax Allowances - Tax equivalent of an accounting item.
Accounting Example
2007 estimate = 200
Pay 2007’s tax of 170
Over provision of 30
2008 estimate = 210
SPL = 180 (Current year 210 - 30 (b.fig) = 180)
Deferred Tax
Amounts of income taxes payable in future periods. Set up a provision for tax in the future.
Accounting profit does not = Taxable profit.
Permanent Difference = Taxable profit - Accounting profit
Temporary Differences = Items used in calculating accounting and taxable profits but in different periods.
Standard Tax working
Current Year Estimate x
Under/Over provision x /(x)
Increase/Decrease in Def. Tax x / (x)
Deferred Tax
- Calculate the temporary difference
Carry Amount - x
Tax base - (x)
Temporary Tax Dif. - X
- Apply the tax rage to the temporary difference to find year end deferred tax liability.
- Account for the movement in deferred tax in tax expense.