Consolidated SFP Flashcards
Working 1
P - % and date of Acq. of S
A - % and date of Acq. of A
Working 2
Net Assets of Sub
Share Capital
Share Premium
Retained Earnings
FV Adjust
FV Depreciation
PUP (sub = seller)
(Post Acq = At Acq - At Reporting)
Working 3
Parent Holding at FV
NCI value at Acq.
Less: FV of Net assets at Acq (W2)
=Goodwill to date on Acq.
Less: Impairment
W3 - Difference between FV method and proportion of net assets
FV Method = NCI value is the NCI’s FV at ace. (number of shares owned by NCI x Subsidiary share price.
Proportion Method = NCI value is NCI’S % of FV of net assets at Acq (w2)
W4 - Non-controlling Interest (NCI)
NCI value at Acq (w3)
NCI Share of post-acq reserves (w2)
LESS: NCI share of impairment (FV method only)
W5 - Retained Earnings
100% of Parent’s earning
P’s % share of S post-acq profit
LESS: P’s % Goodwill Impairment
P’s % share of A post-acq profits
LESS: Impairment in Associate
PUP (P or A the seller
Unwinding of the discount
Calculate unrealised profit - Inventory
The remaining inventory.
Mark up or Margin
Mark up:
Sale = 125%
COS = 100%
Profit = 25%
Sales = 100%
COS = 75%
Profit = 25%
Calculate unrealised profit - NCA
Carrying value with transfer -
Carrying amount without transfer
= Difference is the unrealised profit
Presentation of Financial Statements/Pro-forma
PPE (P+S+FV Adjust. - FV Deprec)
Goodwill (w3)
Investment in A (w6)
Inventories (P+S -PUP+Inv in transit)
Receivables (P+S-Intra-group)
Cash (P+S+Cash in transit)
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital (P + Unrecorded share exchange)
Share Premium (same as SC)
Group Retained Earning (w5)
NCI (w4)
Borrowings (P+S+Unrecorded deferred consideration+ unwinding of discout
Payables (P+S-intra-group payable)