Other Standards Flashcards
IAS8 - Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
Specific principles or rules applied by an entity presented in the financial statements.
Once chosen should be applied consistently.
Change would apply retrospectively. Resulting in restatement.
Shown in the SCOIE
Estimates and Errors
Estimates - Adjusted prospectively.
Pror period errors - corrected retrospectively. opening balance adjusted accordingly.
IFRS 13 - Fair Value Measurment
Level 1 Inputs: observable market prices - Active market = accurate
Level 2 Inputs: Observable, market for similar assets - best estimate
Level 3 Inputs: Unobservable - use best info available.
Does not apply to :
IAS2 - Leases
IAS 36 Impairment
IAS 2 Inventories
Lower of cost and Net Realisable Value
Cost = purchase, costs of conversion and other costs to bring inventories to present location.
Purchase price, import duties, irrecoverable taxes, transport, handling
Cost of conversion: units of production such as direct labour.
NRV = Estimate selling price less estimated costs of completion to make the sale.
IAS 41 - Agriculture
Agricultural Activity - biological transformation of biological assets for sale, not agricultural produce or into addition biological assets.
Biological Assets - living animal or plant
Harvest - detachment from biological asset.
Agricultural Produce - is after biological asset is harvested.
Bearer plants - accounted under IAS 16 PPE
IAS 41 - Measurement
Biological Assets - FV less cost to sell - Shown separately on SFP.
Harvest = classified as inventory measured at FV less costs to sell. Not revalued.
Cost to sell = commission on sale.
IAS 37 Provisions and Contingencies
Provision is recognised:
- Present obligation as a past result.
- Probable of an outflow of resources
- Reliable estimate of the amount
IAS 37 Provisions and Contingencies
Contingent Liabilities:
Possible obligation - Not recognised in Statement but disclosed in notes
Contingent Asset:
Possible asset - no recognised unless virtually certain.
Disclosed in notes if probable.