Taste Flashcards
Taste + Smell + other senses
Taste - taste buds
Smell - Olfactory epithelium in nasal cavity
Other senses - touch, temp, sound, appearance
Sensing concentration of chemicals that are dissolved in saliva
Chemicals interact with taste receptor hairs
Generating a nerve signal to brain
5 taste receptors
Sweet Bitter Umami Salt Sour
Senses volatile chemical in air
Interact with cilia in the olfactory epithelium
Cilia are nerve cell ending so goes directly to brain
Tells brain what is in food not at what concentration
Olfactory epithelium
Only very small
10mm in diameter
400 different receptors
Can interact with different cilia and so create a very complex picture of chemical
Evolution purpose of food
Prevent poisoning
Aversion to flavour
If it made you sick will not like and prevent future poisoning
Also have the opposite which is when food gave you nutrient needed (flavour nutrient learning)
Flavour in practice
Distinguish flavour once and then if keep consuming that food will not constantly renotice flavour.
Notice change in flavour when eat something else.
Almost like sitting you do not notice chair once sat
Detection threshold
The ability to detect food
High detection threshold means need a lot of flavour to notice
Recognition threshold
Minimum concentration to identify what the flavour is
Higher concentration than detection threshold
Flavour and age
As we age our recognition and detection threshold increase with exposure
Discrimination testing
Triangle test
Have 3 samples
One is different to the other 2
Ask participant to identify different sample
Does not require a lot of training
Does not tell you why there is a difference
1/3rd chance of getting right answer
Discrimination test purpose
Quality control - is quality same as it used to be
Reverse engineering- is copy cat brand the same as actual
Profile testing
Record to what extent an attribute is relevant
Better if use and unmarked scale (so no like 1-5)
Profile testing uses
How a treatment affects flavour and quality
Comparative profile testing
Profile testing but with more than one product at once
Easier than profile and so does not require training
Displaying profile testing results
Spider plot
Measure percentage of where plot was put on linear scale
Hedonic question
About whether a participant likes the flavour
Which product do they like the most (do this at the end)
Can be open or closed style questions or a likeness scale