Milk and Eggs Flashcards
Nutrient information of Milk per Kg
Energy - 2.72 Protein - 34g Carb - 48g Fat - 37g Water - 880g Ca - 19mg
Milk sturcture
Continuous phase
Dispersed phase
Continuous phase
Other small molecules
Dispersed Phase
Lipid globules - 1-10um (emulsion)
Protein micelles
Milk Fat
Present as emulsified droplet in aqueous emulsion
Surrounded by lipid/protein membrane derived from cell membrane
Predominantly TAG
Melting Point 34 degrees
Rapid spinning remove solid particles from liquid due to density difference
Water is heavier than fat
Speed of centrifuge and flow rate of milk determines how much of the cream is removed
Holes in most disks help guide the seperation of two liquid phases
Homogenisation of milk
Fat globules are forced through small opening under pressure
Globules are stretched and then broken
Fragments spontaneously reseal to form separate stable small globules
First step breaks up large globules
Second Step break of small clusters
Whipped cream
Fat globules into small ones using pressure fluctuations
Continued Vigorous agitation of cream makes the fat globules coalesce completely into butter
Egg structure
Shell - two membrane, calcified shell and outer wax layer
Egg white - 11% protein, <0.5 fat (67% of egg without shell)
Yolk - 16% protein, 31% fat
Egg Emulsifier
Most Lipid molecules are bound to protein, carbs, choline or phosphate known as lecithin
In egg yolks lipids occur mostly in membrane and in LDL
Phospho and glycolipids
Amphipathic - liquid part of molecule is hydrophobic and the other part is hydrophilic. The molecule is more stable straddling a boundary between water and liquid
At low temperature these compounds can immobilise much more liquid than already in yolk
Utilises the emulsifier in egg yolk (Amphipathic molecules)
Mix equal amount of egg yolk with plant oil at low temp
Works better at a low pH
Slowly add more oil until 4 time egg yolk weight
Processing Egg
Fractionation of egg
Separate yolk and white
Pasteurisation of egg
Rapid pasteurisation at specific temp and time more likely to kill pathogen
Drying egg
Stabilise material for trasnport, storage, protection against oxygen, prevent oxidation of lipids
Pasteurisation of liquid whole egg
64 degrees
2.5 minutes
Pasteurisation of liquid egg yolk
60 degrees
3.5 minutes
Pastuerisation of liquid egg white
55 degrees
9.5 minutes