Task C The teaching process Flashcards
What are the four teaching skills that are essential to being an effective instructor?
a. People skills b. Assessment skills c. Management skills d. Subject matter expertise
What are the two types of lesson objectives?
a. Performance-based b. Decision-based
The traditional organization for a lesson consists of what steps?
(IDC) a. Introduction(AMO) i. Attention ii. Motivation iii.Overview b. Development i. Past to present ii. Known to unknown iii. Simple to complex iv. Most frequently used to least used C. conclusion
List the training delivery methods.
(LGECCDD) a. Lecture b. Guided discussion c. E-learning d. Computer-assisted learning e. Cooperative or Group learning f. Demonstration-Performance g. Drill and Practice
What are the five types of lectures?
(IBFIT) a. Illustrated talk b. Briefing c. Formal d. Informal e. Teaching
What are two advantages of the lecture method of instructing?
a. A convenient way to instruct large groups b. Helps to supplement other teaching devices and methods c. The instructor can present many ideas in a relatively short time d. Most economical in regards to the time required to present the material
What are two disadvantages of the lecture method of instructing
a. Not effective for learning large amounts of information in a short period of time b. Does not actively allow an instructor to estimate student understanding of the material covered c. The lecture provides no accurate means of checking student progress
List the steps in the guided discussion method of teaching.
(IDC) a. Introduction b. Discussion c. Conclusion
What are the characteristics of an effective question when using the guided discussion method?
(HICSRR) a. Has a specific purpose b. Is clear in meaning c. Contains a single idea d. Stimulates thought e. Requires a definite answer f. Relates to previously covered information
List some cons of the e-learning method of teaching. (at least 3)
a. The lack of peer interaction and personal feedback b. Difficult for the instructor to control c. Difficulty in finding good programs for certain subject areas d. The expense of the equipment e. Instructors and students may lack sufficient experience with personal computers to take full advantage of the software
List the steps in the demonstration-performance method of teaching.
(EDSIE) a. Instructor Explains b. Instructor Demonstrates c. Student Performs d. Instructor Supervises e. Instructor Evaluates
Which law of learning does the drill and practice method of teaching reinforce?
a. The law of exercise
What the three types of problem-based instruction?
(SCC) a. Scenario-based b. Collaborative problem solving c. Case study
What are the benefits of the group learning method of instructing? (at least 2)
a. Higher test scores b. Higher self-esteem c. Improved social skills d. Greater comprehension of the subject they are studying
What are some guidelines for determining if and when instructional aides are necessary?
(CGOS) (at least 2) a. Clearly establishes the lesson objective b. Gather necessary data by researching the support material c. Organize the material into an outline or a lesson plan d. Select the ideas to be supported with the instructional aids
What elements should a lesson plan contain?
(OEEISC) a. Objective b. Elements c. Equipment d. Instructor actions e. Student actions f. Completion standards