Task 7 Psychoanalysis: a new science for a new century Flashcards
name given to the institutions for the insane established from the sixteenth century on; first modelled after prisons, later after hospitals for chronic patients
o Enlightenment: Led to that inhabitants were not seen as criminals but ailing patients
o They used techniques such as cold showers or cues with leeches
o Moral treatment: consisted of trying to persuade and influence that patient to behave normally, when it didn’t worked they used straitjackets etc.
name used at the end of the nineteenth century by physicians who were interested in the treatment of milder forms of mental problems outside the asylum; the term was later used to refer to specialists of the nervous system, when the original neurologists merged with the psychiatrists and took up the latter’s name
started a new way of treatment based on conversations with patients
o Was convinced that hysterical symptoms (insomnia, hysterical paralysis, lack of appetite etc.) were due to repressed sexual childhood experiences
o Hysterical symptoms arise from conversions of emotional into physical energy
o Learned to take everything what the person says as significant
o Oedipus complex: Stated that everybody has sexual interest in their mother and rivalry to their father in one stage of development
Cathartic method
Hypnotizing the patient and then ask them when the symptoms first occurred to release the supressed feelings (before Freud)
all mental phenomena have an “aboutness”, a quality of referring to or implicating some object of consciousness
Seduction theory
All hysterics he asserted must have undergone sexual abuse as children. They don’t experience them as wrong in childhood but when the get into puberty the experience becomes sexualised later
The meaning and nature of Dreams
o Manifest content: consciously experienced content of the dream
o Latent content: hidden content in dreams, which only come to consciousness after a series of associations (greatest personal significance)
Dream work
dreams often originate with a series of latent thoughts or ideas, which the sleeping mind transforms into manifest content by the use of three processes
Displacement (dream work)
the psychic energy of the highly charged latent content being deflected or displaced onto the related but emotionally more neutral ideas of the manifest content (serves as defensive function)
Condensation (dream work)
the logic that two or more latent thoughts sometimes condense into a single manifest dream image
Concrete representation (dream work)
due to real sights, sounds and feelings dreams can represent real sensation in manifest content
Primary process
mental activity which is unconscious and associated with dream and symptom formation
Secondary process
mental activity which is conscious and responsible for rational thought
Fulfillment of wishes
it seemed in virtually every case that the latent content included significant though often conflict-laden wishes, even when the manifest content seemed the opposite of a wish fulfilment
Psychological treatment (freud)
treatment of mental health problems consisting of conversation between the patient and the therapist
memories seem to not be just forgotten, instead the memories seemed to have been subjected to a willful and active, although largely unconscious process of repression by his patients
Intrapsychic conflict
in his patience different aspects of each personality clamouring for mutually exclusive goals
Polymorphous perversity
infants are born in a state where they are capable of taking sexual pleasure from the gentle stimulation of any part of the body (never destroyed just repressed)