Task 7 - Freud Flashcards
What was T. Kuhn’s view on scientific revolutions?
Questioned that science is a linear path from ignorance to knowledge.
- > Proposed that science is characterized by revolutions that question everything that was known to that point.
- > Paradigm -> Crisis -> Paradigm shift/revolution
What was the main point of criticism against Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolutions?
The overemphasis of paradigm shifts and ignorance of the factors that speak for a more gradual, continuous development.
Name some key aspects about Freud’s life
- Patchwork family with big age differences and many siblings
- A lot of money for literature
- Became talented neuroscientist
- Opened his private practice in Vienna and accepted hysterical patients to improve his salary
Freud and Breuer’s book “Studies on Hysteria” (1895) is regarded as the starting point of psychoanalysis. What was part of the content of the book?
- Pathogenic ideas: Memories that are suppressed and that are the underlying cause of many metal illnesses.
What is the method of free association?
Encouraging the patient to let their pathogenic ideas come to light.
With which technique did Freud first try to help his patients reveal pathogenic ideas?
Pressure Technique
What is the Freudian term “determination”?
When one illness symptom is routed in multiple pathogenic ideas.
What is the core of the “seduction theory”?
That many mental diseases are based on sexual mistreatment during childhood. Because children are not yet sexualized however, these memories are suppressed and only gain their emotional importance later in life.
What is the message of Freud’s 1900 book “Interpretation of Dreams”?
- Consciously experienced part of a dream: Manifesto content
- Unconscious part/origin of a dream: Latent Content
- Transforming latent into manifesto is called “dream work”
- As overarching term, he called unconscious thoughts including dreams “primary process” and conscious and rational thought “secondary process”
What is the “Wish-fulfilment Hypothesis”?
That all dream represent wishes
What are 3 aspects that influence dream work?
- Displacement: Highly emotionally charged content is often reflected in vague representations in the manifesto content
- Condensation: A single element of the content manifesto can represent multiple latent thoughts
- Concrete representation: Latent ideas are represented by the content manifesto as concrete sensations.
According to Freud, a baby is born in the stage of:
Polymorphous perversity - capable of experiencing (sexual) pleasure from any body part
Over time, a child goes through three phases of sexual development:
What is the Oedipus complex?
The idea, that a child wants to get rid of the same-sex parent and marry the opposite-sex parent.
The Oedipus complex is suppressed as the child enters the _________ during which sexuality is inactive. Sexuality then reawakens during____.
Latency Stage; Puberty
According to Freud, an over-/under-indulging in one of the stages of sexual development can lead to according character traits. Explain these.
- Oral: interested in oral activities like smoking, eating, talking
- > Overindulgent: cheerful, optimistic
- > Underindulgent: envious, pessimistic - Anal: Orderly, particular
- Genital: Curious, Competitive, Exhibitionist
What conclusion did Freud draw from the “case of Dora”?
That his patients might transfer their sexual feelings from their opposite-sex parent to him
-> Transference
What three kinds of demands are present in the human mind and what are their characteristics?
It: Instincts - Sex, nutrition, warmth
Preconscious: Manipulating the environment
Superego: Moral Demands
-> These demands are in constant conflict and compromises are found by the “Ego”
What is Watson’s relation to Freud’s ideas?
- Inspired by them at first and tried to explain them using behaviorism and conditioning, but failed
- Competed with Freud’s idea of displacement and unconscious transference using his behavioristic views