Task 5: moral development, empathy, psychopathology Flashcards
definition empathy
- an effective state that:
- is elicited by observing/imagining another’s affective state
- is similar to the other’s emotional state
- is caused by the other’s emotional state
affective/emotional empathy
- empathic concern, leads to compassionate responses to other’s emotional states
- involved emotion understanding skills (recognition) and reactivity processes (emotion contagion)
cognitive empathy
- More advanced cognitive perspective-taking system
- Involves theory of mind (distinguish own emotion from others) and empathic accuracy (infer feelings from behavior)
- Associated with positive social behaviors
-Affective and cognitive empathy function independently, an empathic response may draw on either or both components
- early adolescence girls more sensitive
- adult males and females: comparable patterns of neural response to empathy-eliciting cues, despite sex differences in self-reported empathic experience
- differences may reflect gendered social norms regarding the expression of empathic feelings
genetic tendency toward empathy
- genes modulate development and function of brain regions and systems that implement empathic experiences and responses
- moderately strong genetic influences
OXTR gene / oxytocin
Bottum-up processes - empathy
- > affective empathy
- Involuntary capacities to detect and respond to others’ affective cues by subcortical structures: amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampus
- > Begin to mature early
- Anterior insula (cortical region) engages during affective empathy -> development more protracted (langwierig) than subcortical areas
- hippocampus especially vulnerable in preschool years to environmental insults
Oxytocin - empathy
- modulates activity in the amygdala (can increase responsiveness in amygdala), midbrain regions and neural striatum
- > can also weaken coupling of amygdala to brainstem regions implicated in autonomic and behavioral manifestations to fear: calming and bonding effects of oxytocin
Top-down processes & empathy
- emerge slightly later = cognitive empathy
- medial and DLPFC: linked to cognitive empathy
- mature slowly, synaptic trajectories extend into young adulthood
- neural elements to experience cognitive empathy are present and engaged from birth, but elements interact and shape each other into adulthood
dopamine - empathy
- may be the primary modulator for prefrontal regions in top-down components of empathy
- oxytocin and dopamine may interact here
empathic reactions that may facilitate emergence of internalizing problems
reactions to others’ distress that
1) are excessively aversive
2) involve excessive cognitive perspective-taking
3) result in self-focused comforting responses/self-focused rumination about one’s role in the observed distress
2 subfactors of internalizing disorders
1) fear/arousal sub factor
2) anhedonia (Unfähigkeit Freude oder Lust zu empfinden)/misery
fear/arousal sub factor
-underlies agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobia, and panic disorder
genetic liability to physiological arousal + tendency to empathic sensitivity = contributes to neurobiological processes underlying personal distress because of others’ pain/unhappiness
-> increases risk for fear/arousal symptoms
anhedonia/misery subfactor
-explains covariance of MDD, dysthymic disorder, and GAD
Genetic tendency for negative thinking + empathic sensitivity = contributes to interpersonal guilt in response to others’ distress
-> Increases risk for anhedonia/misery
- negative thought processes: habitual negative attribution and expectations, biased attention and memory, worry, rumination)
inter-individual moderators
Moderators: maladaptive parenting, chronic exposure to parents’ negative affect -> interact with genes -> amplifies risk for distress and guilt and therefore internalizing problems
personal distress
- linked to fear/arousal subfactor
- maladaptive affective response to negative emotions in others
- self-focused response, physiological hyperarousal, behavioral withdrawal
- linked with anxiety, guilt, depression
- associations with neuroticism, burnout, behavior
interpersonal guilt
- maladaptive form of cognitive empathy
- excessive and irrational altruistic concerns: e.g. unreasonable beliefs that one is responsible for alleviating the suffering of others and intense worries about harming others
- linked to loneliness and alienation, depression and anxiety
5HTTLPR as intraindividual moderator
- SS:
- elevated HPA axis reactivity, elevated cortisol
- measures of hyperarousal
- stronger startle potentiation in fear conditioning paradigms
- linked to biased attention for emotional stimuli
- attentional vigilance toward threat cues
Study in children had less consistent findings:
> Attentional biases to avoid sad cues were amplified in 8 to 12 yo offspring of depressed mothers, particularly if expressing S or Lg alleles
environmental exposure (family) and empathy
- Link between effective parenting (secure attachment, providing support, and encouraging emotional expression) and healthy empathic development
- Effects of inadequate parenting -> particularly potent in youths who carry a genetically mediated neurobiological liability for empathic sensitivity
- Maladaptive parenting behavior may skew children’s empathic development toward problematic outcomes
fostering healthy empathic development
- Intraindividual and interindividual moderators exerts greatest influence during early childhood
- Improve parents’ knowledge about contexts and experiences that distress their child
- Relieving parent depression and/or chronic stress: indirect benefit for offspring
- Decreasing cognitive and emotional dysregulation difficulties in very young children
- Addressing cognitive biases -> unclear if this is appropriate/effective for preschoolers
- Intranasally administered oxytocin may improve social cognition and emotion regulation in internalizing conditions (social anxiety) or autism (empathy deficit)
5 months vs 8 months reaction to antisocial others
5: evaluated actors solely on the basis of the local valence of their actions (good/bad)
8: preferred individuals who acted positively toward prosocial others and preferred those who acted negatively to antisocial others
- 8 months: infants capable of evaluating third-party social behaviors that goes beyond simple ‘prosocial = good’, ‘antisocial = bad’
toddlers: giving/taking a treat
-Giving-a-treat: toddlers gave a treat more often to prosocial puppet
-Taking-a-treat: toddler took treat more often from antisocial puppet
> Toddlers avoided taking from the individual (victim) who already suffered antisocial treatment from a third party -> empathic behavior
conduct disorder
- Childhood behavior disorder, characterized by persistent aggressive/antisocial behavior
- Some children with conduct disorder have psychopathic traits
2 forms of psychopathic traits
1) callous - unemotional component (psychopathic)
2) impulsive - antisocial